Need a buddy with same goals! SW: 227lbs, UGW: 150

deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
edited January 2018 in Getting Started
Hi there! I need a female buddy to keep me accountable. I am trying to do this again (yes, again!...ugh). I've lost weight before once 60 lbs. (nothing but running and elliptical) and another time 40 lbs. (light cardio and weight-lifting) I just keep going back to old ways and gained it all back plus some and this really stinks. I am currently at my all time highest weight. :(

I am an emotional/anxiety/stress eater and that's what gets the worst of me. :#:s:'(

I am hoping that finding a weight twin will keep me motivated. I don't know, perhaps seeing that somebody out there that has the same starting point and is heading toward the same goals will keep me motivated. Perhaps we can send each other pics of our meals and workouts. I just need to get this weight off and keep it off for lots of reasons...the most important of them all being my HEALTH! <3

Let me know if there's another girl out there with the same/similar goals.



  • crystalgangluff
    crystalgangluff Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Tia! I am your weight twin! Lol. I am 5'6. 220lbs, goal is 145lbs. I to have lost and gained, lost and gained and I'm so over it.
  • ljboots86
    ljboots86 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I’m 5’9, 239 lbs, goal of 160!
  • gbwhite24
    gbwhite24 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m not sure I’m your twin, but it sounds like we’re close. This time, my weight crept up on me and I’ve never been this heavy before. Not even when I was pregnant. I’ve been struggling with my self esteem due to how uncomfortable I feel and how I look. I’ve got a good 60Ibs to go this time. I need this to be my last time. I’m also having some health issues that suck and hoping eating better might help.
    I would be open to having a buddy on this journey.
  • amberhayx
    amberhayx Posts: 23 Member
    Hey gal! We’re the same! My UGW is also 150 starting out out 210 :s long way to go. But my belief is slow and steady wins the race!! You can do this :p:) x
    WVJERSEYGIRL Posts: 5 Member
    deniseg31 wrote: »
    Hi there! I need a female buddy to keep me accountable. I am trying to do this again (yes, again!...ugh). I've lost weight before once 60 lbs. (nothing but running and elliptical) and another time 40 lbs. (light cardio and weight-lifting) I just keep going back to old ways and gained it all back plus some and this really stinks. I am currently at my all time highest weight. :(

    I am an emotional/anxiety/stress eater and that's what gets the worst of me. :#:s:'(

    I am hoping that finding a weight twin will keep me motivated. I don't know, perhaps seeing that somebody out there that has the same starting point and is heading toward the same goals will keep me motivated. Perhaps we can send each other pics of our meals and workouts. I just need to get this weight off and keep it off for lots of reasons...the most important of them all being my HEALTH! <3

    Let me know if there's another girl out there with the same/similar goals.


  • cathyl3
    cathyl3 Posts: 67 Member
    Wow, thought I was reading about myself there for a minute! I’m 5’6” 215 and need to be 145-150. I’m turning 50 this year and have struggled for years on the losing and gaining cycle! I want to be healthier and fitter when my birthday rolls around. I’m also a big emotional eater and struggle especially in the evenings. If any of you that replied want to add me, we can start a group.
  • Loser_53
    Loser_53 Posts: 34 Member
    I am 54. I am 5'7" Weighing 233 now with a gial weight of 150.
  • travelintray
    travelintray Posts: 13 Member
    I am 44 year old. Weigh 264. Looking to get to 150. Would like to add you!
  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    31, 240 ish, 5'8..would love to hit 200 and go from there.
  • quita1988
    quita1988 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'5 223 lbs with a goal of 160 lbs. We can support each other..
  • ddawna45
    ddawna45 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I also am looking for support and motivation. I find I do much better with friends to push me. If you want to friend me that would be helpful. Good luck either way with your fitness journey. Dawna
  • CookiesAllowed
    CookiesAllowed Posts: 8 Member
    54 and 5'4 SW:209 UGW:150 Always been heavy but not this heavy, all these years of carrying this weight around is taking a toll..always looking for accountable friends who log in daily
  • trudy9288
    trudy9288 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm 216 with a goal weight of 150. I'm just getting back to MFP and have no support group. I'd love to be added as accountability partner or if we all decide to form a Road to 150 group that would be cool too!

    Love and light and happy healthy journey!
  • Ashleyxjamie
    Ashleyxjamie Posts: 223 Member
    I had to check to see if I wrote this post! lol

    I am currently 212 (my highest was 247) and I've gotten down to mid 180's but struggle to keep it off and go any lower. my goal weight is to hit around 165, I am 5'7.5". I've yo yo'd that many times I lost count!
  • Shaydayglam
    Shaydayglam Posts: 45 Member
    Hi ladies Im 237 and my goal weight is 150. I made a short term goal to break my lbs to lose into sections. I told myself that I could lose 50 lbs by the summer so far I have 31 to go and its January we can do this guys !!!!
  • arkowalyshyn
    arkowalyshyn Posts: 132 Member
    I started at 215, got to 130, maintained for a year and a bit. Gained 25lbs back, looking head back down. I am 5'3.5".Life long yo-yo'er, like weight watchers lifetime member by 13. Feel free to add me!
  • angelamwoodruff
    angelamwoodruff Posts: 7 Member
    Me too- started around xmas at 237 now Im at 230 but worried PMS might take all that progress back. add me y’all
  • MichelleRenee_76
    MichelleRenee_76 Posts: 155 Member
    Well these are alot of responses, maybe we need to form a group! :smile:
    I'm 41, weigh 229, I would be ecstatic to get back to 160. I am also a emotional/anxiety/stress eater.
  • Southpawcj
    Southpawcj Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2018
    I’m new here and oh my stars! I’m your twin as well! I need help with accountability. I’m a professional stress/anxiety eater! I don’t want to feel alone in this anymore. I quickly gained weight during a difficult time and that’s just compounded things. I’m 203 and I’d love to be 160. That’s still too much for my height but I’d be thrilled to see 160. I’m so encouraged to have found y’all! Thank you deniseg31 for your post! You rock!
  • anniej0315
    anniej0315 Posts: 50 Member
    I could be your weight twin as well SW 225, GW 160. A difference is that I’ve never seen myself under 210 since childhood, so 160 looks good on paper but I have no idea what it’ll look like on my 5’10 skeleton. I’ve lost 80# so far and been able to maintain the loss, I’m looking forward to figuring out how to eat for 160. Feel free to add me if you’d like to, I’m all for collecting like minded MFP friends for support!