
Hi! My name is Melissa. I have spent most of my adult life as a wife and mother and also working outside of the home. And, of course, being overweight. In March 2015 my husband was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia). At that point I became a caregiver. In August 2015 he went into remission and I thought our life would head back to normal. But, February 2017 his cancer was back. He started taking chemo pills daily and will for as long as they work. It has definitely been a roller coaster ride. In May of 2017 I thought it was time to do something for me. I still take care of the family, but now I allow me time. I started walking and dieting. I joined Anytime Fitness and now do group training. I have lost about 25 pounds and want to lose 25 more. I have to remind myself it doesn't hurt anyone to allow time for myself. The working out makes me feel so much better. Winter time has been hard. Ready for the spring!


  • AJR041407
    AJR041407 Posts: 21 Member
    Cancer is a terrible thing and glad to hear that he is still around for you and the kids. You definitely have to take time for yourself or it will drive you crazy. It definitely wont hurt anyone to take time for yourself, in fact when you feel better it is only a positive for those around you. Congrats on losing what you have and you will get to your goal, keep it up.
  • Falklang
    Falklang Posts: 220 Member
    Sorry to hear about your husband, hopefully it gets better! I agree so much on the helping yourself and allowing time for yourself statement. If you don't look after yourself, who's gonna look after you? Add me as a friend if you like. :)
  • MelsCountryLife
    MelsCountryLife Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much!
  • marquisbob
    marquisbob Posts: 22 Member
    Time for yourself as a carer is super important. The better you feel the more resilient you will feel and the better placed you will be to care. Feel free to add me.