5’2 females, how are you maintaining?



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    He is a 5'10" man commenting on a 5'2" women's thread. nuff said. WinoGelato you make a lot of sense. Thanks for vocalizing what I was thinking as I slowly up my calories. While I was losing I would have sworn that my maintenance would have been a lot lower than it is. And over time I think you DO need to keep pushing the envelope UP little by little. Apparently our bodies learn to convert to more energy vs store fat. It has been a pleasant surprise to find myself (like Army wife) still trending down even as I push my cals up! And to whoever woo'd my previous post. I can muse about good vs bad calories if I want. That's my personal experience which I am sharing, not pushing it on anyone else.

    I'm pretty sure most 'woo'ers really think the woo button is meant in a positive way but the majority of us see it as woo as in BS, so take it in your case as a positive :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2018
    ryenday wrote: »
    @purpleannex well I think we all can eat far more than we need, because something tastes really good etc. If you have a lot of salad on the side a few slices of pizza is completely filling and adequate. For you as a guy ok you can have a few slices more but it should still fill you up. I've got used to eating less. It is what it is.

    Yeah, doesn’t fill me up. Glad it works well for you, but regular thin crust pizza? Takes at least 1/2 a pizza to fill me up. Salad doesn’t fill me up at all - I remain hungry no matter what quantity of salad.

    “Should still fill you up”. Not sure how you can say because it fills you up personally it should be the case for everyone, but happy that it works for you. Less than happy that it doesn’t work that way with me.

    It is what it is. Totally agree.

    'should' being the operative word. Perhaps I am just so used to smaller portions so its easy enough for me to say that.
    I've been eating smaller portions for close on 6 years so my stomach/body has got used to less I suppose and I rarely feel true hunger.
  • Armywife04_21
    Armywife04_21 Posts: 60 Member
    The woos lol :D
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    The woos lol :D

    Somebody or bodies is on a woo roll today!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    So I have been wondering what exactly is a woo supposed to be used for now? I thought it was for statements of ‘fact’ that are not scientifically backed up, but then I see it on lots of posts that would not apply and assume it is a general disagreement thingy now?
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    edited January 2018
    So the conclusion is, if you're a 5'2" female, you have to count calories and eat tiny amounts for the rest of your life, if you want to maintain low weight. For those of you on higher maintenance numbers, 2300 kcal's, you can't even eat one pizza, that's one meal!

    I'm 5'2" and I don't ever count calories...I'm eating one big meal a day during the week and on the weekend I Splurge and I've been maintaining within a 3 pound range for 7 months :)
  • igniscordis
    igniscordis Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2018
    CoachJen71 wrote: »

    I'm 5'2.5", 46yo, post-menopausal.

    Maintaining 120ish at 1300 or so sedentary, but usually aim for 20k walking steps a day, plus I do some strength work (not wearing the Fitbit then, tho.) Can eat 1800 cals or so for a 20K step day, unless I have been hiking hills. I can get an extra 300-500 cals depending upon how challenging the hike is.

    The weight difference between a cut and maintenance (factoring in glycogen, sodium, accompanying water, and the food baby) seems to be about 4lbs for me.

    Same here. I am 5'3 and when I make 20000/25000 walkings steps a day I can maintain when I eat 'round 1800/1900 cal. Oh, my weight is 115lbs. :)
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »

    I'm 5'2.5", 46yo, post-menopausal.

    Maintaining 120ish at 1300 or so sedentary, but usually aim for 20k walking steps a day, plus I do some strength work (not wearing the Fitbit then, tho.) Can eat 1800 cals or so for a 20K step day, unless I have been hiking hills. I can get an extra 300-500 cals depending upon how challenging the hike is.

    The weight difference between a cut and maintenance (factoring in glycogen, sodium, accompanying water, and the food baby) seems to be about 4lbs for me.

    Same here. I am 5'3 and when I make 20000/25000 walkings steps a day I can maintain when I eat 'round 1800/1900 cal. Oh, my weight is 115lbs. :)

    But considering that most tracking their steps people aim for 10,000 steps per day, 20,000-25,000 steps would amount to another hour and a half of walking each day. Or a total of 10+ miles.

    Makes it seem that shorter women have to do twice the exercise if we want to eat like our taller counterparts.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    So I have been wondering what exactly is a woo supposed to be used for now? I thought it was for statements of ‘fact’ that are not scientifically backed up, but then I see it on lots of posts that would not apply and assume it is a general disagreement thingy now?

    Most people don't use it as a positive meaning but rather a negative one. Apparenrly it can be used for either meaning which is rather stupid.
  • invisibleman53
    invisibleman53 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not happy with my weight loss. Started October 9, 2017 at 179 and wanted to get down to what I was back in January 2017 at 165. When I got hospitalized for pulmonary embolism, I wasn't active and so I gained weight uup to 180. I have been very good at exercising since I'm a long distance runner. I have dropped to 176 and dippped at times to 172 but not for long. I've always been short of my goal calories and still not lost the weight. Holding today at 176, just frustrating
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    that's a VERY interesting statement. ...And not to say CICO is not the end game, but I notice that eating "clean" for me seems like I can eat MORE than if I eat junk. Calorie wise AND volume wise of course. I know we say a calorie is a calorie but some of the junk I think my fat cells like to grab on to. (just musing not starting an argument). 5'1.75" maintain at around 99-100 , 59 years old. Not really all that active although I do try to run daily.

    There is a theory that we burn more calories digesting protein. Maybe that ties in with your anecdotal evidence regarding being able to eat more clean foods? Alternatively, small portions of lower cal foods spread throughout the day feels like more food to me than a few higher cal meals, so I feel like I am eating more because I eat more often.

  • annsw65
    annsw65 Posts: 7 Member
    I, too, believe in the high, lean protein diet....as well as 3 meals in moderation along with 2 healthy snacks throughout the day. It takes energy to digest that food.....so keep digesting! And it takes more energy to burn protein and fiber. Smaller meals keeps the stomach at a moderate size and keeps the appetite under control! And I mean healthy snacks, not junk food! Nuts, trail mix, yogurt....I aim for 10-15 grams of protein in a snack....and you won’t find that in a bag of chips!
  • cnunez1215
    cnunez1215 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'3" 119lbs and I'm currently trying to shed the Christmas belly and love handles. It's weird because I've been having a calorie deficit, under 1000 when I'm supposed to be just over 1700 and I honestly haven't lost a significant amount of weight. I'm actually trying to bulk up. I try to work out 3 times a week atleast.
  • iheartmakeup01
    iheartmakeup01 Posts: 35 Member
    edited January 2018
    I guess I responded to this post already
  • Jill_s22
    Jill_s22 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a touch taller - I'm 5'3". Originally I lost about 12 pounds and ended up at 115 but the weight kept coming off and I went all the way down, by mistake, to about 105. I'm trying to creep back up and so far I've been successful and I'm coming in closer to 110 now which I'm alright with.

    I set my maintenance to 1700 but I kept loosing so I'm upping it by 100 cal increments. For the next few weeks I'll try 1800 (which is great since it's the holiday season) and if I maintain here then I'll stay at 1800 and if I keep losing then I'll up it again.

    I only work out three times a week - I do strength training Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    Hello, I’m currently 125 with a heigh of 5”2, goal weight would be ideally between 110-115. Wondering how you lost those 12 pounds when you were 127? Currently doing the Kayla Itness book 2-3 Days a week. And one day a week I go running for 5 miles.
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    I'm 5ft and maintaining at 120lb with 1,200 a day (my job is sedentary. As in, I sit at a desk and don't move for 40 hours a week) but when I do exercise I get to eat the calories back. I want to drop another 5lb, but dread the thoughts of having to cut any more calories and just can't find time to exercise this time of year (to dark to go for a run, no space for work out DVD and the nearest gym is a 40 min drive away).
    I'm hoping in the summer when I can go for runs and work out outside I'll be able to drop the last few pounds and hit my 115 goal.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    mskimee wrote: »
    I'm 5ft and maintaining at 120lb with 1,200 a day (my job is sedentary. As in, I sit at a desk and don't move for 40 hours a week) but when I do exercise I get to eat the calories back. I want to drop another 5lb, but dread the thoughts of having to cut any more calories and just can't find time to exercise this time of year (to dark to go for a run, no space for work out DVD and the nearest gym is a 40 min drive away).
    I'm hoping in the summer when I can go for runs and work out outside I'll be able to drop the last few pounds and hit my 115 goal.

    You'll find when the summer comes those extra pounds will just disappear. If you really want to do a workout Jessica Smith (youtube) specialises in indoor workouts where there is hardly any room (i.e she just uses the space of a yoga mat) to workout.