Georgia Girl Gone HEALTHY

Hello everyone!! So... I am 33 years old, a recovering addict, whose gained quite a bit of weight throughout my sobriety!! This is the first time in my life I’ve ever “dieted” or been concerned with my health or weight!! I was very athletic in my youth, wild in my young adulthood, and now here I am!!! By the grace of god I’m alive and well, but have recently desired to actually take care of myself!!! I’ve gained close to 50 lbs since I’ve gotten sober, more then any weight gain with my children combined!!! Would love to have some support and shared wisdom of those that are struggling endomorphs like me!!! I go to the gym, I count calories, I have completely rid my body of many things yet still such a slow change it’s exhausting!!!


  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Hello and welcome. And first of all congratulations on your sobriety. That's the very best thing you can do for you and those who love you.

    How long have you been watching your calories? What do you mean by slow progress?
  • Christy7350
    Christy7350 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you!! I’ve been fasting since Jan 7th, but only counting calories for the last 3 days! Been going to the gym for about a week everyday!! Perhaps I’m expecting more then I should!!! My weight is fluctuating back and forth quickly from 168 to 165 to 170 to 165 lol!!! So I’m like what is going on here, I’m starving!! And have changed so much!! I’m used to eating whatever, whenever, however, healthy foods never water never, carbonated caffeinated all day lol.... to mere water, and healthy foods... I’m very uneducated on these things so I’m doing the best with what knowledge the internet gives me!!!
  • bowtechmb
    bowtechmb Posts: 4 Member
    I seem to be having the same problem.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Great news! There's no actual science about endomorphs, ectomorphs, mesoplasms, or dagon worshippers.
    Just count your calories accurately and honestly and finish each day close to your calorie budget. It's magic.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    The most important thing you can do now is to stop fasting unless you are doing it for religious purposes. Just stop. Your body needs food. Your body needs fuel. Pay attention to the goals MyFitnessPal has set for you. At your weight you should not have your goal set for more than one pound a week. Make sure you eat to meet your protein goals your carb goals and your fiber goals. Those are all essential building blocks to a healthy you.

    Try your best to meet your other nutrients as best you can but know that sometimes food nutrition labels are missing some of the data that MyFitnessPal collects. Most important is to get enough protein, because that feeds your muscles and keeps you strong. Enough carbs because that fuels your body. And enough fiber because that keeps things moving along properly. Be sure to eat the calories you are given. If you are given 1300 calories a day then please eat them.

    Make sure you are drinking enough water. Your fluctuations are more than likely water weight especially if you are exercising hard and introducing your body to new things.

    Finally, be patient. Be patient with yourself. Stay on course but forgive yourself if you mess up. There are a whole bunch of great topics in the getting started form I suggest reading them. Especially the one about on your path to sexy pants.