hoping to lose baby belly!!

Hi I'm Kate, 33 years old and have a 3 1/2 yr old and a 10 1/2month old. Before i got pg first time i was 9st12lb (and felt fat!) now i am (was on Monday!) 10st9lb! with the most outragious baby bulge!! i am the worlds biggest chocoholic, a fussy eater and little willpowwer whe it comes to food!! Found this app on my phone last Monday and it has really motivated me! found the website yesterday and really pleased there's a forum! So far am doing well and actually keeping under my calories (which i know your not meant to but hey ho!) - will see what Mondays weigh in verdict says! My one downfall is probabkly that i'm not drinking enough so we will see.


  • courtneylyna
    courtneylyna Posts: 9 Member
    I hear you! I am trying to lose the baby belly too (mom to 2 - ages almost 5 years, and 8 months)! I have had a pot belly as long as I can remember (even before pg) and now that I am done (knock on wood) having kids I would love to get rid of it (or mostly rid of it at least)! Do you use any fitness programs or particular types of exercise? I have trouble keeping a regular exercise routine going! Would love to add you as a friend :-)
  • hey,
    add me ;)
  • Hello and welcome! I love MFP! It has really helped me. My son is almost 2 and I have lost over 60 pounds since I've had him, with the help of MFP. The most important thing is to stay focused and motivated, always remember what your ending goal is and never lose sight of that. I have to admit it was hard for me at first because I loooooooooooooooooove junk! And when I say loooooooooove, I prefer to eat over doing anything else. Hahaha...I had to do a whole lifestyle change, for my husband and my son. Now we exercise and eat healthy as a family and I love it! You'll feel so much better, more energized and have more confidence in yourself. Good luck! I know you can do it! ;)
  • Believe me, compared to me, your baby belly will be small!! I went down to 12st 9 when I had my baby.. she is 7 months old and I am 15st 10!! How terrible is that? Add me! We can be baby bulgers together x
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    My stomach will never be the same as before I was pregnant but I did loose it for the most part.. The secret to getting a nice flat stomach is cardio. I read this in Oxygen.mag. Running or jogging really helps flatten the tummy... And well as dairy! Drink a glasse of low fat or skim milk after performing some sort of cardio. :-) moms ban together!!! I gained nearly 50 lbs with my pregnancy lol
  • McWilkie
    McWilkie Posts: 27
    Hi- I'm a mom to an 11 month old and I'm working to taking off the extra lbs that are still hanging on. This site is really helpful for keeping track. To add more water, try to drink a glass or 2 every time you give the children a drink. Good Luck!!!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    You can't spot reduce fat, so the key is to reducing overall body fat by losing weight and toning up, so that when the belly finally lets go of the weight (usually the last place to lose it) then the muscles underneath are nice and strong and toned.
  • hippopotbelly
    hippopotbelly Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all!. thanks for your replys! I'm fairly fit - i ran a 10k in May but have been injured since then so running has been limited although i've been doing zumba and aqua aerobics each week. I'm just getting back into running now - managed 10 miles this week plus zumba - so hoping that with diet will help me shed a few pounds! Need to do some strength/toning training too though.
  • vickylee26
    vickylee26 Posts: 35 Member
    I am with you all the way im a 29 year old mum of 3 my eldest is nearly 9 (in 10 days)my daughter is 5 and the youngest is 1 and the saddle bag and belly is not what I desire but time and energy is always an issue with the kids on school hols so im doing the 30 day shred in a hope to combat some of it
  • hippopotbelly
    hippopotbelly Posts: 5 Member
    vickylee - whats the 30 day shred? a specific plan?
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    Love love love zumba