Looking for motivational/accountability friends, no matter the goal loss!

Hey you guys! I have just started a new diet this past Sunday and down 9 pounds, but while I am losing sometimes motivation can still be hard. It's easy to go back to old habits! I am just looking for some friends to be motivational and accountable for one another!


  • tlynn9401
    tlynn9401 Posts: 4 Member
    I’ll be your cheerleader! I need the same thing, otherwise I’ll just do what I want again.
    Awesome start!
  • Natosha08
    Natosha08 Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm not necessarily on a "diet" as I feel I am trying to make a lifestyle change to eat better in general and lose some weight, but I am up for it! I've lost 11 lbs so far, and have been staying under 1500 calories a day. So far so good!
  • eleazargarcia2
    eleazargarcia2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, am down on helping to motivate new friends, although is hard to find some true ones her, all the best!
  • clareBrewster80
    clareBrewster80 Posts: 42 Member
    I could always do with motivational friends. Feel free to add me
  • Fitness_and_FODMAP
    Fitness_and_FODMAP Posts: 72 Member
    Hi, I'm on here primarily to stay accountable, as I'm trying to reduce body fat percentage, so I weigh-in every Sunday morning (UK time) ... I have a very restricted diet, on medical grounds - I have fructose malabsorption, I'm allergic to onions (therefore the entire onion & garlic family are a complete no go zone) I'm lactose intolerant & wheat intolerant & insoluble fiber causes extreme digestive distress, so I don't share my diary, because I got tired of well meaning people trying to advise me in my "Limited food choices" so I deleted all (but 2) of my old friends & decided to go it alone, but now I'm back on track, counting macros & watching calories, so would like to be a bit more sociable.

    If you're happy to befriend a 44 year old fitness junkie, who only eats 30% of the available food chain & keeps her diary private (until she can feel confident she's not going to be judged) but logs in every day (usually early morning & evening times due to work) & posts her daily exercise & comments on her own posts (she also talks to herself in the real world) then please feel free to add me.

    I am in the UK by the way