Recommendations needed for new Scale

Hi guys! I’m looking for a new scale. I’ve only ever had a simple scale, but I’m thinking one that works with Bluetooth or BMI would be helpful.

What brands/models do you love ❤️ or hate?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I currently have this scale:

    It will sync with your phone(it has it's own app), but not with MyFitnessPal or Fitbit. I had a Fitbit Aria scale before it, but it went haywire on me and I didn't have the money to replace it. This one was budget friendly and while it doesn't auto update my weight in my apps for me, it does everything else.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I bought this one off Amazon for $50 last January and it's been fantastic! Tracks several stats besides weight (BMI, body fat, etc) and syncs to your phone/MFP/Fitbit/Amazon Echo/several other things. Great customer service too!
  • orionaimee
    orionaimee Posts: 89 Member
    I have the FitBit Aria scale and love it. It does feed right into MFP and or FitBit app & Apple health. I like it because I can't fudge my numbers or decide I just won't enter my weight for the week if I don't like the number. It has helped keep me accountable.
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    I've got this one:

    I like it, trendweight works with it, and it can sync directly with mfp (don't need to go through the app). The model I have only tracks weight/bmi though. I didn't want one that did more since accuracy of bia based bodyfat measurement isn't very good. The Body+ can do bodyfat% though, if you want that feature.