"I didn't want to offend you"

I come here because there is no one else I can talk to about this. I'm 19 years old- and I recently lost 70 pounds using MyFitnessPal. I'm totally happy with my weight loss. At 5 foot 6 inches and 136 pounds, I finally feel great! When I hit 140, I switched myself to "maintenance", and ate the recommended 1700 calories/day. In the past few weeks, I've somehow managed to lose 4lbs, so I am continuing to up my calories until I find that balance. However, people are making comments about how I look "anorexic" and "have no boobs". Is that really something that is socially acceptable to say to anyone? When I was 210 lbs, and had a BMI of 33, I was putting myself at risk for so many health issues- no one seemed to be concerned then. I never had a "wow, your waist is so LARGE..have you ever thought about what would happen if you got diabetes?" or anything along those lines.

I have done my research, I have indulged throughout my journey as every other person should. I worked my butt off to feel happy with myself, and now, all I hear from my significant other is how "concerned" people are with my weight loss. I have a BMI of 22. When using the children BMI calculator, as I should, I am in the 51st percentile. What exactly am I missing here?

Why do I feel as though people are constantly asking me to prove that I eat as much as I do? I am constantly eating small meals, whenever I'm hungry. I practice moderation as a way to maintain this healthy lifestyle change. Yes, I weigh most of my foods and count calories. I've lost and gained weight back before. I remember what happened when I stopped counting.

I guess my major question.. my motive for posting this is to ask if maybe I'm being unreasonable in thinking that I'm healthy while everyone else labels me "anorexic". If these degrading comments will ever stop. If maybe, I should see my doctor to prove I am healthy to everyone else. I never thought it would come down to this- having to endure comments about the way I physically look "like bones"..

Any input would be appreciated. And don't be afraid to offend or knock some sense into me- I feel like the people close to me asking me to prove to them I eat what I say I do is as offensive as it gets. However, my mom has not asked to see- she has a BMI of 21.6. Oh, and no one ever tells me brother he looks anorexic with his BMI of 22.2. Thanks guys, in advance..


  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Are the comments coming from strangers too? Or mostly people who also knew you at 210 lbs? If it's th latter, it's probably that their minds cannot process the change in your appearance.

    5' 6" 136 lbs sounds very healthy to me.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Be a Honey badger.

    Seriously it sounds like you are doing things the correct way. Stop letting other peoples issues get to you.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Wow. As I read your post, I felt like I could have written it (or close to it).

    I am 5'4" and I'm currently at 145lbs. I have people tell me all the time that I'm too thin, too skinny, look unhealthy, etc. I even had a woman at work ask me how much weight I was going to lose and am I sick? Because people are worried that I'm ill because I look "sickly". I have a healthy BMI now and I'm happy with what I see in the mirror. I am, honestly, on the high end of the weight charts but really? I ignore charts and even BMI. I focus on how I feel and how I look in the mirror.

    I have had people on this website send me messages and basically accuse me of lying about how much I eat in a day (I net between 2200-2500 calories a day). I've had people say a lot of very cruel things to me as I've gotten thinner.

    Like you, I want to know where these people were when I was 203lbs and heading for a heart attack with my eating habits. I don't see that any of them gave a hoot then - why be critical of me now? I'm healthy. I'm happy. I love me again.

    What is wrong with being thin? I ask myself this quite often because I am starting to feel like it is a crime to be thin in today's society. Are we just so accustomed to obesity that we fail to see thin people as "normal" and think they are sickly?
  • antijen
    antijen Posts: 112 Member
    You aren't the one who needs sense knocked into them. You're fine! You're doing great actually! Congratulations on the weight loss!

    I really don't know why people do this. It's not as though skinniness is the major health issue of the day, but it seems that people see it as a big threat. For some reason it's still okay to comment on skinny people and call them poor role models, etc.
    I could be way off track here, so feel free to ignore what I say...

    I find people who down play other people's success do so because they are insecure with themselves. They knock people down when they feel good about themselves. Your significant other might be hearing from other people that you are looking slimmer and therefore "hot" and he might be feeling a bit insecure. Reassure everyone that you are eating healthy foods and your body is adjusting appropriately. Then tell them how great you feel now that you are not carrying around all of that extra weight.

    You are doing great, don't let others get you down.
  • RayRay042408
    were you always on the heavier side??? if so, maybe these people are just having a hard time adjusting their depth perception from where you used to be to where you are now?? 136lbs is NOT too skinny for a 5'6" frame. I am 5'6" and before i let myself go while pregnant... i weighed 135, and looking at my sister, who is a mirror image of me.. same height. same weight. same body structure... it is NOT too skinny. its perfect. im sure your skin needs time to tone up... if there's to much, it could require surgery to tighten it up.. but i highly doubt it... i started my journey on here at 201 lbs. i am down to 190, and struggling... but give it some time... you are the only person who matters in your journey... if you KNOW that you're eating enough and you truely arent starving yourself... dont worry about what anyone else has to ssay :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,725 Member
    I come here because there is no one else I can talk to about this. I'm 19 years old- and I recently lost 70 pounds using MyFitnessPal. I'm totally happy with my weight loss. At 5 foot 6 inches and 136 pounds, I finally feel great! When I hit 140, I switched myself to "maintenance", and ate the recommended 1700 calories/day. In the past few weeks, I've somehow managed to lose 4lbs, so I am continuing to up my calories until I find that balance. However, people are making comments about how I look "anorexic" and "have no boobs". Is that really something that is socially acceptable to say to anyone? When I was 210 lbs, and had a BMI of 33, I was putting myself at risk for so many health issues- no one seemed to be concerned then. I never had a "wow, your waist is so LARGE..have you ever thought about what would happen if you got diabetes?" or anything along those lines.

    I have done my research, I have indulged throughout my journey as every other person should. I worked my butt off to feel happy with myself, and now, all I hear from my significant other is how "concerned" people are with my weight loss. I have a BMI of 22. When using the children BMI calculator, as I should, I am in the 51st percentile. What exactly am I missing here?

    Why do I feel as though people are constantly asking me to prove that I eat as much as I do? I am constantly eating small meals, whenever I'm hungry. I practice moderation as a way to maintain this healthy lifestyle change. Yes, I weigh most of my foods and count calories. I've lost and gained weight back before. I remember what happened when I stopped counting.

    I guess my major question.. my motive for posting this is to ask if maybe I'm being unreasonable in thinking that I'm healthy while everyone else labels me "anorexic". If these degrading comments will ever stop. If maybe, I should see my doctor to prove I am healthy to everyone else. I never thought it would come down to this- having to endure comments about the way I physically look "like bones"..

    Any input would be appreciated. And don't be afraid to offend or knock some sense into me- I feel like the people close to me asking me to prove to them I eat what I say I do is as offensive as it gets. However, my mom has not asked to see- she has a BMI of 21.6. Oh, and no one ever tells me brother he looks anorexic with his BMI of 22.2. Thanks guys, in advance..
    In the "real" world, whether you really think so or not, many "close" friends don't really want to see you succeed. And if you do it's because of an odd circumstance. Part of the reason some of these stupid reality shows are so popular is because people get to see how messed up some people really are and it makes them feel better about themselves.
    They may tell you "you look great", but inside it eats at them because they feel they are good as you but don't get the same results. Again, it's not all close friends, but some.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and have gone about your weight loss in a smart, reasonable manner. 136 at 5'6" sounds healthy to me! You should be proud of your amazing accomplishment, and disregard negative comments from people who obviously don't have your health in mind, especially if they knew you when you were overweight and unhealthy and neglected to say anything.

    When others lose weight, people who have weight issues or problems of their own can go all kinds of crazy, so I say ignore the naysayers, as long as you know you're being healthy and you feel good, that's what is important! Congratulations on the loss, and keep up the maintenance :)
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    You are healthy and have taken control of your body.
    Don't let others judgement bother you. I find it so odd how we are in a society so quick to judge ANY weight. We simply don't know the issues involved.

    Be PROUD of yourself and what you have accomplished. Your blood, sweat, and hard work have earned it.

    People saying "I don't want to offend you" to me is a BS copout way of saying "I'm going to be an A-hole, I know it...but I don't give a $*&% so I'm gonna do it anyway".
  • sabrinag6005
    first of all GREAT job on the weight loss, it's very inspiring to see it actually can be done! Thats a huge number. My guess is that as you've lost the weight and with your height ppl didn't expect you to be as successful as you've been. i'd imagine being that tall you do look thinner especially compared to where you started. I'd ignore the negative comments and keep doing what works for you, surround yourself w positive people and those who build you up. The other thing that comes to mind is not everyone can handle your WL. Maybe jealousy or insecurity, etc. But if your being healthy and taking care of your body physically you should be proud and skip the "hater's"... What I wldn't give to be in your shoes!
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    if you feel healthy and good in your skin, then let the comments roll. you sound like you're at a very good weight for your height. and sometimes ppl dont feel good unless they're being negative toward someone else. instead of saying awesome job on your weight loss, they make you feel bad to losing it. so i say ef them, and be happy in your new skin! =) i bet you look amazing!!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I've learned that people are sometimes saying things because either A)They envy you, or B)they're saying "you don't need to lose weight for us to like you." It's supposed to be a nice way of saying we like you just the way you are, but it comes out wrong. We're being told to "accept mediocrity." That "big is beautiful." What else do you expect from a society that is taught "tolerance?" Keep doing what you're doing. You'll be fine.
  • livinglifeandlovingit
    People are generally jealous when they see that you are actually achieving a goal that most cannot...weight loss! I know it is difficult, but please believe me when I say this...you should not have to prove anything to anyone. It sounds like you are in a healthy zone right now.
  • inittothinit42
    inittothinit42 Posts: 64 Member
    I have to agree with previous posters: the first thing that I thought is that these people aren't worried, they're JEALOUS. Now I don't know you, and obviously it IS possible to lose too much weight... but if the info you gave is correct, then you're probably just fine!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    what everyone else has said. also, in today's society there's a big double standard. everone says they want to be skinny but when someone, other than themselves actually is, they feel the need to tear down the other person in order to make themselves feel better about their own perceived "failure". and everyone plays along with it. It reminds me of an old commercial. two women are eating diet yoghurt in public, obviously looking to lose weight. a woman walks by with a perfect body, gorgeous face and wonderful hair. everything those two women aspire to be by eating better. one woman looks at the other and says "thick ankles". This need to tear down succcessful people is pervasive. Just look at the tabloids who feature an article gleefully pointing out cellulite on size 2 actresses right next to an article accusing other size 2 actresses of being anorexic.

    Next time you get a comment about being too skinny, ask that person where were the comments about how you were eating yourself into an early grave. why is one acceptable and not the other. challenge them on their double standard.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am 5'5-5'6ish as well, 19, and just reached 135-136 lbs!
  • AnnetteBlair
    AnnetteBlair Posts: 10 Member
    I have another take on it...

    Perhaps overweight has become the norm and therefore anyone not overweight bothers them or looks odd to them. Again, I would go to my doctor, get the clearance, and be done with it. Maybe they should be more concerned with their appearance and not yours.
  • MichhhB
    MichhhB Posts: 3
    Wow, so many replies so quickly! I honestly thank you guys so much- I had no where else to go.

    40lbslighter- Absolutely no comments from strangers! Once, I met a friend's mom and she said "You're little!!" But it definitely wasn't "God, you're a pile of bones!"

    milaxx- LOL! That made me smile! Thank you!

    chevy88grl- Congrats! And wow, I feel the exact same. It's so mortifying hearing those comments- it's no one else's business but ours!!

    And in response to the "skin" issue- I'm 19- I'm pretty elastic! A little bit of an issue under my arms, where I held a lot of weight. Otherwise, nope!

    Thank you guys, so much. For the first time in a few weeks, I finally feel at ease- like I can take a deep breath. All that matters is me, and how I feel in my own skin. No need to prove anything to anyone!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I get the almost the same thing, although I haven't reached my goal weight yet. At my heaviest I weighed around 205-210 and now I'm down to about 160. (oh, I'm about 5'9) anyways, I still want to lose about another 30 pounds, but people tell me I look skinny now and that I shouldn't lose any more weight, and that if I lose more than 5-10 pounds I'll look gross. I think it's just that I look skinnier! I was fat before and now that I'm normal I look skinny because instead of comparing me to a normal/average person, I'm being compared to the fat me and quite frankly, the fat me makes the now me look like a skinny *itch! Lol...anyways, you sound like you're at a great weight and that you're happy with it. Maybe try to explain to those closest to you that you're happy with your appearance and your weight, but more importantly you're still in a healthy range. I'm not there yet, so I'm not sure what exactly to tell you, but from what I'm hearing now I imagine I'll be getting the same thing. Maybe be completely honest with everyone and say that this is the new you and what they're saying is rude, offensive, and even mean, even if that's not how it's intended. Good luck with everything and congratulations on your weight loss!
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    Isn't it weird how people will gawk and stare and point if you are too heavy and do the exact same thing if you get too thin? 136 for 5'6'' sounds perfectly fine. Maybe people are saying it because they knew you as the heavier version of yourself and it is taking time for their mind to acclimate to the new you.

    Like you said...you know what works for you and you know what happens if you don't watch things. You have lost a great amount! Just keep at it. And you are obviously NOT anorexic like someone said to you. Because the fact you changed it to "maintaining". In the mind of an anorexic, it would ALWAYS be in the "losing" mode.