Really Need Food Ideas :)

I have been trying to lose weight for quite a while now and I feel like I am just spinning my wheels...I stay within my calories most days, I work out most days (not so much the past 2 weeks though, we have had a couple family trips) and I just stay the same or fluctuate a few is sooooo frustrating! It just makes me want to give up and eat whatever I want lol!

I would love to see a mini sample day of what you eat for some ideas!


  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Don't give up!!

    I am not one whose eating habits you should follow - It's just me, so I eat whatever I throw together or it's boring old Chicken and Salad, Tuna and Salad, Chicken and something, Tuna and something. or something and get my drift? haha.

    I am looking forward to some replies though, as I could do with some inspiration in the kitchen too :smile:
  • Melinda77w
    :bigsmile: I too would really like to see some examples, lol...cheers
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    My food diary is open/public. Take a look if you want.

    I don't deny myself the daily treat, eat fruit and I am never really hungry. I am losing weight consistently albeit not at the minute as I hurt my ankels running. I've lost about a stone and a half (about 21lbs) by eating this way.
  • haileykarlyn
    haileykarlyn Posts: 3 Member
    Look to your sugar. Even though I was eating in my calories with low cal items, a personal trainer said my sugar consumption was out of site. Being that fruit will screw up the figures she said to keep a tight eye on the sneaky sugars.
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    I felt the same way. I then started to look for recipes to make for lunch and dinner. is an EXCELLENT website. Make double the recipe and you will have lunch or dinners for additional nights. I make extra and freeze easy! I also just found,, and All have great recipes. Try something new...I never, ever ate peppers until I made a recipe with them...and now I enjoy them in my food. Hope that helped!
  • dbarrett311
    I hate to admit this in public, but I am packaged food girl for the most part. I do cook breakfast most days -- and egg white omelet (1/4 cup whites) with 1 piece of turkey bacon and fat free cheese in it. The other days it's cereal -- Fiber One just came out with an 80 calorie option. Bought some but haven't tried it.

    For lunch it's usually a Lean Cuisine. The paninis are pretty filling, same with pizzas and quesadillas and they have a couple new appetizery ones that are really good too. I also do Lean Pockets.

    Dinners out - I try to just be careful. Or if I'm home I'll do an Amy's Pizza or Zataran's Black Beans and Rice or Red Beans and Rice or Jambalaya with Turkey Sausage. You can have a pretty good quantity of those without blowing your calories. For treats I stick with the 100 calorie packs of things, or the weight watchers and healthy choice ice cream bars.

    I do try to incorporate one piece a fruit a day (though I'm not always successful) and I also take a daily multi-vitamin.

    I'm doing cardio most days - and so far this is all working pretty well. I do have my weeks where my weight jumps back up or plateaus, but I've been able to stick out out through those periods and keep going.

    Not sure how helpful this is, but at least you know you don't have to be a chef to have options!
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Breakfast: either eggs, cereal & fruit, yogurt & fruit, or oatmeal.

    # 1 tomato, cucumber, red onion, chickpeas with olive oil & red wine vinegar + toasted pita on top
    # 2 Cold sesame noodles
    # 3 Black beans, tomato, red onion, corn, blanched broccoli, orange bell pepper, quinoa, olive oil & lime juice
    # 4 salad greens with tomato, red onion, and a can of tuna fish, with lemon juice & olive oil
    # 5 lettuce wrap sandwich with lunch meat or leftover chicken

    Dinner: stir fry, steak & potatoes/salad, breakfast, home made pizza, spaghetti, soup

    My diary is public if you want to check it out.
  • kfmurals
    Well, I just started, so I'm still learning....but this is what I had yesterday....I am staying under my 1500 calories (I got to add a few hundred more yesterday for working out) but I went over on my carbs....which is important to me because I am diabetic. I too would like to see some examples. I've decided to go shopping today in the "produce" isle ONLY today, and pick up veggies and fruits. I need the crunch and I have a sweet tooth. So here's yesterday's food diary for me:

    Food Diary For:Prev Friday August 5, 2011 Next Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein
    Coffee - Brewed from grounds, 2 cup (8 fl oz) 5 0 0 1
    International Delight - Coffee House Skinny Caramel Macchiato Creamer (Mp), 2 Tbsp 60 14 0 0
    Silk Soy Milk - Vanilla Light 70 Cal Per 1 Cup Serving , 1 cup 70 7 2 6
    Carnation - Instant Breakfast Essentials - No Sugar Added- Rich Milk Chocolate, 1 packet 60 12 1 5

    Sara Lee Thin Style Buns 100% Whole Wheat - Bread, 1 bun 100 20 2 4
    Oscar Meyer - Deli Fresh Turkey Breast Mesquite , 6 slices 50 2 1 8
    Tomato - Roma, 1/2 Tomato 8 2 0 1
    Claussen - Pickles Kosher Dill - Burger Slices, 1 serving (24 g) 5 1 0 0
    Oranges - Raw, navels, 1 cup sections, without membranes 81 21 0 2
    Jell-O (Jello) - Mousse Temptations Lemon Meringue Pie, 1 snack 100 19 2 0

    Dinner (not a great choice, but I was in a hurry)
    Vancamp's - Baked Beans Original , 1 cup (135g) 320 60 2 14
    Turkey Hot Dog - Oscar Mayer, 1.5 dog 60 5 1 8
    fresh carrots

    Snacks (not normal but we had to drive to a large city for a dr's appt, and were hot, thirsty and hungry)
    Jamba Juice - Strawberry Lemonade, 1 cup 300 73 1 2
    Jamba Juice - Apple Cinnamon Pretzel, 0.75 pretzel 285 57 3 8
    Fruit - Medium Orange 1/2, 100 grams 45 15 0 1
    Jello Sugar Free Pudding - Boston Cream Pie , 1 snack cup/ 106 g 60 12 1 1

    (I drink only water with my meals, I add a squeeze of citrus, makes it more exciting!)

    Hope this helps! Kerri
  • MiSandy
    MiSandy Posts: 6 Member
    I decided to do the Wildrose Cleanse which is a really low key, manageable way to kick start your weight loss and it's only 12 days long. You can eat tons of great food and it's so easy to know what is acceptable and what's not. After eating that way for 12 days (and seeing the results) it's quite easy to use that as a rough guideline going forward. Here's my complete food intake for yesterday. myfitnesspal says I'm eating too few calories but I'm so full I can't eat anymore! I hope this helps as an idea. I have a really hard time not making excuses and playing mind games with myself to eat the things I want to eat. This has really helped me get it together. Since Tuesday I have lost 4.2 lbs and it's certainly not from lack of decent food. Good luck :)

    Silk - Soy Milk Organic Unsweetened, 240 ml
    Home Made - Large Black Coffee, 16 oz.
    Ezekiel 4:9 - Almond Cereal, 0.5 cup
    Blackberries - Raw, 0.25 cup
    Blueberries - Raw, 0.25 cup

    Salad - Spring Greens Mix, 1 cups
    Onions - Raw, 1 slice, large (1/4" thick)
    Cucumber - With peel, raw, 0.25 cup slices
    Radishes - Raw, 2 large (1" to 1-1/4" dia)
    No Sugar - Butternut Squash, 100 g
    Lilydale - Chicken Breast, 1 breast

    Generic - Beef Tenderloin Steak, 7 oz
    Baked - Acorn Squash, 4 oz
    Butter - (Salted), 3 tsp. 5mgs

    Cherries - Sweet, raw, 0.5 cup, with pits, yields

    Totals 964 90 40 64
    Your Daily Goal 1,770 243 58 66
    Remaining 806 153 18 2
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I hate to admit this in public, but I am packaged food girl for the most part.

    Hoorah! Me too! LOL

    I know that it's not great for me, but it's easy and convenient when it's "just me" and I can see my calories clearly listed there for me.

    I am sooo not a chef anyway, so the easier the better :)
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    I felt the same way. I then started to look for recipes to make for lunch and dinner. is an EXCELLENT website. Make double the recipe and you will have lunch or dinners for additional nights. I make extra and freeze easy! I also just found,, and All have great recipes. Try something new...I never, ever ate peppers until I made a recipe with them...and now I enjoy them in my food. Hope that helped!

    I was checking out WOW! What a great site! The photography is awesome, and the recipes sound very doable. Thanks for sharing this with everyone! I am inspired.

    And that might be what you need, some inspiration in the food department. I hate to cook. I'm awful at it, and am messy as a cook! But if it's simple, I'll try it. I have no secrets in the food department. I'm searching for ideas and sites to glean off recipes, like the ones above.

    Do you think not having a weight goal is hindering the weight process? Slow and steady wins the race, but perhaps setting mini goals could help guide your weight loss. You mentioned that the scale hasn't moved lately. That means you need to shake something up, whether it's changing your exercise techniques or upping/lowering your calories. Good luck!