Motivation? ZERO!

I am losing the will to live with this weight loss, I have no motivation whatsoever, so I now don't expect to see results!
I know losing weight isn't all that fun, but I need something fun otherwise I am gonna be stuck at this weight or heavier FOREVER!
I tried Zumba and I don't enjoy but always feel the benefits after, so I dont completely hate it, also don't mind walking, but my hips kill after such a short amount of time!

Someone please help me!!
Add me too :) all the inspiration I can get may make me get my *kitten* into gear!



  • randomartisrgirl
    Hmm... Well first, find an exercise you actually enjoy. It can be a sport, it can be a machine at a local gym, or maybe a workout video?
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    or bicycle - roller skate - go play volleyball, tennis, racquetball, soccer. Just get out and have FUN! Don't exercise to burn calories - exercise like a kid - because it's FUN.

    For me a workout video is not fun- it's "something I do to lose weight." So I started looking for things that ARE fun - and the weight loss is more of a side effect.
  • Ang78el
    Ang78el Posts: 5
    Hi! I totally understand what you are going through. It is hard to have this great motivation when excercising is not on your list of fun things to do. I also have Asthma and some back and muscular problems so I feel you on the hips hurting after just a mile or two. I finally went to the chiropracter and i was all out of allignment. That has helped. also make sure that your shoes are the proper fit and style for your feet and gait. Go to a running store that does the gait evaluation, they can tell you if you pronate, or supinate or if you have a neutral position. Then they can help you find the right shoe to make sure you are comfy and supported.

    It is hard to keep up the motivation, especially if you don't start seeing results in a short period of time. I have had a hard time with consistency with my weight loss, I have been at it for 8 years trying to loose 40 lbs. but in my defense I have had 3 kids in that time also. Just remember that you can do it. And if you really don't like to excercise then you can compensate for less excercise with less calories. Make your changes slowly adding one new change a week, such as switching to whole grains -fresh bread from a local bakery or make it yourself. Or we have been doing more smoothies, but add vegetables to the smoothie. there are lots of ways to make it easier and more fun to eat healthier and excercise. Having a buddy helps a lot. Or someone to compete against if you are competetive.

    You can do it! YOu just need a reason that will get you going! Mine is my kids, I want to be around and be able to chase them and look good in cute clothes. Find your reason and you will be motivated. Good luck!

  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Find an exercise that you doesn't have to be labeled as "exercise"...a bike ride with your family or friends, taking a brisk walk, playing basketball or going rollerblading can be a fun way as well.

    I find that my workouts are more enjoyable when I can snag a friend to go with me...either to keep my mind off the work I'm doing, to harass into keeping up with me (heh), or to help me keep up with them! I started a walking group at work, asking any coworker I could find to take a walk with me. Not only did I get the benefit of walking, but I made some new friends while I was at it! (And I work in a dicey walking with a buddy is more about safety than companionship..LOL) Everyone liked the idea so much that one of my other coworkers started a water aerobics class at her pool twice a week!

    If you're like me, who has certain limitations due to chronic back and leg pain, start slow and work your way up to more and more time. When I started walking, I could only go about 5 minutes before my calves, hips and lower back completely crippled me. But, I kept plugging away and now I can easily walk 30 minutes with little to no effort! My lungs even stopped hurting the longer I kept doing it.

    Not every victory is a scale victory. Sometimes it's a stamina victory (like being able to go for longer, or faster, or for more repetitions).

    You're doing great! You're worth looking great!
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    Just get out and have FUN! Don't exercise to burn calories - exercise like a kid - because it's FUN.

    I totally agree with this because I can not stand to work out just for the sake of working out. Then it feels like a punishment for being fat. I agree with everyone that finding something you enjoy doing is the best option. Kids get so much exercise (at least they did when *I* was a kid LOL) because they are running around goofing off for play. We can still goof off but it comes in different forms now, like join a local team of some kind. Most towns have a YMCA or a local Boys and Girls club (or something similar) where you can sign up for adult team sports. Or do something silly like go to a roller rink and shake your booty :laugh:

    Also I find that an exercise(s) that you can do at home, even if it kinda sucks, can be much improved if you can do it while catching up on whatever TV or movies you want to see :wink:
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I really like the dance mats on the playstation 2. They are super fun and you can do it with other people as well.
  • betate
    betate Posts: 2
    I find more fun in seeking out low-fat, low calorie recipes and trying them. The creativity required is challenging and fun! While exercise and fitness is key, don't forget about the fun you can have cooking. :)
  • NicoleLyn1818
    I had this problem in the beginning as well...I have since then joined a gym and go because I have to get 12 times in to get the discounted price....and I actually like going now. I find that going to the gym at night late after work when no one else is there is more comfortable for me....and when i go on a walk or something outside of the gym, I like to have a friend tag along so there is someone to talk to and not get bored.

    Do something fun like riding a bike, jumping on a trampoline, going for a walk with a friend or family member. Find something YOU like to do for fun!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I felt this way for the longest time ... hated the gym. hated the treadmill, hated the elliptical.
    For some reason last summer I tried running - something I had always hated in the past. And I found out I LOVE it...

    So that became my motivation ... signing up for races because that kept me going out there. Increasing my distance. Knowing I have the next race forces me to get out there... I have a race schedule planned literally through next May :)