Coffee addicts...



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Cutting a significant source of caffeine like coffee or sodas cold turkey can often be a very uncomfortable experience. Taper off. That being said there's generally no need to do so unless it's making it hard to hit calorie goals, or you don't trust yourself not to overindulge.

    Drink black coffee.... Calorie free... Problem solved

    This. Coffee in moderation is a great source of anti-oxidants.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    edited January 2018
    mph323 wrote: »
    3 a day? your hardly an addict, I have a 10 cup coffee machine (ya know, brews the coffee and keeps it hot in a glass jug). out of that 10 cup jug I get 3 mugs of coffee (very large mug, black, no sugar) and I tend to re brew a minimum of 3 times a day and sometimes as much as 6 times and even I can go without and not get withdrawal symptoms

    How are you not one walking jitter :o

    You get used to it.

    my twin brother asked me the same he said he would be a wired mess lol

    I just am not, and its a much better way to get me through cleaning the house than taking speed and putting clubland Extreme on like I used to when younger :D

    I just love coffee, I think even if I switched to decaf Id drink the same amount, I love the smell and taste so drink it alot, it keeps my well hydrated and also makes ya wee alot so dont tend to have much problems with water weight lol.

    I guess no different to people drinking loads of diet coke