Game on!!! Time to stop whining & start winning

Hi all! I am a 38yr old mum, from Australia and PNG, who's super keen to get back in shape. I started at 94.6 kg in September. Got down to 92.6kg, in early December. I currently weigh 88.4kg after 4 weeks on the Blood Sugar Diet (by Michael Mosley). Aiming to get down to 75kg. I'm happy with my progress (especially having lost weight despite a few days off for Christmas and New Years). But I would love to have a bit more discipline so I can stop sabotaging myself with small biscuits and chocolates. So I'm looking to make a few friends on here for support, accountability and to swap tips.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited January 2018
    Maybe if you pick a more reasonable calorie goal (The Blood Sugar Diet is 800 calories if I remember correctly), it will be easier to have discipline, you will stop feeling like you're sabotaging yourself, and you won't have to rely on others for accountability.

    Welcome to MFP :) It works if you use it right.
  • Koidudu
    Koidudu Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for your advice, Kommodevaran! I understand where you're coming from. To be honest, though, the calorie count is fine, I'm not left feeling hungry (which is surprising :) ). The only reason I'm eating sweets is cause they're my favourites, given as Christmas gifts. I'm still meeting the calorie count on most days, even if I do have a treat. I just wish I had the discipline to resist them so that my body is running purely on nutrients without empty carbs and sugars. I'm wondering if it's true that rinsing your mouth with a small amount of coconut oil can help reduce cravings for sugar.....