350+ pounds Support for Men & Women



  • pugsrmypatronus
    pugsrmypatronus Posts: 16 Member
    @CassieBinTC I think WLS is a big decision, like any major surgery, and I know people who've had mixed results. I think for some people, it really is their only option but for myself, I'm not ready to make that decision. The fact that you can only eat small amounts would be very triggering for me as I'm in recovery from an eating disorder and I don' t think I have really figured out how to deal with lots of emotion without food. WLS is like anything, you have to put the work into it to make it work. I've had a couple of volunteers who've had it who've had serious complications and it was a tough first year for them but I think they were happy with the longer term results. I'd be honest with your doctor as I'm sure they've seen many cases and can give you some advice. If you hit a plateau, maybe thats time to invest into a nutritionist or a personal trainer or someone who can help you change it up? I feel like if I'm thinking about investing the time and money in WLS, I should also be willing to invest that into trying to lose weight on my own first.
  • cassie9393
    cassie9393 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello! I'm glad to find this group. I'm 34 and starting again around 400 lbs. I was at this point a few years ago when I joined WW and lost 85 but I've gained it back, though it took awhile. I've tried keto but it tends to make me feel ill so have found my best somewhat long-term success to be tracking. I'm more motivated at this point due to joint pain beginning that I know can be alleviated with weight loss. Feeling good still at this point, and had the happy beginning drop of about 10 lbs but am having a hard time getting in exercise.
  • KingstonJack
    KingstonJack Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! Starting today 368. Did this a few years back and lost 100 lbs in 9 months. Looking to get back to it and get to a comfortable weight. Add me I need friends for motivation and accountability
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    @CassieBinTC can you post a link to the group? I’d love to join!
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    My thoughts on WLS are this...it carries a lot of risks and is not a quick fix. If you can't follow an extreme diet without the surgery you're not going to be able to follow the one required after the surgery indefinitely. Studies I have read show very little difference with weight loss maintenance ten years out than with any other healthy diet and exercise regimen. I also have already had parts of my GI tract removed related to other stuff (dropping a bunch of weight too fast can and will kill your gallbladder) and live with dumping syndrome. I know for me getting WLS would make that aspect of life even worse for me and dumping syndrome sucks. My thought is being skinny isn't worth risking my life for such an invasive surgery and if I really want to starve myself thin I don't need them cutting parts of my body out to do it; I can starve myself on my own. It's not the kind of life I want. Also...nobody gets to be our size without psychological issues around food. Surgery doesn't erase those issues. Spending the money on therapy is probably healthier and going to help more in the long run in terms of personal growth and development.

    I've toyed with the surgery in the past but once I did real research on it I canceled my consultation pretty quickly.
    I'm terrified of WLS because it seems so invasive and risky, but I've seen it work for a lot of people.

    What would you be having done? Lap band? Gastric bypass?

    Will it be expensive or will your insurance pay for it?

    I think you have the right idea in just seeing how you do without it first and then making a decision closer to March. If you do decide not to go through with it then, you can always schedule it when you do finally hit a dreaded plateau, right??

    Sorry, it has been a crazy few days for me with work and other things. So the cost would only be $500 for my co-pay. My insurance does cover it.

    As of this morning I am down 83 pounds. I feel being down that amount all by myself with no surgery or specific health program is pretty extreme in itself. Or it is the most extreme I have been with weight loss. Also I had my gallbladder removed in 2005. I plan on having the sleeve procedure should I move forward. As of now I just plan on doing the best I can and keep it that way. I will have to make a hard decision on March 16th if I go for Pre-Op. So we will see where time takes us.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    @bdferguson1 Welcome to our board. I will send you a group invite as well. Congrats on your success so far. You totally are going to make this year your year. I understand where you are coming from it took me the longest time to actually see it myself. I had plenty of people tell me how awesome I was doing but could not see it for myself. I started in a size 28 and then one day I went shopping with my ex-mother in-law and I was able to fit into a 22. Now I am fitting in a 20. So let me say just because your pants stay on doesn't mean they are truly your size.
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    Reading the best book. It's Called 100 Way's To Motivate Yourself". Quick and easy read. Just thought I would pass it along for those who need a little kick in the pants!
  • Hi I'm Nikki and I started my journey at 325 11 days ago. I know not the 350 that's specified but as someone else said, I feel like I have more in common with you all than people trying to lose 30lbs. I'm currently 302lbs and am following 5:2 fasting program using MFP to stay below 1200 on my 5 days of not fasting.

    I got down to 180 using MFP before then gained dramatically comfort eating after my husband had his leg amputated above the knee and I lost my beloved horse 3 weeks later. I got shocked into starting over last week having overheard dome friends being really nasty about my weight.

    My goal is to get under 300 hopefully in the next few days, then 250, then under 200 and if like to eventually get back to the 125 I was before I got married. So I want to lose 200lbs really. 10% down so far. I'd love to be a part of your group too if that's okay.
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    Hi all!! I am so happy to find people that have alot of weight to lose like myself! I am 28 years old with a 5 year old daughter. I started in Sept. 2017 at 328lbs. After years of trying to lose weight on my own, never getting passed the first 10 lbs, and then gaining it all back plus more, I decided to start going to a weightless clinic. I follow a low carb diet (75g of carbs per day/25g each meal), get a B12 shot every 2 weeks, and take vitamins and an appetite suppressant.

    As of this morning, I weighed in at 296! My first big goal is to hit 50 lbs lost! And hopefully lose a pants size, since that still hasn't happened yet. My ultimate goal is a healthy him, so around 155. But I will reassess that when it gets closer!! Here's to 2018 being my last year morbidly obese!

    I think we're weight loss twins! Lol! I started in October at 330 and I'm now at 295!
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    I also haven't went down a pant size yet, but my pants are all baggy/saggy in the butt and tummy area. I have gone down a shirt size. And my wedding ring no longer fits. It is falling off ny finger. I will be so thrilled to go down a pant size, though.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    @fatoldladyonamission Of course please join us. I am so sorry to hear you have been through all that trauma. I am also sorry you heard your friends talking about you that way, which was uncalled for. We are all here for each other. You are already on the road to doing this again and we all have faith in you. Best of luck and we are all here for you.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi guys! I wanted to pop in and leave a link to the group that was started. I know sometimes if you use the app you don’t get invite notifications. You should have gotten an invite if you posted here.

  • Thanks Cassie and Melly fot the link. I've joined the group!

    Looking forward to a much brighter future. I swear my knees already feel better climbing stairs!
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks Cassie and Melly fot the link. I've joined the group!

    Looking forward to a much brighter future. I swear my knees already feel better climbing stairs!

    I know how you feel! I live in a second floor apartment and I used to dread climbing those stairs everyday! Now I run up like it’s nothing!

  • ChubbyMcChubface
    ChubbyMcChubface Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All. My name is Eric. I started at 471lbs and am currently 386lbs. I still have a loooooong way to go, but I'm happy with the progress I've made so far. Just saw the link and joined the group. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    @ChubbyMcChubface hi Eric! Welcome! You have my exact starting weight! I’ll send a friend request.
  • bdferguson1
    bdferguson1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all!! I am so happy to find people that have alot of weight to lose like myself! I am 28 years old with a 5 year old daughter. I started in Sept. 2017 at 328lbs. After years of trying to lose weight on my own, never getting passed the first 10 lbs, and then gaining it all back plus more, I decided to start going to a weightless clinic. I follow a low carb diet (75g of carbs per day/25g each meal), get a B12 shot every 2 weeks, and take vitamins and an appetite suppressant.

    As of this morning, I weighed in at 296! My first big goal is to hit 50 lbs lost! And hopefully lose a pants size, since that still hasn't happened yet. My ultimate goal is a healthy him, so around 155. But I will reassess that when it gets closer!! Here's to 2018 being my last year morbidly obese!

    I think we're weight loss twins! Lol! I started in October at 330 and I'm now at 295!

    That's awesome!! We can get this weight off together!! I was 295 this morning!