not losing weight at all?

Hi Everyone,

I have been dieting now for a few weeks, and I have just weighted myself and I haven’t lost a single pound. I feel like my belly has got smaller, but I didn’t measure so I can’t be sure.
I’m not working out, so it can’t be me building muscle. Which is what everyone tells me.
And the thing is, this isn’t the first time this has happened. A few years ago I manged to losing around 2 stone without any issues, I put the weight back on so around a year ago I started dieting again and this issue started. I then lose focus but I’m just not losing any weight.

Please help.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Tell us your food logging routines.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Are you logging all your food on here? in other words taking in less calories than you burn which equals weight loss. A few weeks isn't enough time to see progress.
  • Beaudom91
    Beaudom91 Posts: 54 Member
    edited January 2018
    As above said, make sure you're logging everything as accurately as possible. Weigh all solids and measure all liquids. Beware of database entries as many are way off the mark, so always best to double check or go for the ones with the green tick.

    When I first started losing weight it took a whole month for the scales to move, but once they did progress was steady
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Yep I’m another in the 1 month camp before anything happened
  • Starflight00
    Starflight00 Posts: 112 Member
    Log your food. You might be eating healthy and all (which is great!), but you need to be sure you consume less than you burn. The only way to (start to) know it is to weigh and log everything you eat/drink.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    A few weeks isn't enough time to see progress.

    Really, I've lost 9lb in 3 weeks, I'd call that progress. It depends how much weight you have to lose, if you have a lot to lose and you're suddenly taking in less calories than you used to you should see a good weight loss. If you only have a few pounds to lose it will be slower.
  • sophiestafford306
    Thank you so much for the responses. I’ve not been logging onto here but on an average day I’m eating soup (that i make myself) for lunch, snacking on oranges in the afternoon. And pasta bake with salad where i make the sauce myself for dinner. Or something along those lines, chicken and veg some days, an omelette others. Nothing too crazy. Should I just carry on the way I’m going? Or change something up?

  • angelb1983
    angelb1983 Posts: 160 Member
    logging is important. We don't always realize how many calories we take in if we don't log. It really only takes a few minutes per meal and its well worth it. Log everything...If your pasta bake has cheese, log the amount of cheese, log the sauce, log the noodles, log the meat, salad, all adds up really fast. Also, log all you drink milk? sugar or cream in coffee? It all adds up. I usually lose regularly if I follow a calorie deficit. Right now Im on a plateau but thats because I started a new work out program.
  • SarahMacphail1
    SarahMacphail1 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've got hubby monitoring what I'm eating to be sure I'm not eating things and forgetting to log them but so far not a pound off. This has been going on longer than a few weeks now and if no progress over the next few weeks with him on my back then I'm going to the doctors about it and seeing what they can suggest. I've got around 90lbs to lose so not just a small amount.

    If you're not logging then definitely try that because it's surprising just how quickly the calories add up.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've got hubby monitoring what I'm eating to be sure I'm not eating things and forgetting to log them but so far not a pound off. This has been going on longer than a few weeks now and if no progress over the next few weeks with him on my back then I'm going to the doctors about it and seeing what they can suggest. I've got around 90lbs to lose so not just a small amount.

    If you're not logging then definitely try that because it's surprising just how quickly the calories add up.

    and is your hubby around 24/7? is it likely you are eating things your hubby doesn't see? Are we talking at least 4 weeks with no weight loss?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2018
    Thank you so much for the responses. I’ve not been logging onto here but on an average day I’m eating soup (that i make myself) for lunch, snacking on oranges in the afternoon. And pasta bake with salad where i make the sauce myself for dinner. Or something along those lines, chicken and veg some days, an omelette others. Nothing too crazy. Should I just carry on the way I’m going? Or change something up?


    Log all those foods on here, be consistent at logging everything every day and then reassess in a few more weeks. If you don't log its really easy to forget nibbling on the odd snack.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've got hubby monitoring what I'm eating to be sure I'm not eating things and forgetting to log them but so far not a pound off. This has been going on longer than a few weeks now and if no progress over the next few weeks with him on my back then I'm going to the doctors about it and seeing what they can suggest. I've got around 90lbs to lose so not just a small amount.

    If you're not logging then definitely try that because it's surprising just how quickly the calories add up.
    A good doctor will suggest a reasonable calorie target and honest logging. I would rebel if I had someone on my back monitoring what I ate. Actually, just suggestions on what to eat, was enough to make me rebel. When it comes to food intake, we are only accountable to ourselves, and most of us have to both make our own decisions and truly feel that we are making our own decisions, to be willing to be disciplined.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    You have to weigh and measure everything you eat. For your homemade items you need to load the recipes into the recipe tracker or log each item in the recipe seperately. Pasta is notorious for high calories; most 1/2 cup servings weigh in at 100 or more calories and no one eats just 1/2 cup. Most people eat 2 cups or more. Just eating "healthy" is not enough to lose weight. Your calories eaten vs. calories burned is what counts. A bite of this and that adds up really fast so be sure you either don't taste or you log those tastes.

    Be sure you are not overstating your activity level when setting up your account on MFP to get your calorie target. If you have less than 20 pounds to lose you will likely be losing around a half pound a week. Try to be patient. I understand it is frustrating to work hard and see no progress but if you start logging you will likely see progress and if you don't people here can look at your log and make suggestions as to where you may be making mistakes.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    Definitely agree with the recommendations to try logging all your food - even if just to get an idea (it doesn't have to necessarily be a long-term thing). Pasta always catches me out. I love wholewheat pasta but it's amazing how many calories it racks up.