Women losing on 1800 calories



  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    I'm 5ft 7in and I seem to be losing on 2k cals. I'm guessing it depends on your consistency and workouts. I could probably lose more if I worked out more, but I'm at the very end of my journey so I don't mind things going slow. I know when I was aiming for 1lb loss a week I had my cals set to 1800 and it was incredibly difficult to stay around that range for a long time.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    edited January 2018
    My gross calorie intake is anywhere between 1900-2400 per day to lose 1lb per week, only times I haven't lost are when I have eaten at maintenance around vacations and Christmas diet breaks. Lost 35lbs last year.

    5'8" 220lbs and aiming for 185lbs initially.
  • BigRed2525
    BigRed2525 Posts: 45 Member
    Me! 5'9", 235-ish, aiming for 175. 1800-ish feels pretty good to me--it's high enough to where I'm not hungry all the time, but low enough to keep me losing at a good clip. My daily intake ranges from about 1600-2100, so it's more what you might call "guidelines".
  • curwhibbles
    curwhibbles Posts: 138 Member
    Yes, yes you can
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm not just a woman losing on 1800+ calories, I'm also short (5'2"). I've went from 208 to 168 last year averaging at least 2000 a day (net). My average loss has been a bit under a pound a week at that rate, which is perfectly fine with me - I don't love being hungry but I do love eating out! This year I'm angling to get down to about 1700-1750 to reach my goal of 135 by the end of the year, but I'm still in the 1800+ club for a month or so at least.
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm not just a woman losing on 1800+ calories, I'm also short (5'2"). I've went from 208 to 168 last year averaging at least 2000 a day (net). My average loss has been a bit under a pound a week at that rate, which is perfectly fine with me - I don't love being hungry but I do love eating out! This year I'm angling to get down to about 1700-1750 to reach my goal of 135 by the end of the year, but I'm still in the 1800+ for a month or so at least.

    Great loss! I'm a shortie too. I started on here properly in September last year and since then I've lost 21lb eating anywhere from 1700-2000+. Like you, I'm happy to lose slow and steady... I want to eat in a way I can maintain for life
  • IcelandicBlonde27
    IcelandicBlonde27 Posts: 26 Member
    I was on 1200-1500 but kept going over so I have changed my goal to 0.5lb a week at 1800 calories. I think the reason I kept going over is because my maintenance is nowhere near 1800.. it’s more like 2300 calories a day.. so on 1800 I should lose a pound a week, not even a half a lb like myfitnesspal predicts. I had my activity set to sedentary but truth is I workout for 1-2 hours most days. I also walk everywhere ( live In a major city) and I live a very active lifestyle when I’m not sick or working. I’ll let you know how this goes... I’m doing 1800 calories per day for maybe a few days and then I’ll reassess but I have a feeling it will become long term :) good luck and here’s to your goals for the new year! 2notz6i9acut.png
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    I was on 1200-1500 but kept going over so I have changed my goal to 0.5lb a week at 1800 calories. I think the reason I kept going over is because my maintenance is nowhere near 1800.. it’s more like 2300 calories a day.. so on 1800 I should lose a pound a week, not even a half a lb like myfitnesspal predicts. I had my activity set to sedentary but truth is I workout for 1-2 hours most days. I also walk everywhere ( live In a major city) and I live a very active lifestyle when I’m not sick or working. I’ll let you know how this goes... I’m doing 1800 calories per day for maybe a few days and then I’ll reassess but I have a feeling it will become long term :) good luck and here’s to your goals for the new year! 2notz6i9acut.png

    If you can eat more do it! I walk everywhere also, nobody wants to see me driving :s I find eating too low leaves me lacking in energy and feeling ill. Food is fuel :)
  • alabbey
    alabbey Posts: 28 Member
    So good to see all you ladies who are eating well and losing well. While I love my MFP pals, it's pretty lonely being practically the only one with an open diary showing numbers over 1200.

    This!!! All of this!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    I like the way you all are thinking! I’m a shortie aiming for 1800 daily
  • Archaeologicals
    Archaeologicals Posts: 21 Member
    I eat anywhere from 1,500-2,500 per day just depending on my exercise level. I don’t adhere to the MFP calorie goals as much as I adhere to what my FitBit says I’m burning (I am to eat at a 750-1,000 deficit per day). I’ve been losing 1-2lbs per week. I’m 5’5.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited January 2018


    I'm 5'4.5" (guess about avg height), will be 28 yrs old tomorrow, and 140.2lbs on the scale this morning (139.8 being my low so far). I just got back to tracking (working on getting rid of a small regain), but I generally eat around 2k a day for weightloss.
    I expect my weight loss to slow down to about 1 lb a week. That was a big drop the first week (more than I would expect at my weight).
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    What kind of exercise are you all doing? I mainly walk/hike and do yoga... Sometimes aerobics. I tried kettle bells late last year and hurt my back doing swings... Now I'm terrified of them :D
  • alabbey
    alabbey Posts: 28 Member
    I do Jazzercise. I am actually an instructor. I burn about 500-700 calories a class. That is measured by a Polar HRM
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm walking and doing a mix of JM DVD's. Example of this week so far:

    Mon: Jillian Michael's Killer Body- Toned Back, Shoulders, and Arms / 36k total steps for the day
    Tues: Jillian Michael's Killer Cardio - Level 1/ 40 mins Just Dance (non-stop fitness shuffle mode)/ 11k steps for the day
    Wed: Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 - Week 1/ 12k steps for the day

    - When I have access to the gym I do Strong Curves 3 days a week and cardio 3 days a week. -
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm walking and doing a mix of JM DVD's. Example of this week so far:

    Mon: Jillian Michael's Killer Body- Toned Back, Shoulders, and Arms / 36k total steps for the day
    Tues: Jillian Michael's Killer Cardio - Level 1/ 40 mins Just Dance (non-stop fitness shuffle mode)/ 11k steps for the day
    Wed: Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 - Week 1/ 12k steps for the day

    - When I have access to the gym I do Strong Curves 3 days a week and cardio 3 days a week. -

    Oh i think I have a Jillian Michaels DVD somewhere, 30 day shred. I might try it again, I remember it being quite effective and short, which I appreciate in a workout DVD lol
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    For exercise: I train at roller derby 5 hours a week (2 hours on a Wednesday and 3 hours on a Sunday), I run 5kish 2-3 times a week, and strength train 2-3 times a week.

    I aim to net 1800 calories, but am eating up to 3000 some days (gotta love the roller derby!), averaging around 2000 - 2100 a day when I can commit to all my exercise without life getting in the way.

    I am 5"4.5" and currently at 188 lbs. I have been losing between 1 and 2 lbs a week pretty consistently.

    I'm aiming for a 500 calorie a day deficit, but due to the wide variations in exercise estimations, and only eating a percentage of my exercise calories, I'm actually losing faster than planned.

    I need to start trusting my Fitbit burn and eating the calories it gives me. My losses seem to correspond pretty well to my MFP CI and Fitbit CO.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited January 2018
    What kind of exercise are you all doing? I mainly walk/hike and do yoga... Sometimes aerobics. I tried kettle bells late last year and hurt my back doing swings... Now I'm terrified of them :D

    During the summer and fall I was alternating running (not a lot - maybe a mile or two at a time) and doing some basic body-weight exercises. Now I'm part of the cult of Fitness Blender and enjoying the heck out of it. I alternate strength and cardio workouts in the AM and do a short stretching/yoga/Pilates workout in the PM. I've just started integrating dumbbells but am still mostly equipment-free. My mornings can be somewhat time constrained, so I like that I can easily pick between different lengths of workouts as needed.
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    For exercise: I train at roller derby 5 hours a week (2 hours on a Wednesday and 3 hours on a Sunday), I run 5kish 2-3 times a week, and strength train 2-3 times a week.

    I aim to net 1800 calories, but am eating up to 3000 some days (gotta love the roller derby!), averaging around 2000 - 2100 a day when I can commit to all my exercise without life getting in the way.

    I am 5"4.5" and currently at 188 lbs. I have been losing between 1 and 2 lbs a week pretty consistently.

    I'm aiming for a 500 calorie a day deficit, but due to the wide variations in exercise estimations, and only eating a percentage of my exercise calories, I'm actually losing faster than planned.

    I need to start trusting my Fitbit burn and eating the calories it gives me. My losses seem to correspond pretty well to my MFP CI and Fitbit CO.

    Roller Derby sounds like massive fun!