Quick 1 minute oats



  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I like my oats mixed with flour brown sugar cinnamon and butter and sprinkled over fruit as a crumble topping.

    I also like overnight oats any recipe.
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    i made some pumpkin and some applesauce cubes in the freezer and have them in baggies to pop in my oatmeal with almond milk before tossing in the microwave add a bit of apple pie or pumpkin pie spice and im happy.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    I never cook my oats on the stovetop. I make my own oatmeal mix with quick-cooking oats, toasted coconut, craisins and pecans. I keep this on hand most of the time. Then I just put 1/2 cup in a bowl, pour boiling water over the top to cover and put a plate on top. In one or two minutes, they're done! I usually add a little fruit and green yogurt (adds creaminess). Super fast way to do it.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't eat oatmeal anymore (or well, I haven't in forever) but I used to have a couple different ways to do it. The most important part- always topped with 1/2 c cottage cheese!!!! So good that way. Anyways, add cottage cheese to the top of any of these combos, right before you eat it. I also always microwave with the fruit already mixed it.

    frozen peaches, cinnamon, dried blueberries, almonds
    frozen strawberries, cinnamon, dates, peanuts
    frozen blueberries, vanilla extract, dried cherries, hazelnuts
    fresh apple, cinnamon, raisins, peanuts
    fresh banana, coconut, dried mango, macadamia nuts
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    I never knew there were so many ways to eat oatmeal. I’m usually a creative person but looks like I’ve been dropping the ball when it comes to oatmeal. I’m so excited to try some of these! My 11 year old son eats the oatmeal with me. We will have to experiment together!
  • counting_kilojoules
    counting_kilojoules Posts: 170 Member
    I don't eat quick oats, I use rolled oats in the microwave. It doesn't take much longer and I prefer the taste. I always cook it in milk. After it's cooked I put in a couple of shakes of nutmeg. Sometimes, while it's cooking I also put in a handful of frozen mixed berries.