Want to start running but....



  • tiaydew
    tiaydew Posts: 89 Member
    You just need the right motivation.

    Ok, here's what you do. Find a bar with a bunch of motorcycles parked out front... then push one over.


    I just finished Week 4 of C25K and already I am jogging like I never thought I would ever! Just do it!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Another c25k graduate!

    Go slow at first. Find the pace that's just a little too fast to walk, and jog at that pace. Doesn't matter if it's 3mph or 6mph. Just jog for that one minute. Pretend you're dancing. Surely you can dance for one minute straight?

    I still tell myself I'm dancing when I get tired. Listening to great music really helps. "Just one more song..." "Now just one more after this one..."
  • maryloomis
    I used to say I couldn't run to save my life, but I have been doing the C25K program too and am in week 6. I'm struggling this week for some reason but I am sticking with it. I think I am going to repeat week 6 until I can make it all the way through each day and I am ok with that. It's much better than giving up, which is what I would have done in the past.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    You just need the right motivation.

    Ok, here's what you do. Find a bar with a bunch of motorcycles parked out front... then push one over.

    That would CERTAINLY get ME going! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! XD
  • Pappabacon
    Pappabacon Posts: 104 Member
    Another c25k graduate here. When I started I could hardly do the 60 second jog, but I finished it and progressed on to the one hour runner program. The thing I learned after starting and stopping several times was that I was trying to run too fast when I started and this resulted in injury and frustration. I learned to take it a little easier until I had built up a base level of running ability (while getting my body more accustomed to doing that kind of exercise) and was able to do it. I still hate running, but it is nice me time first thing in the morning and is good for me.

    You can do it!!!
  • GenerationD05
    I just finished week 2 yesterday and am liking running every time I do it. When I first started, I was counting the time on a timer and then when I started week 2 I found a podcast online with GREAT music and she told me when to start running and start walking. I'm sure all the podcasts have that last bit, but I find that the music is key for me to get pumped and run more. It'll get easier, I promise. I know I have a long way to go, but I know I'll be able to do it because I can already tell that it's getting easier every time.

    As for running and doing P90X at the same time.... I do the C25K program and exercise in general every day (I like to exercise at least twice a day but that's just me) and I don't find it to be a problem. Again, this is just me and my determination. If you want, try it for a few days and if you feel that you can do it, then continue. I usually exercise in the early afternoon and late at night so there's a few hours in between and find that it helps to have that break. Hope this helps!
  • hamp8891
    hamp8891 Posts: 15 Member
    I always have and still hate running. I have 4 sisters who equally hate the activity. Ever since PE when they forced us to run and the stomach cramps and aching knees that would immediately follow, I've had negative thoughts towards running. I'd like to figure out a way to get into it.

    I especially feel bad because my husband actually likes running. He just doesn't have anyone to run with. Ouch. I should be encouraging that healthy habit, but I protest with kicking and screaming. I think that I just don't know how to run if that makes any sense. I think I make it harder on myself than it needs to be. So maybe I should look into that couch to whatever because it's something I'd like to eventually be able to do.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Start slow! I used to be an awesome runner but stopped when I started having children. When I had my second son I had to start over from scratch. I couldn't even finish half a mile without stopping. It was pretty bad for someone who used to run miles and miles with ease.

    The first thing I did was I started running around the track at the gym just doing intervals... walk a lap, run a lap, and I would alternate for as long as I could. Then I started running as far as I could (2-3 laps) and walking a lap or two in between. Eventually I pushed myself to running further and further and eventually I signed up for my first 5K race. I completed it and just kept running them! I've finished three 5K road races this summer and I have a 10K next Saturday!

    My point is I just started with what I could do and didn't force myself into anything more than that. I reminded myself that I was running because I wanted to, not because I had to, and that made it more enjoyable. Now, I love running and I feel bummed on days when I don't get to.

    Start slow, do what feels good, don't make yourself run so much that you dread it, and enjoy the changes you see in your running!