Coffee addicts...

Have any of you ever tried to quit/ cut down your coffee intake? I'm on about 3 per day... Considering a little caffeine cleanse.

Any advice? :)


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Cutting a significant source of caffeine like coffee or sodas cold turkey can often be a very uncomfortable experience. Taper off. That being said there's generally no need to do so unless it's making it hard to hit calorie goals, or you don't trust yourself not to overindulge.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Why would you ever want to cut down lol.

    But for real it's easier to do it slowly like others have said. I switched to green tea for awhile but always go back to my coffee because I just love it and caffeine has a lot of benefits so I see nothing wrong with it.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Advice if you want to reduce your caffeine is to do it slowly to avoid headaches. Read if you want to know more about caffeine.

    But please consider your use of words!
    The use of "addict" is IMHO insulting and belittling to people struggling with serious addictions and "cleanse" is pure marketing BS.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    You could switch your last cup to decaf and do it slowly that way.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    if i cut the coffee and caffeine out, id be in prison. because people are stupid and talk to me and annoy me. i would hurt them.
  • BeccaLoves2lift
    BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
    Have any of you ever tried to quit/ cut down your coffee intake? I'm on about 3 per day... Considering a little caffeine cleanse.

    Any advice? :)

    No... I will always drink coffee.
  • BeccaLoves2lift
    BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
    Cutting a significant source of caffeine like coffee or sodas cold turkey can often be a very uncomfortable experience. Taper off. That being said there's generally no need to do so unless it's making it hard to hit calorie goals, or you don't trust yourself not to overindulge.

    Drink black coffee.... Calorie free... Problem solved
  • MfromBristol
    MfromBristol Posts: 27 Member
    Looks like I'm sticking to the coffee ... oh no...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member

    Maybe replace it with lower caffeine tea (like herbal) or decaf (as I understand it some are made using healthier processed than others -- I'm trying to get over my view mental block that tells me I dislike decaf, so experimenting with this right now).

    I tend to drink too much coffee (I just love it, especially in the winter) and so cut down (or even take a break entirely) from time to time. I was convinced it didn't have any negative effects, but last time I cut way back I had to admit my sleep was better (falling asleep has never been my issue, but waking up and not being able to go back to sleep, and sleep quality), so I am trying to limit how much I drink, and get it.
  • BigRed2525
    BigRed2525 Posts: 45 Member
    Cut back? Yes. Stop? Oh hells no.

    For me, caffeine intake is largely about timing. I can’t have caffeine before I exercise, which makes those 5:30am wakeup calls even more delightful. And of course, not too soon before bed. Are you suffering from any ill effects of too much caffeine?

  • SaraB_82
    SaraB_82 Posts: 45 Member
    Switch to decaffeinated tea if it's really a big deal for you. I can't live without my two cups a day personally!
  • Poweredbycoffee06
    Poweredbycoffee06 Posts: 39 Member
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    I drink caffeine now, but in my 40s I had to quit cold turkey after a series of tachycardia incidents. Don't do this if you have a choice - really! I was like the walking dead with the headache from hell (I drank a lot of caffeine) and dense brain fog for probably around a week, and had a hard time overcoming lethargy in the mornings for a while after. If you decide to quit, follow the advice above - do it gradually!
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    3 a day? your hardly an addict, I have a 10 cup coffee machine (ya know, brews the coffee and keeps it hot in a glass jug). out of that 10 cup jug I get 3 mugs of coffee (very large mug, black, no sugar) and I tend to re brew a minimum of 3 times a day and sometimes as much as 6 times and even I can go without and not get withdrawal symptoms
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    I love my coffee, and usually drink 20 oz black daily. Sadly I had a run in with arthritis meds that did my stomach/esophagus damage and, I've had to cut it out completely. Switched to green and black teas for the time being for the caffeine hit, but it really isn't the same. Meanwhile I wait for things to heal up. I miss coffee...a lot.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    3 a day? your hardly an addict, I have a 10 cup coffee machine (ya know, brews the coffee and keeps it hot in a glass jug). out of that 10 cup jug I get 3 mugs of coffee (very large mug, black, no sugar) and I tend to re brew a minimum of 3 times a day and sometimes as much as 6 times and even I can go without and not get withdrawal symptoms

    How are you not one walking jitter :o
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    As long as you’re not over doing it and drinking purely just coffee in place of water, why would you need to do a “cleanse”? And yeah I agree about the insulting to true addicts. Yeah there is obvious addicting properties to caffeine, but nowhere near as severe as actual narcotics and alcoholism