350+ pounds Support for Men & Women



  • abowman4221
    abowman4221 Posts: 8 Member
    I started at 315lbs a couple of years ago. I lost about 40lbs then had a pretty bad car accident that left me with a brain injury and a bulging disc in my neck. I knew that I had been gaining weight because my clothes were getting too tight again. I had to go to the doctor at the end of Sept last year and the scale said 300lbs. I decided right then and there that I am never going to see 300lbs again.
    I started with Medi-Weightloss (a medically supervised diet that takes my health insurance) in October. The diet that I am on is a modified keto diet. I thought it was going to be hard as it is not only low carb, but low fat and sugar as well. I do struggle at times with the diet as I am mostly only able to eat meat and dairy. I am allowed 500-715 calories of protein, 2 cups raw veg or 1 cup cooked veg. If I want fruit I have to take a veg away, so I usually try to stay away from fruit and I can have a little fat (think 16 pistachios, 6 olives, ect). I have learned that I can go off of this slightly and still be in ketosis. I do not think that this is the healthiest of diets so one of my goals is to get healthy enough that I can get off this super diet and probably never eat meat again. I miss veggies so much.
    I also started working out at the gym, but at the beginning of Dec I just about broke my foot, so I have not been to the gym in about 6 weeks. I go back to the doctor on the 19th so hopefully she will give me the all clear to go back to the gym. I have so far lost 46lbs and counting. I go the clinic every Thursday and my last weigh in was 256.
  • djandeedee
    djandeedee Posts: 3 Member
    I started at 330 Nov 2016 and have maintained that weight through to present. I packed on roughly 50-60 lbs. during the year that I was taking care of my dad with dementia and my mom who is disabled. I think the wake up call for me is when I noticed this past summer that I couldn't fit into any of the clothes I had bought the summer before and was relegated to basketball shorts and larger tshirts. I also now work nights (the benefits are amazing) which messes with my metabolism and sleep patterns. I work out 3-5 days a week - mostly jogging and cycling but haven't seen weight loss benefits though my blood pressure and sleep is much better (win!). I am looking to get back to at least 280lbs so I don't feel like I'm suffocating under my own weight anymore. I have problems with emotional eating and just eating too much of the wrong things. I have started a slow change where I've cut out fast food, most booze, eating between meals and junk food. I've replaced it with lean meat, a great deal of veggies and legumes. I'm hoping that by this summer I'll be able to fit into my clothes again.
  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    edited January 2018
    Positive vibes today!
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    QOTW Response:

    I am struggling with a number that is certain. I personally don't see myself below 200 lbs and being healthy. I remember doing a physical in 6th grade and weighing 200 pounds on the dot, this is why I think is why I struggle with being anything lower. Ultimately I just want to be healthy for myself and my daughter and should I ever re-marry possibly have another child if I am still able to.

    I don't per say break my goals into smaller ones. I do however give myself goals as they come up. When I hit 50 pounds lost I treated myself to Imagine Dragons tickets, and when it was time for the concert I was actually down 70. My brother got married in November and my daughter and I flew to Texas. My goals were to weigh less than I did when I got married (330) which was the last time I flew and not need a seat belt extender. When we left I weighed 328 and I was so occupied when we boarded the plane with my daughter I just asked for it discretely, but when we came home I did check and I didn't need it. So that was super exciting. Now that I have lost 82 pounds I am trying to think of something good for when I a) hit below 300 pounds or b) when I loose 100 pounds.
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    QOTD Response:

    I feel like I could reassess my goal weight once I get closer to it, but at this point in time I have my goal as 130 pounds. I can remember the last time I weighed 130 pounds, actually. I had just graduated high school. That was 17 years ago. It was shortly after that that I really started gaining a lot of weight. I may change that goal weight when I get closer because my body composition is definitely different than it was when I was 18.

    As far as milestones, I think the big ones for me will be 50 pounds lost, 100 pounds lost, and when I get under 200 pounds. I just recently made it under 300 and that was really important to me. It's been a very long time since I've seen that number on the scale and I didn't think I would ever get there again.

    I haven't really rewarded myself for my weight loss so far. Honestly, the change I've made to my life is getting sober and weight loss is the reward. But I do plan on doing some things once I get down to a weight where I can do them... so I guess they would be rewards. I want to go skydiving. That's the big goal I'm working towards. I also think shopping for cute clothes again will be a super fun reward. I'm so tired of sweat pants and athletic pants because they are the only things that fit me. And I'm tired of the glittery, flowery, butterfly, lame shirts that you usually find in the plus size section. I want fun and cute clothes again. Oh, and I'll also be rewarding myself with an awesome pair of boots (not cowboy) when I can fit into them and walk in them.
  • Katherinelittle24
    Katherinelittle24 Posts: 63 Member
    QOTW Response:

    Well I have a lot of goals that I want to achieve this week and for the entire year. I list a few of my goals in my last post. I've noticed that when I set big goals for myself, it helps me feel motivated and encourage to lose the weight in that amount of time. My big goals that I have already listed is to be able to walk a 5k by the end of the year, to start supporting behind the scenes at my Buddhist events by September of this year and I say by September because we've a huge event coming up in September so I'm hoping that I would be able to support :) and I know that it is possible. Some other goals that I haven't listed that I want to achieve is listed below:

    Fly without a seat belt extender
    Have fun at the amusement park knowing that I can actually fit in the seat
    Go hiking again for longer than 15 minutes - my back starts hurting very quickly but I do love hiking!
    ...and my goal is to lose weight so that one day when I get married I want to be able to shop for wedding dresses without crying and feeling like the biggest cow in the world. I know that I wouldn't be happy getting married at the weight I am at right now. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost seven years. Anniversary is in one month. So I know it is possible that he may even proposed to me this year and I want to be able to feel good about myself.
    And lastly, one day I want to start having kids. I am almost 27, so im not getting any younger haha I may want to start in a few years. I know there is a great chance I may not be able to have children because of my PCOS, but also because of my weight so losing weight can definitely increase my chance of getting pregnant one day and I want that chance!

    But those are of course longer term goals, so I am also trying to set goals for myself to achieve every week. For this week, I want to not cheat on my weight loss program, try to drink 117oz of water a day, and do some type of exercise every single day from 10-20 minutes a day and do some type of weight training every other day with weights that I have at home :) my weigh in day is every Thursday so I am hoping by this Thursday I would be in the 350s. I always weigh in every Monday because its my mid-week point and I like to see where I am at in my weight loss journey so far, so right now it says I weigh at 360lbs, so I'm very close to reaching my goal for the week! Sorry for the long post, but I just have a lot of goals!

    One more thing, @CassieBinTC, have you thought about forming a group on MFP for women and men that are in the 350s and beyond? because it does seem like this thread is expanding :)

  • PaulaJ45
    PaulaJ45 Posts: 14 Member
    I love these posts! I'm here AGAIN! Last spring I hit 339 and lost 70 lbs.... just to gain 45 back :(. Today is a new start for me AGAIN! But I know I can do it if I just stick to it. Feel free to add me! It's nice to know I am not the only one with these struggles.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    Great idea @Katherinelittle24. I just did that and sent everyone the invites.
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    I love the group idea! I just joined. I'm going to answer my question of the week in that discussion there.
  • LetsDoulaThis2018
    LetsDoulaThis2018 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Nichole. I'm 5'7" and my highest weight was 387lbs in summer 2012. I have gradually gotten down to 352lbs and hovered here for a couple of years. I am getting married in Disney in the fall. I want to not have the parks kick my out of shape butt and I want to feel comfortable in my Magic Kingdom photo shoot (in my wedding gown!). I have been bulimic in the past and so no extreme diets or cutting out completely foods that I love is ever going to be on my radar. I want to lose about a pound a week, slow and steady. My first goal is to get under 300. Then I would like to get down to 250 so I can go sky diving or ride horses again. I know it's a long trek but would love support from others who have so far to travel as well! Feel free to add me or message me! Let's do this together!
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    @LetsDoulaThis2018 How awesome is that. Welcome and I will send you the invite to the group in a moment.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    So, my WL Journey started in WLS Class in July/August of 2017. I did the 12 weeks of classes required by Kaiser and lost 50 pounds by the time I was done and I had fulfilled all of my requirements. After you go for your consultation you get put on a wait list to schedule surgery......well I just got that call. First they offered me a cancellation for this Thursday and I declined. Then the offered me March 23rd, which I scheduled.

    I have been on the fence about having surgery for about a month now. As I got a call for a cancellation for December 1st but couldn't do it because I had medication in my system from Bronchitis. Perhaps I don't need it because I am doing OK on my own. I can always cancel if I continue to do well on my own. But the biggest thing I am afraid of is plateaus. The lowest I can remember being as an adult is 298. I tried for a very long time to get past that an ultimately gave up and gained 10 pounds back before getting pregnant. This gives me 2 months to really decide what to do. I am currently 311 as of this morning that means I have 13 pounds until I get to that point.

    I am asking for everyone's input on this. What are your thoughts on WLS?
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm terrified of WLS because it seems so invasive and risky, but I've seen it work for a lot of people.

    What would you be having done? Lap band? Gastric bypass?

    Will it be expensive or will your insurance pay for it?

    I think you have the right idea in just seeing how you do without it first and then making a decision closer to March. If you do decide not to go through with it then, you can always schedule it when you do finally hit a dreaded plateau, right??
  • LetsDoulaThis2018
    LetsDoulaThis2018 Posts: 14 Member
    My thoughts on WLS are this...it carries a lot of risks and is not a quick fix. If you can't follow an extreme diet without the surgery you're not going to be able to follow the one required after the surgery indefinitely. Studies I have read show very little difference with weight loss maintenance ten years out than with any other healthy diet and exercise regimen. I also have already had parts of my GI tract removed related to other stuff (dropping a bunch of weight too fast can and will kill your gallbladder) and live with dumping syndrome. I know for me getting WLS would make that aspect of life even worse for me and dumping syndrome sucks. My thought is being skinny isn't worth risking my life for such an invasive surgery and if I really want to starve myself thin I don't need them cutting parts of my body out to do it; I can starve myself on my own. It's not the kind of life I want. Also...nobody gets to be our size without psychological issues around food. Surgery doesn't erase those issues. Spending the money on therapy is probably healthier and going to help more in the long run in terms of personal growth and development.

    I've toyed with the surgery in the past but once I did real research on it I canceled my consultation pretty quickly.
  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    Big goal 234. Which would be 200 pounds less than start. Will re-evaluate then.
    Small steps, meanwhile, I’m trying to get back to 333 which is where is was at the beginning of summer. I have about 25-30 pounds from that. From there I wanna get under 300, then take it 25 pounds at a time.
    No reward system.
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    Also...nobody gets to be our size without psychological issues around food. Surgery doesn't erase those issues.

    So true...
  • abowman4221
    abowman4221 Posts: 8 Member
    QOTW response: The weight loss clinic has a starting goal of 210 for me as that gets me out of the morbidly obese category. I started breaking it down into smaller goals. My first was to get to 275 because that was what I weighed at the time of the car accident. My second goal was to get to 250 by New Years. My goal now is to be in a size 16 by Valentine's Day (currently size 18). My reward(s) for reaching goals have been at 275 I was going to get a haircut and color. The 250 reward was a trip to the Goodwill to get new jeans. My reward for hitting my Valentine's Day goal (which so far I am on track to do) is to go to Victoria's Secret and buy something sexy since I have never been able to wear anything from there and when I went the other day for kicks I actually fit into the largest size they carry.