New To The Fray/Losing Weight with PCOS/On a Journey to lose 100 lbs/Vegan Queen

Yes, long title, but it underscores my introduction, as I tend to be longwinded! Hallo, everyone! I'm Persephone; I'm vegan; I have PCOS, and I'm here to lose 100 lbs. I definitely want to support as many others as I can and bring light and positivity to the community, while I make lifestyle changes and strive to achieve my goals! <3 If anyone wants to be friends or have similar goals, etc, feel free to add me or send me a message! <3 Just adding this here, because I do want to meet others with a similar lifestyle!


  • jbby0311
    jbby0311 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi :) My name is Jackie. I'm on a similar journey as you... looking to lose 100+ pounds. I too have PCOS. I'm not a vegan but always had a possible interest in that lifestyle. I'm looking for friends who will motivate me, not compete with me ( I end up just giving up because I always lose at the "losing" game. I would love to know how you are doing today, what's working/ isn't working for you. I'm knew to this by the way so I'm not to sure how to do things.
  • Rebel_Leader
    Rebel_Leader Posts: 126 Member
    Hey! Please feel to add. I’m sure we can motivate each other on our health and fitness journeys.

  • molliencharlie
    molliencharlie Posts: 22 Member
    Hey! I'm Mollie. I have PCOS as well and a little over 100lbs to lose. You've got this!
  • LizPalen412
    LizPalen412 Posts: 38 Member
    I also have PCOS and overall could stand to lose about 100lbs, but I'm only focused on 50 right now... I have a tendency to get overwhelmed. I'm not vegan, but I can definitely commiserate about trying to lose weight with PCOS! It can make it harder. Feel free to add me :)
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi anyone can add me. I have about 60 or more lbs to lose & also have PCOS. I am finding it really hard to lose weight (lost 22 lbs in 2017) & if anyone has any tips/tricks I will welcome any and all advice. If not you can add me for support.
  • Cclovely22
    Cclovely22 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there we have similar goals.... Looking to loose 100+ it's been a struggle.... Hopefully finding people to get motivation in tough times and support over all.... Have a nice day
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    Feel free to add me. I do not have PCOS, but I do have a history of other problems (uterine polyps, ovarian cysts, etc) I only have 25 more lobs to goal weight, but I have been around a while and have lost well on here.

  • tjyates3
    tjyates3 Posts: 53 Member
    Looking for new friends to help me stay motivated and active. I have been using Fitbit for the last year, and now I’m switching back to MFP an UA Record. Feel free to add me so we can stay fit together!