New on here- looking for friends who want encouragement and

Hi, I just started MFP yesterday and absolutely love the website and the phone app. I am 42 and struggling to get weight off. It seems like no matter how healhy I eat, it isn't working. My friends tell me that they think I am not eating enough even though it is all healthy (so basically I am making my body go into starvation mode and hold on to the fat...ugh...)

For exercise, I go to my local Y and work out on their Fit Linx weight machines. They are all different machines targeting different areas. It is a great 60 minutes of weightlifting. I also try to walk every night for about 45-60 minutes

Any ideas on how I can jump start the weight loss? I have almost 60lbs that I would like to get off and I haven't set an extreme deadline. I know slow and steady is the way, so I am giving myself until Labor Day 2012. If I get to my goal weight before that day, then YAY ME!

I would love to hear from you. Tell me your story and I will be an encourager to you on your journey!


  • Hey fellow 40-something... I am liking the phone/web interface so far, just started today. Maybe we can encourage each other, lord knows I need it!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me too :) I need to loose 60-70 lbs. We can do this! :)
  • shannybell
    shannybell Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome...I am 41 and need to lose 40-50! Add me!
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    Good luck! Everyone says it's harder as you get older. And I'm about to turn 30 myself. Way tougher now than ten years ago!:ohwell:

    You'll read lots of posts about eating more here too. The nice thing is that mfp calculates it for you. Just try to meet your calorie goal.:flowerforyou:
  • This is the best place ever. I joined a week ago and have met new ppl and have found lots of encouragement. I have about 50 lbs to lose and it is hard and slow going. U can add me and see what I eat and excercise. I have lost 12lbs in a week and a half. yeah...add me
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Hello I'm Monica and I'm 44.. (hello monica.. )..

    Sounds like a bad AA meeting for dieters.. :laugh:

    Hey I just started in June 2011 and I'm having the time of my life.. NEVER in my lifetime have I enjoyed following a diet plan.. and lord knows there's been many!! But this time... OHHHH This time "I GET TO CUSTOMIZE IT TO WHAT I ENJOY" .. and thats just a fact..
    I love choosing and being accountable for my own choices .. but I now have the knowledge about the choices I'm making and I can say that it feels good to be educated about food and exercise!!

    Oh and btw, I was in starvation mode for 2 weeks .. most frustrating thing EVER!~ but I began eating more and exercising a little less and guess what? The weight is coming off again!! GOoooo ME!

    So WELCOME TO MFP and Add me if you'd like! :flowerforyou:

    Monica :heart:
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Boosting metabolism to jump start weight loss requires two things: adequate energy demands on our cells to encourage the physiological mechanisms that increase metabolism (i.e. exercise, both cardio and strength training) and the fuel that cells need to function if their metabolic rate is to increase (i.e. adequate calories). I'm 37 and a biology professor (hence my analytical beginning), have been using MFP since mid-April, and am more than halfway to my primary goal. I've gotten into cycling and running and will be taking on my first 5K in three weeks. My focus is on permanent lifestyle change, which means I don't eat 100% healthy 100% of the time...I like pizza and pie too much to give them up for good...but I emphasize moderation in diet, responsible eating related to exercise (i.e. I eat back nearly all my exercise calories), and responsible training regimens in which I push myself hard but don't risk injury by pushing my limits every time. Feel free to send a friend request if you like, as I love to give and receive support from my MFP family.
  • wrightclown
    wrightclown Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome....I am new to MFP as well. Let's encourage each other. Feel free to add me as your friend . :smile:
  • 1sly
    1sly Posts: 1
    Hi Idmarti,

    Have you ever try to do your cardio before breakfast ? I know it's sometime not easy but it was the most effective way for some friends and I to drop some weight.
  • doony19
    doony19 Posts: 10
    Wow, I feel like I'm talking to my twin. I too don't eat enough even though I feel like I'm eating all the time and all the right things. And I workout at the Y. I have about 100 lbs to lose. I'll friend you so we can give eachother the support we need!!
  • I actually was doing my treadmill at 5am every morning at the Y but was hit with vertigo a couple of weeks ago. My doctor told me to not do treadmill for a while until I knew that I wasn't going to have a spin attack while on the treadmill. So, I started walking around our park where I live (1 lap around = 1.3 miles) in the evenings so I wouldn't be walking around the dark park at 5am.

    Hoping to get back to cardio in the morning soon because I feel better when I get my heart pumping first thing in the morning. Makes for a better day!
  • ajanica
    ajanica Posts: 1
    i am new here just started lastnight... i need motivators.. pls help!
  • taraleola05
    taraleola05 Posts: 31 Member
    I've been on here for a little while now but haven't been serious about it the whole time. The past few months I've been more dedicated but also having a motivation plateau right now! This site is great for that little bit of encouragement that you need! Best of luck on your new journey!!

    Tara Leola*~
  • Hello everybody!!!! I decided to enjoyed myfitnessplay, because I wanted to lose enough weight before having a second child. I know it may seem kind of strange to some, but I did not want to work extra hard losing weight after having another child. I am only 29 with one child and is planning to having another one before I turn 31. So far I have lost 4lbs and praying I can lose most of the weight by next summer and keep it off.
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Hi and welcome. I'm about a week new too and so far finding that the people here are SUPER SUPPORTIVE! I'm 43 and have about 40 lbs to lose. After asking what I ate, the doc said I need to eat more consistently otherwise my body thinks it's going to starve and holds onto everything. Figures! Feel free to friend me and we can cheer each other along!
  • Hello and Welcome.
    This is an amazing site for motivation and support.
    I am 35 years old and have lost 49lbs since January 2011.
    I started my weight at 183 and am currently 134.
    I am excited about my weight loss journey and the results of all
    my hard work.
    I am looking to lose between 5-10 more lbs.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hello and Welcome.
    This is an amazing site for motivation and support.
    I am 35 years old and have lost 49lbs since January 2011.
    I started my weight at 183 and am currently 134.
    I am excited about my weight loss journey and the results of all
    my hard work.
    I am looking to lose between 5-10 more lbs.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.