
Has anyone try the new Gatorade G series fit. I want to try but wants to know if it is worth the money or not. Thanks everyone. :D


  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member

    How much sugar is in the drinks
  • alysen2012
    Well there is three stages of it the Prime is 200 calories per serving with 17g of sugars for all the flavors, The second stage is Perform 10 calories per serving with 2g of sugars for all the flavors, and the last stage is recover 120 calories per serving and 10g of sugar for all three flavors. I havent try it went but i have heard going things on like So you think you can dance about it and i know little bit about the product. Its a before workout, during workout, and after workout. But thats all i know about it.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I have it.

    You need some sugars and you need some of the things in Gatorade if you're sweating a lot.

    I usually have one or two a week after a bike ride or workout.
  • alysen2012
    Thats good to know. Is it worth the money though to invest into it.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    We might not be talking about the same thing?

    I just buy the individual bottles at the store.
  • alysen2012
    I am talking about the G series fit they have out now. sorry if i confused anyone/
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    That's what I thought. I buy them by the each.

    If you can, just try one to see if you like it.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I have heard that unless you are a serious athlete, drinking Gatorade is kind of pointless. Apparently you can get just as many electrolytes from things like coconut water which has way less calories and sugar and is natural too. Also I think coconut water (if you buy the big bottles) is cheaper than Gatorade too!
  • alysen2012
    Oh okay good cuz i have been looking for something since i do sweat alot during my workout and i know just water doesnt help since there are things in gatorade you need. Thanks for telling me this info.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Another great and healthier substitute for Gatorade is Emergen-C packets. They are fizzy drink packets loaded with vitamins and eletrolytes. They are only 25 cals a packet and you mix them with water.
  • alysen2012
    I have tried Emergen-C and wasnt a big fan of it. It actually made me really sick for some reason and didnt know why.
  • complejo
    complejo Posts: 36
    I've never tried the entire series. I drink the G2 (which is the regular gatorade) lo calorie version every day I work out... it gives me 80 calories per 32 oz bottle and no sugar since it uses some substitutes but I don't mind the taste at all.

    The G Fit series is just an even more calorie reduced version of the G series and the idea behind the g series is the same idea behind most advice of replenishing when you work out.

    G1 is just basically fruit and nut bars meant to give you some carbs and nutrients before you work out, G2 is just even more watered down version of regular gatorade - ie. electrolytes... g3 is just a smoothie type drink to pump protein back into your system.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    So do you have to drink all 3 . Or can you just buy 1. i would like the before workout one because some days i wake up and go with no breakfast. (i wake at 5:15 to run before my kids wake up)
  • alysen2012
    You can buy them by themselves just got to fine what store in your area sells them. Thanks everyone for helping me about this since i dont want to buy something that isnt worth it.
  • complejo
    complejo Posts: 36
    Yes you can buy them individually and it is all about what works for you. The G series is just supposed to be a way of making it simple to have your body get certain nutrients before and after exercise. If you find that you are having trouble doing this yourself and would want a simple approach to it then the series is something you should try to see if it does fill those needs. As long as you are feeding your body what it needs on a daily basis, your exercise should be pretty effective even if you don't feed it right before and after you exercise. Hydration is probably the biggest thing for exercise.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    i didn't like all the artificial dyes in Gatorade so I switched to coconut water. I like to drink 6 oz of Naked coconut water and 1 or 2 oz of cranberry or pomegranate juice if I feel like I need the electrolyte boost. Knudson's or POM are my juices of choice.
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    Gatorade is used to replace electrolytes and salt lost due to sweating. To warrant the calories, you have to really be workout out hard, IMHO. I run 4-5 miles in the heat and humidity around my neighborhood and don't drink any. I did a 6 mile trail race today and had a couple of sips at the two aid stations they had set up (but I did take two enduralite capsules before the race). Enduralite caps are electrolyte pills. Endurance athletes take these during longer runs and races. I do drink a good amount of water too. Some people lose more electrolytes than others. One way to tell if you are one of these people is if after doing something that makes you sweat A LOT, if you get pounding headaches you may need more electrolytes. I have a couple of running friends that have to literally eat those enduralite caps during any run.

    The thing is, you need to figure out what works for you. I did a 50K (32 mile) race a couple of weeks ago. I had about 4 oz of Gatorade 5 times and it was in the 90s with high humidity. Others needed more.

    Coconut water is good and so is electrolyte enhanced water like Smart Water (no calories)!!

    Good luck!! :drinker: