Slow weight loss

Hello All,
I started a high protein low carb diet but I have seen little weight loss. Am I doing something wrong?


  • dcdoty957
    dcdoty957 Posts: 24 Member
    5’11 and currently weigh 263 and want to lose 50 pounds
  • Erfw7471
    Erfw7471 Posts: 242 Member
    Are you logging/weighing/measuring your foods? If so, how many calories are you eating? If not, that may be a place for you to start.

    High protein/low carb is a great way to lose weight if you like that way of eating. So can Weight Watchers, and Keto, and vegetarian, etc. as long as a caloric deficit is hit.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    What do you call little?

    How much have you lost over what length of time?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    You could eat high protein and low carb and gain weight if you're eating too much - for weight loss, controlling your calorie intake is more important than worrying about your macro breakdown.

    Are you in a calorie deficit? What is "high" protein to you?
  • shannonprovenzano2812
    I’ve done high protein diets before but it isn’t enough to simply cut carbs and eat high protein to lose weight, you have to do that in addition to meeting your calorie goal. Put your stats and your goals into MFP and they’ll calculate how many calories you need to lose weight. You can eat high protein foods if that’s what you like, but you must stay within your calorie goals to lose.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Get a food scale. Amazon has them for around 25 dollars as do Walmart and Target.
    Weigh your food. Put it in the diary each day so you know exactly how many calories you are eating.
    Eat at the calorie deficit MyFitnessPal selected for you after you set up your account.
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen.

    What are your goals?
  • dcdoty957
    dcdoty957 Posts: 24 Member
  • dcdoty957
    dcdoty957 Posts: 24 Member
    So that would be 50 pounds of weight loss
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 325 Member
    how high protein? low carb does not mean high protein. any unused protein will turn to carbohydrate. my advice would be moderate protein. also, increase your fat. you should see a difference. make sure you are drinking lots of water. very important esp if you are just starting a lc diet.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    What is your calorie deficit? How many calories per day are you eating? This is the pertinent info along with your height and weight. If you are not losing on schedule then you are eating more than you think or are overestimating exercise burns. Whether it's low carb and high protein is largely irrelevant. Calories in vs. Calories out is what matters for weight loss.