
I think I've hit a plateau. Its not that the scale isn't moving at all, but its moving a heck of a lot slower than it ever has. I think I've lost like 2 pounds in the last month and I havent changed a single thing.
Would upping my calories for a few days be a good idea? Im worried to do that in case it backfires and the scale starts going up. This is soo frustrating so any advice is greatly appreciated!!


  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    When I hit a plateau I have a binge day - nothing crazy but maybe 500-1000 caloires more than you usually do, all still healthy choices just more of them. Then totally change your workout routine, change cardio machines, more time, higher resistance etc. I did this when I hit my plateau and I lost 5 lbs in less than a week and am still losing. When I hit another plateau I will change things up again! Good Luck pleateaus SUCK!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Here's my stand on the scale slowing down:

    Our bodies get used to what we're doing. They get accustomed to the food we're eating, the exercise routine we've been doing, etc. As it gets used to it, it starts to burn less calories because it is working more efficiently. So, if what you're doing isn't working - don't be afraid to switch things up to try and confuse it into losing weight again. Try calorie zig zagging. Switch up your workout routine. Make sure you're drinking enough water.

    The thinner we get - the slower the weight loss is.
  • geri25
    geri25 Posts: 43 Member
    Break Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

    Welcome Stumblers and all newcomers! If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels, reduce stress
    weightscalePat yourself on the back: You’ve lost weight! Or, at least you had lost weight, but for the past few days or even weeks, the scale hasn’t been budging. You don’t feel like you’re doing anything different with your diet. You’re keeping carbs low, eating the appropriate amount of protein, and you’re moderating all of it with a consistent exercise program.

    For most people attempting to lose weight, there comes a time when they reach that inevitable plateau where their motivation is soaring but they’ve stopped seeing results. If you’re nodding right now, don’t worry. What you’re experiencing is totally normal. Plateaus, whether they relate to weight, to your job, or your closest relationship, are a call to charge things up again, refine your strategies and keep moving forward.

    So rather than give up and maintain your current weight, or worse yet, drown yours sorrows in a half dozen donuts, there are numerous actions you can take to reignite your program.

    Here are our top 5 picks for breaking through your weight plateau:
    Consider Intermittent Fasting

    Although Conventional Wisdom tells us that fasting forces the metabolism into slow motion causing your body to cling onto fat stores, recent scientific studies have suggested otherwise. According to an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, alternate day fasting may result in an improvement in insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake, as well as decreases in fat mass. While science is still unearthing the precise mechanisms for why and how this occurs, the previously-held idea that you have to eat six meals a day or more in order to keep your metabolism stoked to lose weight simply isn’t true.

    Lucky for you, intermittent fasting (IF) can be done in a number of ways. From daily fasting, by only eating during a 5-hour time period, or setting aside one to three days a week to fast, the combinations are virtually endless. The important thing is to know is what kind of intermittent fasting technique will work best for you and your lifestyle, and this can only be determined by a little experimentation. As long as IF is done correctly, it can kick your body off of its weight plateau in just a matter of days. And keep in mind that IF is not about starving yourself. It’s about eating in a manner that mimics the natural irregularity of Grok’s eating patterns.
    Write it Down

    A slice of bread here, a handful of tortilla chips there – it all adds up. When we start to lose weight, we might be inclined to loosen the reins on what we can eat. Even though occasional indulgences should be enjoyed guilt-free, when you’re still trying to lose weight, those seemingly benign snacks still count.

    So for one week, write down everything that you eat. Everything. From the sugar packet you dropped into your coffee to the two bites of of Cherry Garcia you snuck from cousin Sal’s dessert bowl at your niece’s sweet 16, write it down. A food diary is an honest look into what you’re actually eating, not what you think you are eating.

    Need more convincing that you might not be being honest with yourself? According to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, those who kept a food diary in a 20-week study dropped double the weight of the dieters who did not chronicle their food choices. Keeping a food diary makes you accountable for what you eat because it forces you to consider your actions before you take them. This is an effective safeguard against mindless snacking or emotional eating.

    If you’re looking for an online food journal, check out the one at It’s free and super easy to use.

    Side Note: The Primal Eating Plan is meant to be intuitive and easy. One of the great things about Primal eating is that you don’t have to count calories and track every bite of food you consume. This is why we only recommend the food diary as a temporary method to uncover any dietary indiscretions. Once you’ve honed in on and refined your behaviors we say ditch the journal and get on with eating Primal in a natural way that requires little to no effort.
    Switch Up Your Workouts

    They say variety is the spice of life, and this holds true when it comes to your workouts. Without change you might find yourself dreading the monotony of regular gym sessions and simply lose motivation. Additionally, your body can become used to to the same caloric burn and muscle exertion as it becomes more efficient at completing regular movements. Give your brain and brawn the wake up call they need by shaking up your usual routine with some new additions.

    Try increasing the speed as you exercise and do short bursts of intense exercises (such as sprinting) for one to two minutes followed by small rest periods. These short bursts of anaerobic activity will stimulate your body to release human growth hormone, which helps to burn fat while maintaining muscle mass.

    If that doesn’t do the trick, try getting super Primal by ditching the gym, shoes, and structure for some free form activity. If this doesn’t keep things interesting we’re not sure what will.

    Keep in mind that 80% of your body composition is a result of your diet. The remaining 20% is determined by how you effectively manage your sleeping patterns and stress levels, how you exercise and other lifestyle factors. Increasing your workout intensity is but one way to tweak an otherwise optimized weight loss plan.
    Reduce Carbs

    Try reducing your carb intake to 50-100 grams per day to reduce insulin production and fire up your fat metabolism. Make sure that you’re eating enough protein for your weight (we suggest using the .7-1 gram per pound of lean body weight formula), eating the right vegetables and snacking on high-fat foods to keep you feeling satisfied.
    Keep on Keeping on

    Remember that losing 10 lbs when you are starting at 300 isn’t nearly as difficult as losing 10 when you are approaching your ideal weight (say, going from 170 to 160 for a male). Don’t let this come to you as discouragement. Just recognize that changes might not come as quickly as they once had and resolve to stay the course.

    Also, know that The Primal Blueprint lifestyle is about long term goals. Though you can lose weight quickly on the PB, keep your head straight and remember that the emphasis should always be on a healthy, Primal lifestyle – not a get-fit-quick routine. You can do it, but it may take time.

    Final Tips

    If you haven’t done it already (or even if you have!), consider taking the 30-Day Primal Health Challenge. It may sound daunting, but employing the “act as if” tips will be sure to get you through those tough moments when a piece of dry toast looks better than a killer omelet (does this really ever happen?).
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I think I've lost like 2 pounds in the last month and I havent changed a single thing.

    Hang in there! It may be that your body is just needing a change. If you have been eating the same foods and doing the same workouts... your body may have adjusted and become more efficient at burning those calories. If you run, try adding 10 second sprints every minute. If you are walking, jog for 10 seconds every minute. If you are eating a lot of fruits, change it to include more veggies and cut back on the fruit. Our bodies need to be challenged. Good luck!
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member