New Year New Goals

How does everyone stay motivated and consistent?!


  • wisemagick1
    wisemagick1 Posts: 15 Member
    I stay motivated and consistent by thinking about what I want my future self to look like and how I want to set an example for my future children.
  • aalvarez
    aalvarez Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you wise! I think just setting an example for my kids is motivating enough.
  • ErikaSanely
    ErikaSanely Posts: 3 Member
    I have a diary and when I have a day where I keep to or get below my kilojoule goal I give myself a gold star. I'm finding no matter how old you get, knowing you get a gold star sticker works wonders for the motivation.
  • aalvarez
    aalvarez Posts: 5 Member
    Lol! That’s awesome Erika! I’ll try it.
  • Whatsupchas
    Whatsupchas Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    I put a body goal pic on my phones background and I daily read fitness inspiration quotes!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    I set some fitness goals every year (like X number of 5Ks and X number of 10Ks), at least one disc golf tournament, 3 days a week at the pool. Whatever is motivating me at the moment. Then I work to make those happen, along with tracking what I eat. I also want to be the healthy, fun and fit grandma who's grandkids want to come over to play and not just sit on the couch and watch Disney movies.

    If it works for an old lady like me, it can work for you!
  • aalvarez
    aalvarez Posts: 5 Member
    I’m totally getting back into running. Signing up for my first 10k for this new year! Whatsupchas, what’s your latest good quote?