Clean gains, trying to get biiiig!!!!!

New here. My friend sent me here. Seems fun and motivational. Im 28 5'9" currently 172lbs. Bf% probably a little over 10. Haven't checked in a while. Im a hars gainer. Really need to get my intake up there. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!! Add me


  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,222 Member
    Find your maintenance caloric intake and add an additional 500 calories to that. Set your macros, a good starting point is 40c, 30p, 30f. Weigh weekly so you can adjust your calories to your new maintenance requirements. For a clean bulk 1 pound per week is a good/simple goal.

    Best of luck.
  • paulyt2192
    paulyt2192 Posts: 4 Member
    hey , any help with decent yummy food for calorie intake? trine shred 15kg I'm weighing at 115 ?