Most Filling Meal Replacements?

First let me please say: I am NOT debating the use of meal replacements... I am asking the opinions of those who have used them! What meal replacements have you found to be the most filling? As in leaving you the most satisfied for longest?


  • Hanna82
    Hanna82 Posts: 138 Member
    smoothies are surprisingly very filling. plus super healthy.
  • hoosiermama1977
    love the smoothie idea! some fruit, some protein powder or even natural peanut butter, some flaxseed oil or such for a healthy oil...hmmmm.... could make my own for sure!
  • jgaht
    jgaht Posts: 47 Member
    I don't know if this counts as a meal replacement, but if I have NO time for lunch, I eat a kashi or special k protein bar. It's pretty think and not the most delicious thing, but it really does keep me full. A family friend who had gastric bypass often has the Atkin's protein smoothies for breakfast and loves them.

    Just some thoughts. Let me know how they work out if you try them!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Vega Health Food Optimizer really fills me up and leaves me feeling like I've done something good for my body. I mix it in with water (the chai flavor) but sometimes I add it to smoothies.
    They also have chocolate and original flavors. The chocolate isn't my favorite, and I've never tried the original (I imagine it isn't good, since it has no added flavoring). If you try it, stick with Chai or vanilla.
  • pappycanoli
    pappycanoli Posts: 19 Member
    I am currently using the GNC lean shake 25. If i mix with water it does okay although if i mix with milk, it holds me till lunch. Mixed with water, Spring Perferable, it is only 200 calories so leaves you plenty calories for the rest of the day.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Anything with plenty of protein; protein burns slowly & steadily & keeps you energized and full for longer. Also, avoid anything with sugar. Sugar will give you a quick burst of energy but then you'll crash. I like the Syntrax Nectar protein powders, they come in lots of different flavors and can be mixed with almost anything: water, tea, coffee, soft drinks. A scoop of Strawberry-Kiwi mixed into my plain Greek yogurt cup usually holds me all afternoon.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I love smoothies, I use either spirutein smoothies (soooo tasty, check your local health food stores for individual packs so you dont commit to a whole can, I like chai, chocolate, vanilla, double fudge, chocolate cherry & cookies & cream the best!) they're fairly high in sugar so I just add in unsweetened vanilla almond milk (40 cals and 1 gram sugar per cup) and water, if its morning I'll add a packet of Starbucks Via to get my coffee in for the day!

    otherwise I make my own, usually 1/2 a frozen banana, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, pb2 powder, cinnamon (helps regulate your blood sugar) and chia seeds, a spoonful of 0% plain greek yogurt, a few ice cubes and maybe a packed of stevia if I'm craving sweet and I'm good to go. the almond milk, pb2 powder, yogurt and chia seeds all have protein and its very low fat and sugar.
  • mislmar
    mislmar Posts: 41 Member
    I really like slim fast. It fills me up from breakfast to lunch and lunch till dinner.
  • MayaMadness
    Clif Builders bars are amazingly tasty and filling. If I don't have time for lunch for some reason, they are my go-to!

    I also kind of like Slim Fast shakes sometimes because they taste good to me and are pretty filling.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I drink a Shakeology once a day now. I don't see it as a meal replacement, however; I use it more as a supplement for nutrition and probiotics and prebiotics. I have MUCH less gastro reflux and IBS since I've been drinking it (for about a month now). I am also a big believer in chewing! Good luck on finding one that works for you!:smile:
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Generally speaking as a professional, I'm curious about this topic since I've yet to find any substances that are particularly filling (I.e. Low Glycemic Index Carb content).

    Most "Energy bars" and such fall into the same category as candy bars (although mildly better), based on them being quick energy that breaks down into the blood relatively the high glycemic index sugar spike of a simple carb, rather than a long term fuelling that keeps you fuller long.

    That being said, ample protein content does a good job of keeping yourself fuller longer, but in the absense of carbohydrate does very little towards actually fuelling your body for energy. (You want the protein broken down into amino acids in the blood for tissue repair...not used towards energy.

    I've found several mixes that contain both, but these generally work best as post-workout recovery shakes that are quickly broken down to re-fuel hungry muscles and cells following an intense workout, while "mass gainer" mixes are tend to be excess simple carb formulas which will create more fat in the long run than energy.

    I'm honestly curious if anyone can suggest anything that doesn't fall into the descriptors above that would really answer the initial question as it's a really tough call and great question.

    I'd love to look into them myself and check the labels!

  • feyapl
    feyapl Posts: 9 Member
    I like Orgain Meal Replacement Beverages (the chocolate one and the iced mocha one...the vanilla one is a little chalky)!
  • lucycaz
    lucycaz Posts: 191 Member
    I an a great fan of PHD diet whey

    It fills me up till lunchtime and beyond if not careful I swim in the morning on the way to work so use it as breakfast as otherwise due to the nature of my work I used to end up forgetting or not having time for breakfast.

    It has flax seeds and other things in it so the texture is a bit odd although once I got used to it I really like it.

  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    That being said, ample protein content does a good job of keeping yourself fuller longer, but in the absense of carbohydrate does very little towards actually fuelling your body for energy. (You want the protein broken down into amino acids in the blood for tissue repair...not used towards energy.

    I would dispute this. Yes, carbohydrates are one possible way to get energy. But there's another way: your body can burn fat and protein. As I understand it, the chemical reaction is roughly three parts fat to one part protein. So if you eat plenty of protein, you will have enough for both tissue repair and fat-burning purposes, and the protein also fills you up more. I say this from experience, because I have a carbohydrate-intolerant metabolism, and my doctor has me on a ratio of 5% carbs, 30% fat, 65% protein. Since I began this four mohths ago, I've never felt healthier or had more energy, and I haven't been hungry, either. I know such drastic numbers aren't for everyone, everyone's body is different. But I also think that someone who is feeling hungry all the time would do well to try decreasing their carbs and increasing their protein.

    I have not found any energy bars / protein bars that are low enough in sugar & carbs. But there are several different brands of protein powder drink mix available, like Syntrax Nectar or Isopure.
  • hoosiermama1977
    wow - tons of great tips and lots of suggestions! thanks everyone! I will let you guys know what I try and what works. I do gotta say I like he cliff mini bars for an on the go snack. They are only 100 calories and last me a few hours so I'm tempted try their regular bars first for a meal replacement when needed...