
I live in a three story townhouse (well including the basement where the laundry is). There are 14 steps between 1st and 2nd floor (not sure about basement) that I travel up and down @ LEAST three times a day, usually more. Plus the basement stairs maybe once a day, depending on amount of laundry I do, or if I have to go downstairs to freezer. Any idea how to track this, as far as amount of calories burned?


  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I also live on the third floor in an apartment, and I have a dog, so I am up and down those stairs at least 5 times a day, sometimes more.

    However, I don't consider it part of my exercise calories, just part of my normal daily activity. Just like I wouldn't count walking from the car to the store exercise. MFP already calculates in our daily activity.
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    I also live on the third floor in an apartment, and I have a dog, so I am up and down those stairs at least 5 times a day, sometimes more.

    However, I don't consider it part of my exercise calories, just part of my normal daily activity. Just like I wouldn't count walking from the car to the store exercise. MFP already calculates in our daily activity.

    Same here! To me exercise is something you dont do just doing your day to day stuff. And it should raise your heart rate for an extended amount of time. Although, yes stairs are awesome and keep it up! But I wouldnt log it as exercise.
  • amandapri82
    amandapri82 Posts: 10 Member
    Yea but I listed my daily activity as little to none.. bc I don't consdier chasing 4 toddlers around as exercise.. Even though I spend most of the day on my feet.. Sit down (sometimes) to feed the baby and to enter my data on here.. LOL Usually most time I spend sitting is putting baby down for afternoon nap and at night when kids are asleep.