No time/engery for exercise. Help please!



  • I find that there is ALWAYS time :) I usually do my workouts early in the morning it jumpstarts my energy level and it's done before anything else during the day can bump it aside..

    Couldn't agree with this more. I've been in your shoes before. I've made all the excuses. I'm too tired, It's too late, I'll do it tomorrow. Where the rubber meets the road, if I want to exercise I can find half an hour or an hour to get something in. It has to become a priority.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Its all about what takes priority in your life? Everyone has commitments and responsibilities. I don't even turn on the tv
    anymore. Its easy to sit down for three hours and find something entertaining to watch.

    Write down where all your time is going and remove what doesn't add value to your life.

    Great advice!!!
  • Jleigh417
    Jleigh417 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a SAHM so the only time I have is if I get up before my kids and use my stationary bike or do a quick routine off the tv. But I always make time to walk and jog every night. After my kids go to bed, I grab my Ipod and go out for at least an hour. Start off small until you get comfortable going longer. Hope this helps : )
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Even if you do ten star jumps whenever you get a spare moment at work (my 'pod' have decided that every hour we're getting up and doing 10 star jumps each. Even the 5 month pregnant girl is doing it. We get lots of strange looks but who cares?)