Looking for support to achieve my goal

Hi everyone
After going from 100kg to 80kg I find myself demotivated to eat healthy or workout I try but it's not as easy as it used to be for me. This year I told myself I want to go from a 80kg to 57kg I signed up to the gym but I'm struggling with healthy food recipes any ideas I am opened to it?
If there is anyone out there looking for Support lets motivate eachother to achieve our goals. I would like healthy eating and working out to by a long term goal for me, What about you? Please connect with me I need as much help as I can get


  • spatula69
    spatula69 Posts: 22 Member
    I'd love support and can offer support to nyone on workouts and healthy eating recipes. I'm a vegetarian so any suggestions are welcome.
    Add me and we can motivate each other ☺

    I've tried spiralled courgettes, to replace pasta, it's great. There is a recipe on mfp gets my
  • nicolafernie7470
    nicolafernie7470 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi a good quick and healthy way is to make lots of fresh soups. Big pot put batches of it in the freezer. I’ve replaced potatoes with sweet potatoes and cut out all bread rice and pasta. A good snack is nuts in 40 nuts is 100 g. If you follow the m f p app and download a step counter. Little things you do add up. Don’t kill yourself at the gym half an hour 3/4 times a week is plenty with one of your sessions being weight training based. You can do it just think long term goal

  • ilvme
    ilvme Posts: 12 Member
    Meal prepping on Sundays helps me keep on track all week. Make at least three different meals and then put them in containers. I eat 2oz of carbs (quinoa, brown rice, yams) and 4oz of lean protein (chicken breast, ground turkey, tilapia, tofu), and any amount of greens (broccoli, zucchini, brussel sprouts). for snack I have cucumbers with lemon and salt (or tajin), boiled egg, or celery with lemon and salt. Drink lots of water and eat every 2.5 - 3 hours. I did this last year and lost 15 in 6 weeks. I just started again last week. I lost 5lbs in one week. My problem is that I crave chips and sweets but so far so good. The struggle is real, lol. An example of a meal I make is: ground turkey with cilantro, salt, pepper, and chopped jalapeno (optional: u can add a tad of green salsa). It's not spicy. I eat 40z of that with 2oz of brown rice, and broccoli. So delicious. :) That would be my lunch and dinner unless I made another type of meal (it's up to you). Hope this helps. I also exercise at least 5x a week...a mix of cycling, boot camp, and yoga.
  • jkhoffer
    jkhoffer Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me! I just started a week ago and am looking for support also!
  • Galpin2016
    Galpin2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me too......Im new and would also love some support and motivation!
  • zainyusuff5592
    zainyusuff5592 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all for the comment i have just sent
    a request.
    Also if anyone needs help with workout i am like an expert in that area i have researched a lot on exercise I think I will start researching into food recipes now...thank you all ☺