picky eaters?

Hi guys, im trying to lose 100 + lbs but I have an issue. I'm such a lucky eater. In some ways it's good and also bad. I'm just really not that keen on vegetables. There's a handful I like but it's pretty hard for me to eat clean with out gagging. I'm doing my best tho and trying to watch my calories and fat. Just need some support from friends that are understanding


  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm a picky eater, too. I reset my taste buds by accident several years ago when I went to a camp that only served set meals, and you had to eat everything on your plate. (Seriously, those church kitchen grammies do not mess around!!)

    Anyway, I began to discover that I like more foods than I realized. Turns out I love grilled or roasted veggies. Who knew they tasted so much better than boiled?! LOL

    Here is my diary. Feel free to look at it for ideas, and message me if anything looks interesting but you aren't sure if it's a recipe. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/CoachJen71 (For example, you can't tell from my entry for chocolate almond yogurt that I boil the Truvia in the microwave before whisking in the nut butter, salt, and yogurt, or that it is best left to set overnight so the texture becomes like truffle cake. There's also a lot of microwaving for my Choc/pb chip pb2 oatmeal in order to caramalize it, and people might not guess that I put pb and Choc chips on one half if my English muffin, and the other gets jam and goat cheese.)
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I'm a toddler trapped in an adult's body! The first time I lost the weight I ate a lot of burgers/pizza/etc because that's what I enjoy and I saw my weight drop while eating them... just made it fit into my calorie goal. Round 2 after having another baby and I'm trying to be a bit more "healthy" by doing more grilled chicken/the few veggies I like/etc. I still make sure to eat the things I do enjoy though. Maybe look into making a more "healthy option" of what you do like? I'm batch cooking chicken tacos with homemade salsa right now for this week's dinners as a more low calorie/different option from my usual beef tacos.

    Good luck! Just keep at it at stick to your calorie goal. :)
  • fuzzy_l0gic
    fuzzy_l0gic Posts: 69 Member
    I’m super picky too. You might find a veggie in my diary once a week. However, I love fruit. So I make sure to get 2-3 servings of fruit per day. And I do what @marieamethyst does. I find healthier substitutions. Chicken tacos instead of beef/steak tacos.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I don't know what you mean by eating clean, and why would you eat in a way that makes you gag? To lose weight, you just have to eat less, not eat specific foods. You have to stick to a quite specific calorie target, but you can eat as much fat as you want within that target.
  • Katerbat8644
    Katerbat8644 Posts: 8 Member
    Clean eating is typically no junk food at all. It's just hard for me since I'm so picky. Sometimes I have lean cuisine or I'll get something from fast food that fits in my calories for the day. I've been heavily judged on this site before with people reading my diary. I definitely try to fit fruit in aswell fuzzy. Thank you for the encouragement and suggestions everyone.