Chicken help!

Theham2016 Posts: 27 Member
edited January 2018 in Recipes
I need a new recipe for chicken breast. Easy, quick, on the stove or in the oven. Healthy. Ideas???


  • KimJones1982
    KimJones1982 Posts: 1 Member
    Options This recipe is simple and yummy. Mostly done in one pan in the oven. Lots of other good recipes on this site also.
  • esmesqualor
    esmesqualor Posts: 85 Member
    Trader Joes has a Masala sauce in a jar. Use skinless, boneless breasts or thighs, and veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, onions, muchrooms, etc...) I use 1/2 the jar for two people, and thin it with chicken broth. Sometimes I add spices (cumin, cardamom, curry). It is also good if you add some chopped apple, and raisins. We eat it over rice or quinoa.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Google is your friend :)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    yesterday I pounded chicken breasts till flat, made a saute of mushrooms,onions,garlic & spinach. I put a scoop of that along with low fat cream cheese in each breast, rolled it up, secured it with toothpicks & put a can of cream of mushroom soup & fresh mushrooms in the pan, covered it & baked it. It was really good. I'm sure you can put anything you like in the middle.
    Another one is chicken paprikas(I'm Hungarian) saute onions in a bit of olive oil, add the chicken, saute a little, add paprika(I like the smokey one) I use a lot, since I like it, maybe 3 Tbl? never measured it. Add chicken broth but not to cover, maybe halfway cover. cook till done. You can personalize it, I add pepperoncini when I add chicken, you can also add chili flakes. I use a dolop of Greek yogurt instead of sour cream on top when I eat it.. you can serve over rice, pasta, potatoes, or by itself.