New to MFP

Hello -

I wanted to post a quick(?) introduction. I am 42, and in need of changing several bad life habits. I have always been comfortable in my skin, but recently got to the point where I was not comfortable in my clothing. I was 303 lbs. at my heaviest, down to 290 at present. I have been through a couple of different lifestyle modification programs which worked well short-term, but always lacked the willpower to maintain them for the long haul.

I decided to start tracking my intake, as my wife found it very useful for getting a handle on exactly what it was that she was ingesting. I did this (minus the app) through the Christmas holiday, and was mortified. Needless to say I downloaded MFP on January 1, and have found it to be an incredibly useful tool.

I am very motivated, and something feels different this time around. Hopefully I can remain so with the help of the community here.
