
The pounds are coming back, taken my eye off the ball for the last couple of months, I'm determined to get back on track and would welcome as much support as possible.


  • Hi, I hear ya! I've done the same thing.... One thing I can say about myself is that I'm consistently inconsistent.... I do well for a few weeks, then get lax and it all falls apart. Please don't give up! If misery loves company, then we'll be in this together! I've got a renewed sense of determination, and I hope you do too! Good luck!
  • i am with you
  • Maybe your goals don't include enough treats. Good luck!
  • I think we have all been there I know I have I love this site it is keeping me motivated good luck there is great support and alot of caring people on here to help.
  • Day by Day baby Day by Day
  • I'm here if you need me :) we are all here :) don't give up you can do it !! I have faith in you so u should too :)
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    Hey man, good luck! It's hard for all of us but you just have to make it a part of your everyday life!
  • emmiexjay
    emmiexjay Posts: 146 Member
    hi im emmie, im 22. i've lost 6lb here but recently i've lost just under 2 stone. it's hard but do let yourself have a treat but just dont go over board. thats what im finding if i dont punish myself and allow myself to still enjoy food etc its easier on me
  • tostes
    tostes Posts: 14 Member
    Just did the same thing. I however am jumping back on the horse and going to hang on for dear life!
  • andrewharman
    andrewharman Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for all the friend requests and messages of support they're all really appreciated
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    Feel free to add me! I fell off the wagon for about 3 weeks in July and just got back on track August 1. I took my measurements, weight, body fat percentage, and lean muscle mass and recorded it and I'm not going to weigh or measure myself until September 1 so I'm not focused on the number on the scale. It's only been a few days, but I've been eating right and exercising regularly and I feel fantastic!