not netting enough

i am so sick of not netting enough! i net around 1100 most days and today ive net 600-700 because of taekwondo. my goal is 1670! but i dont want to force myself to eat when i dont need to!


  • lucythe
    lucythe Posts: 33
    omg, this could not be a more timely topic for me. I just can't eat all my exercise calories and lose weight. If someone can help me to figure out how to do this, I would really appreciate it.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I really dont worry about what I net. I try to make sure I take in at least 1200 cals but other than that I don't think about it. Hasn't done me any harm so far :smile:
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    If you are losing at a healthy rate, who cares? If you're really that concerned about eating enough net calories, drink a pint of milk and eat loads of nuts and other healthy high calorie foods. We are here to lose weight, so we obviously are all capable of eating high calorie foods...either you take the bonus and lose weight quicker or you force yourself to eat more, what more is there to say?
  • jessicamiller25
    Maybe you should change your settings to stationary not active. I had my metabolism tested so I know that I can sit on the couch all day and burn 1400. I am very active and normally burn 200-500 calories a day. If I set my settings to active there is no way I could eat my net calories. Lower your settings and add the calories you burn through exercise. Your calorie allowance will be much more do able and others with this problem may start losing more weight and reaching their goals faster. As others said, as long as you get 1200 calories you should be ok and not put your body into starvation mode. Good luck!
  • baderis07
    Working at a hospital I've had the opportunity to ask nurses, and doctors about this. They all say the same thing everyone else has who have responded to this thread. Eat 1200 calories minimum a day and don't worry about eating back the calories you work off if you don't want to. The great news is that you'll have extra calories to play around with on days that you do want to indulge yourself and when you don't want to well those are extra bits lost.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I net between 600 and 1400, and I am never particularly concerned. Yesterday I only netted 600, but I wasn't hungry anymore after dinner so I didn't bother eating. As long as you are still feeling and looking healthy, and losing weight - I think you are good to go! I am also the kind of person who cannot lose while eating back my exercise calories (and I rarely hit my MFP suggested goal of 1,500). I think it all depends on the person.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I know there are various opinions on this , and I'm inclined to believe there is no one unassailable Truth which all people must abide by.

    I'm actually quite pleased to see there are a few others in this thread who do the same as I do - make sure you take in 1200 calories a day, eat a few more if you exercise but you don't HAVE to.