Calling all newish mothers..

I am a mommy to my beautiful 16 month old son. I breast fed for the first 9 months, but it really didn't help me with weight loss like I thought it would by the way people talk about it. I lost 27lbs after he was born, which was mostly all my swelling and water weight, but over these past months, I've gained it all back and am at my heaviest weight of my life. I am 5'6, and need to lose 70-80lbs, so all the support and help along the way would be great. Feel free to add me. Thanks, and good luck all!!


  • nadiaez
    nadiaez Posts: 132 Member
    hey little one is 12 weeks and I to am trying to lose the baby is always nice to know someone in the same position! Friend request sent x
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I don't lose weight while nursing either! It's so unfair when you hear of everyone just melting.
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Welcome! I am not a newish mom i am however a mom of 3. A 9 y/o boy, a 5 y/o boy, and a 3 y/o girl. I didnt loose weight while breast feeding either. But you will get where you need to be MFP is amazing and the people on here are wonderful and so caring....

    Good Luck on your journey...

    If you would like please feel free to add me..
  • I gave birth to my twins 27 months ago and I have been up and down weight wise since then. Breasfeeding actually helped me and last year while I was still breastfeeding and pumping at work I lost 25lbs, only to gain most of it back over the Winter and Spring. This time I have added in strength training and tons of cardio mixed with eating right and now I am back down to what I was last summer. I stopped breasfeeding when they were 18 months so I couldn't rely on that extra help.

    It is hard to change your lifestyle as a mom but it can be done. Just set some goals and work hard for them. Good luck!!!
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    My daughter is 26 months and STILL nurses in the morning and before bed. I never did actually lose weight until I started dieting, but I also at like a pig and mainted my weight for nearly 2 years. When I say ate like a pig - I'm talking like eating a whole pan of monkey bread or 2# of grape and walnut salad by myself! 12" subs (with 4 types of meat and cheese) and other things I would never even think of eating now! When I decided I was done breastfeeding, I decided to start eating right and exercising. Unfortunately my daughter decided she is not ready to be done bfing. Hopefully soon - but I'll allow her to wean herself when ready
  • adnuckolls
    adnuckolls Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I have a 2 yr old and a 9 month old and I lost a bunch of weight at first but I too gained it all back. I am now at MFP, needing to lose 65 lbs. Feel free to add me if you'd like! Welcome! This site is awesome so far!
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi Mom to a 9 yr old boy and 9 month old girl... Ive surpassed my pre-pregnancy weight by 8 lbs now :) You can do this , it works
  • bens_mommy
    bens_mommy Posts: 219
    I don't lose weight while nursing either! It's so unfair when you hear of everyone just melting.

    I know, right? I wasn't able to nurse (even though I tried my darndest! Baby wanted nothing to do with it, haha.) I dropped 20 pounds within the first couple of weeks because I was forgetting to eat, thank you Vicodin and sleep deprivation!

    But I've gained it all back, sadly. =[
  • TanyaR2
    TanyaR2 Posts: 7 Member
    I have 10 month old twins and am now determined to loose the last bit of weight!! The weight didn't bother me so much when they were 6mths and under as I felt I earned the right to use the excuse I just had twins and people accepted it now the excuse has grown old!! Good Luck on your new journey!! Friend request sent..
  • I'm a newish mom! I have a beautiful 8 month old baby girl :) I lost 30 lbs. after she was born and I am still 10lbs shy of my prepregnancy weight. I was bigger to begin with and now I have 40 lbs to lose.

    Friend request sent!
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    It's great to see I am not the only one out there, even though I know I'm not alone in my troubles, it's just nice to see it written down right in front of me. Thank you all for replying, and offering your stories and support!!
  • JDArrant
    JDArrant Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a newish mother. My baby is turning 1 this weekend (yay! boo!) We're still nursing PT and his brother is 2.5 -- the weight I have lost since joining MFP is pretty much all the baby weight from them combined and have a lot of mini goals ahead of me. I haven't lost as much recently as I'd like but I think that it's partly from him weaning down (from eating solids and nursing 8x day to now only nursing once or twice a day). Guess I can't take the BF calories anymore, sadness.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I lost a lot while breast feeding then when I had to stop (supply issues :frown:) I gained back that weight PLUS some. tantrum.gif

    My daughter is 13 months and I have 58 pounds to lose.

    I suggest joining a challenge on here with a group that keeps you accountable.

    It has been a struggle for me juggling losing weight and spending time with my family and wedding planning but I just worked out a schedule that has been working better than anything else.

    Best of luck and there are lots of groups here that are super supportive! :flowerforyou:
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    Well I have 2 "babies" one is 23 months and the other is 11 months. Breastfeeding helped me lose 35 of the 45 lbs I gained with #2, but I still had 10lbs to go when i started my weight loss journey over 6 months ago. I am proof you can do it! Good luck and I always try to remember I am stopping the unhealthy cycle in my family and giving my children a healthy start to life.
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    My son just turned 1. It took him a bit to start nursing and I dropped weight when he did. But I had to stop and gained all the weight back. MFP is amazing! The support here is incredible! I'm almost down to my pre-prego weight and plan to keep it going!!! We can all do this!!
  • g402gap
    g402gap Posts: 3
    My sweet little girl is 14months old. I did not loose my pregnancy weight by breast feeding either. I'd breast feed and then head to the made me hungry. I need to loose about 40lbs Dr.s Orders. Here for the Support....Friend Request Sent. Good Luck!!!! We can do this!!!!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    hi, i am a mother to a beautiful 13month old girl. Breastfeeding didn't help me lose weight at all, i breastfed til my daughter was 11 months, then i mixed b/m with whole milk for another month. i started eating healthy and what not when my daughter was 7months old. by the time she was 12 months i had lost all my pregnancy weight plus an additional 6lbs. now i'm 12lbs lighter than my pre- pregnant weight :)) you can do this, i know i thought i could never lose this weight!
  • I'm a newish mom! I have a beautiful 8 month old baby girl :) I lost 30 lbs. after she was born and I am still 10lbs shy of my prepregnancy weight. I was bigger to begin with and now I have 40 lbs to lose.

    Friend request sent!

    I'm almost in the exact same position. I too have a lovely 8 month old baby girl. Right after she was born, I shed about 20 or so lbs. I have been trying to lose since march and I have surpassed my pre-pregnancy weight. I have about 38 lbs to lose for my goal weight.

    You're not alone! Babies takes its toll and we're trying to work off what wasn't there originally! Okay, we can't use the excuse forever, but we'll get it done!
  • I don't know if I am a newish mom since my baby is 28 months but I have yet to lose my "baby weight". I also have a 4 1/2 and 6 year old. I nursed the first two into the first half of my next pregnancy (bf is NOT a good birth control!...not that I was using it as bc though) and my last until he was almost two. I didn't think it helped me lose weight either until I stopped nursing my youngest without being pregnant and gained 5 pounds over the next few months. With each I dropped weight pretty steadily until they were around 6 months then it slows down or even stops for me. I have 20 punds to lose to get to my original prepreg weight.
  • My daughter is almost 9 months old. I breastfed for 6 months and never lost a pound. I had the initial loss after delivery (25 lbs) and then it all crept back up. Probably because I assumed that by breastfeeding I could eat what I Good Luck to everyone here too....starting to chase around a 9 month old is pretty fun. I really need to get in better shape to keep up with her :)