A lot to lose

Hi! I have been an off an on mfp user. I am trying really hard to stick with it this time around. Could use some support/accountability people in my corner. I have a lot to lose more 100+pounds. So this is super important to me to make it happen. If you have any advice or positive energy to send my way it would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to add me :)


  • bourbonrose
    bourbonrose Posts: 12 Member
    Hi @bellalavita717! You’ve basically described my current situation, hopes, and goals. I’m rooting for you! :)
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    Hey there. I'm down 118 with about 20 to go. Glad to help! :)
  • suzettebagneris
    suzettebagneris Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I am just starting my “change my lifestyle” journey. I am 219 pounds. I started on Jan 1 at 225 pounds. I did JJ Smith’s 10 day green smoothie cleanse to jumpstart my journey and now I am just trying to eat clean and watch my caloric intake. I have not started to exercise yet. I need an accountability partner. This is going to be a long hard journey for me. I want to lose 100 pounds.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Start with logging and then make small sustainable changes, so that you don't feel like it's unmanageable. Set smaller goals along the way, so you don't become overwhelmed with the bigger numbers. Know that there will be weeks where you don't lose, and some when you gain. As long as the overall trend is downward, you are doing just fine, fluctuations happen. Remember that this is a long game and be gentle with yourself when things happen. Don't beat yourself up for having a treat now and again, learn to fit them into your calorie goals, so you don't feel like you are being deprived.

    If you have difficulties controlling yourself around certain foods (mine was ice cream), it's okay to get it out of your house for a while. You can pick up single servings once in a while to treat yourself. Find activities you enjoy doing. If you like walking, or swimming, or boxing, those are the things that you will have the easiest time sticking with. Don't be afraid to experiment with a variety of activities until you find something you like. That being said, you can lose weight through calorie deficit alone.

    I know I already mentioned it, but it is important enough to repeat. Be patient with yourself.
  • acido_ma_thelma
    acido_ma_thelma Posts: 1 Member
    Hello bella. I'm thelma from the Philippines. Like most, I'm also morbidly obese. When I started my weight loss journey I'm 223 lbs and at 5'3'' I was more or less 100 pounds overweight. I started getting serious last February 2017. Now I'm at 197 pounds after the christmas season. Now I'm back to losing weight mindset again. I hope my story gets you going. My journey is not the best. But I hope I can inspire you.

    Hoping for more tips from you and all the people in this forum. I'm having a hard time losing the belly fat. I have a big belly hahaha.
  • nea2702
    nea2702 Posts: 24 Member
    You can do it. After being overweight all my adult life, and trying all the time to lose weight, eventually with the help of MFP, i have lost 111 pounds. I know its a clique but its true. If i can do it, anyone can. I was the most undisciplined person you could meet.