Day one! Is anyone else out there an emotional eater?



  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    It's my day 2, and I'm SUCH an emotional eater. When I'm happy I have no problem losing weight or dieting, but as soon as i get sad or depressed or something in my life isn't going how i want it. I just stop caring, and I turn to food to drown out my problems....It's like my life may be ****ty right now, but this food tastes great atleast. Wish I knew how to break this way of thinking. Good Luck!
  • kristenk0826
    I was diagnosed with an atypical eating disorder last year. Lately, with the stress of my wedding and a few other things bothering me, I allow myself to weaken and I find myself eating late at night when no one else is around to watch me. Some people need to understand that while there is such thing as emotional eating, sometimes there's something more there. I'm not saying that's what's going on with anyone else specifically, but I used to think I just ate "emotionally" when in reality, somewhere down the line I got messed up with food and my understanding of it's role in my life.. and as a result, I have an eating disorder. I really hope you can find the peace and happiness to kick the habit from your life, regardless!! I'm on the same journey, bless you! :)

    p.s. if anyone is wondering, go to it will give you lots more info on ED and can give you signs and symptoms of the illness. <3
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    This is something I struggle with, too. Depending on my emotions, I will either eat too much or go to the other extreme and not eat at all. Neither are healthy for me. A friend of mine is an addiction counselor. From what I've learned from him, addiction isn't really the problem but rather the symptom of something else (why you became addicted in the first place). I think emotional eating is like that. Recently I've tried to become more introspective and learn more about what's going on inside my head and heart. I believe I'll be able to resist unhealthy urges and make better choices so that I can really take care of myself and live the life I want. Best of luck in your journey!
  • gonetothebeach
    gonetothebeach Posts: 25 Member
    I struggle too but find the 2 main things to remember are planning is key, so you know you have nice healthy tasty meals to eat, plus snacks, but that when they time comes when you feel like your emotions are taking hold you stop to think about them....someone once told me of HALT the four main reasons we eat - HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONLEY, TIRED....maybe its one of these and you need to take a different actions. Drink some water it may be thirst. But most of all use your online resources to speak to people before you take that first bite!! xx
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    I struggle too but find the 2 main things to remember are planning is key, so you know you have nice healthy tasty meals to eat, plus snacks, but that when they time comes when you feel like your emotions are taking hold you stop to think about them....someone once told me of HALT the four main reasons we eat - HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONLEY, TIRED....maybe its one of these and you need to take a different actions. Drink some water it may be thirst. But most of all use your online resources to speak to people before you take that first bite!! xx

    Thanks for posting the HALT acronym. I hadn't heard that before, but I think that'll be useful. I listened to Dr. Colbert's audiobook a few months ago, and one of the things he said was really interesting. He said that most people confuse hunger with appetite. Hunger, according to him, is a physiological/biological need for food. Appetite, on the other hand, is a psychological desire for food. Dr. Colbert said that most people eat when their appetite is talking to them instead of their hunger.