New to MFP, not so new to keto

Hi, my name is Lisa and I have been on keto for almost a year now and have really adapted to this way of life. I'm new here and looking for any new friends, supporters or keto enthusiasts to share recipes, stories, motivation, friendship and support. Feel free to Hit me up or add me


  • Wincy1104
    Wincy1104 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lisa, I'm also on keto. Did it last year, but was not successful, but started again last week. Welcome!
  • fdhunt1
    fdhunt1 Posts: 222 Member
    Sign me up ilovefood74.
  • SarcasticBlondie
    SarcasticBlondie Posts: 836 Member
    Sending request. Also keto for over a year.
  • RoseMarie713
    RoseMarie713 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello I’m one week in to keto and I’m looking for keto/accountability friends anyone want to add me.
  • AngieJ85
    AngieJ85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm very new to keto....14 days in too be exact. I would love some support as im not losing and getting really discouraged