How often should I weigh myself?

I was just wondering because I probably shouldn't do it every day as the weight starts to come off but how often do you guys do it???


  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    once a week xx
  • I weigh daily. Even the .2 weight loss is positive reimforcement for me. I feel we need that feeling of accomplishment no matter how small the numbermay's still weight loss
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    once a week. like on mondays. start of a new week. you'll drive yourself nuts if you do it every day cause weight fluxuates so much through a day.
  • Body weight fluctuates everyday all day long. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day. Remember though that weight isn't everything. Take measurements as well. I've been working out this summer and maintaining weight, but losing inches. Now I'm losing weight again.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Depends. Are you going to freak out about 2lbs of water weight? If so, then do it once a week.

    I weigh whenever I want. Sometimes daily, sometimes weekly. I plot it all in Excel (I'm a nerd) and only pay attention to the trends and new lows.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    i do it every day just because I'm nosey and want to see where I'm at lol. I weigh myself in the morning before eating after going to the bathroom. every morning.

    i don't record it on mfp though.. if i do.. it's every 2 weeks or something like that..
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    The prevailing wisdom say we SHOULD weigh once a week.

    But I'm too impatient, so I weigh pretty much everyday.
    It's kind of like the stock market though... you can't let the little fluctuation get to you.

    I don't record fractions and I don't record a loss (or gain) unless I've maintained for at least 3-days.
  • I weight myself every morning - I find it helps to keep me motivated, even a slight increase and it will make me determined to get it off!
  • cdubz1991
    cdubz1991 Posts: 17 Member
    Yeah I probably will freak out if I see that I gained (water) weight! better stick to every couple days or once a week. thanks :-)
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    I weigh every day , but only log once a week ( Friday). This way, I am able to catch a rising trend before it can get out of hand.
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    I weigh myself every day. I like to know exactly where I'm at each day and it keeps me on track; otherwise, If I only did it once a week, I would be thinking that I'm losing more than I actually am and then end up really disappointed when I step on the scale a week later.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Every day, when I wake up, after I've peed, before I shower LOL....because even that .1 of a loss gives me the motivation to get through the day making good choices and to turn that .1 into something bigger and better by the end of the week.

    I don't actually log here every day, usually once a week or I think it's actually been fortnightly this last time round! I don't use MFP so much for the weigh ins as I do weigh everyday, but it's vital for me for counting calories and keeping control of my eating patterns!
  • I weigh myself a couple times a week but I log it in on here and my weight loss blog only once a week. I'm just curious to see what it is, but I forget to do it every day so even if I wanted to do it every day, I'd forget haha.