
ckjohnson0820 Posts: 39
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
For the best 4-5 days i havent lost any weight but have been going to the gym, even started a new excercise the elliptical and am burning more calories then i did before, im eating good, and staying at my cal goal or under, I was on aunt flow but the whole time she was here, i remained the same weight never went up she decided to leave last night, well this morning i weighed myself again before the gym and weight the same 235 when i got home weighed myself again and i weighed 240? what in the world is going on???


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would give it another week before re-evaluating. The clothes and tape measure are better indicators.
  • to me i look the same and my clothes fit the same, so i have no clue, idk whats going on...but i am about to give up sadly, all this hard work and nothing is happening
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Also consider: muscle mass weighs more than fat mass does. If you're gaining muscle quicker than you are losing fat, you might be gaining weight--in a good way.
  • KeeleySue
    KeeleySue Posts: 158
    A lot of times when you first start exercising (even after a short break) or when you add in more exercise your body will hold on to weight for a little bit. It wants to make sure that you are still going to give it enough fuel to fuel the extra exercise before it lets of it's fat fuel.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    just my two cents...

    you didn't gain THAT Much muscle in a week....

    but, i would also wait another week and see what happens. UNLESS you aren't netting above 1200 cals a day. if you are extremely low in your net cals, your body won't budge.... the exercise also adds to this idea. most often, when people aren't losing who are diligently dieting/exercising... it's due to NOT eating enough.
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    don't give up...remember your lifestyle changes need to be maintainable, and it takes time. Ask yourself "how long has it taken me to put this weight on?"
    It's not going to just.....drop off. (like we'd all love).
    Every day you get thru is another day closer to achieving your goals.
    Hang in there. You can do it. Don't be a quitter, you are just around the corner of a major change, if you let it happen.
    It's worth it!
  • Don't give up. Something's happening, you're just not seeing it yet. First of all, with all that exercise, there's a shift towards health going on.
    The fact that you didn't gain any during your time is an indicator that things are working, since it's normal to bloat. I usually add several pounds that week, just from water retention.
    The reason you weighed more after the gym is because we all add weight during the course of the day. I can weigh as much as 8 lbs more when I go to bed at night than when I get up the next morning, just from all the food and water I've consumed but not eliminated. It's not a good idea to weigh yourself multiple times in one day for that very reason.
    Keep it up, and only check your weight first thing in the morning, before you've had anything to eat or drink.
    It will come down, I promise. The only way it won't come down is if you give up. You have to fight harder than your body, which is fighting to hold onto that fat, which it thinks is an aid to survival. Don't give up! You can do this!
  • Yea i am usually way under 1200 cals, like 400 below but i just cant bring myself to eat, i will try to eat a little more, i just feel liek it will make me gain the weight back....and idk if its due to my period just ending?? and now im bloated or what
  • Yea after i weighed this morning i ate two nature valley bars, and no drink, but that should be 5 lbs added back on! lol I guess im confused that during my time i didnt gain and pound but after i did? who knows i suppose, sometime im right at my cal goal sometimes under by like 400, i havent been drinking as much water as i did the first week i started, maybe that is part of the problem?
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    Yea i am usually way under 1200 cals, like 400 below but i just cant bring myself to eat, i will try to eat a little more, i just feel liek it will make me gain the weight back....and idk if its due to my period just ending?? and now im bloated or what
    Your body needs more calories than you're giving it. It (your body) has gone into shutdown mode with how few you've been eating. It's trying to hang on to every ounce, cause it thinks it may not get enough food. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, you also need at least 1200 + to get the minimum nutrients your body needs.
  • kalilioness
    kalilioness Posts: 49 Member
    My doctor always said that if you weigh yourself every day you will get confused and frustrated because weight can fluctuate by as much as 8 pounds throughout the day. It is due to water in the body, salt intake, hormones and assorted other things that happen in the human body. He and other experts have said that the best time to weigh in is once a week, on the same day of the week, first thing in the morning after you go to the bathroom. This is your rock bottom weight. Your menstrual cycle may cause you to retain water so the week of pms may show no loss or a small gain. The following week usually shows a loss. I have seen this in action because i used to keep track, for months, on a weekly basis and every month I saw the same pattern. A small gain the week before my period and then a loss the following week. I hope this helps. also helps to measure your body once a month. Sometimes the scale refuses to budge for a bit and that can be very frustrating. That is when it is helpful to see the inches you are losing. We get so stuck on the scale number that we forget to look outside the box for proof that we are doing well. For me, it is checking my blood sugar every day. Since starting with fitness pal my numbers have been amazing! Keep working it, you are sooo worth it!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    First of all, if you quit, what would happen? For most people, it would nearly guarantee that your weight would stay the same or increase.

    If you keep going, even if you plateau, you're more likely result is that you'll stay the same or LOSE weight. Eventually. You have to be patient.

    Also, if you've set your target calories to 1200, and you're frequently eating far below that, 800 calories/day is Not. Enough. Food. Talk to any Dr. or licensed nutritionist, and they will probably tell you to eat more. When you eat too few calories, your body's tendency is to store whatever you do eat, so that you don't starve on too few calories. ESPECIALLY if you're doing 30-60 minutes of activity several times a week, and still eating below 1200 calories/day.
  • Don't give up, just take it slow. This whole weight loss thing takes time. Just enjoy yourself, I find if I just relax and forget about the fact I'm trying to lose weight and think more along the lines of changing my life and being fit, I'm less inclined to weigh everyday and be pleasantly suprised when I do lose a couple of kilos.
  • you are right, i will eat more calories today, does anyone recommend any excercises? I have been doing either the elliptical or bike for 30 plus mins a day and everyother day lifting some weights
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    How long have you been working your plan on here? I have been on for 90 days - while I have my goals set for 1 lb a week loss, there are weeks that I don't lose anything according to the scale. But when I average out the 12 lbs loss over the 90 days it is 1 lb a week. I have also gone from size 12 to now a size 6 - I exercise 3-5 times a week most weeks.

    I have had to learn patience throughout this process - I try not to obsess about the scale and just continue to work my plan - making sure I am eating enough calories. It's counter intuitive to eat "more" but it really works. Slow and steady and balanced is what works - hang in there - you will break through the plateau! Good luck for your journey! :bigsmile:
  • Ive been on here since July 27th, i have to have fertility treatments which is why i decided to get healthy
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    Stop stressing it that releases hormones that will cause you to want to eat. Also drink lots of water and eat. You have to eat. If you are a long time dieter like me learning how to eat was easier than learning to eat. My weight goes up 10 lbs every month I swear, but on my weigh day or the day after it's down to where it should be or lower. Relax this is a marathon not a sprint.:smile:
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Ive been on here since July 27th, i have to have fertility treatments which is why i decided to get healthy

    You definitely need to start eating more and if you are having fertility tx, you need to have all of your nutrients! Please stop starving yourself. I am also hoping you have started your prenatal vitamins and folic acid.
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    If you just started a more intense workout your muscles could be holding water to try and recover. Just be sure to drink LOTS of water and make sure you're eating! Protein rich foods willalso help your muscles recover faster and lose some of that water. Also, watch the sodium on what calories you are eating. Sodium tends to be a problem for me sadly. BUt that can make you bloat and retain water. And lastly DON'T GIVE UP!! IF you keep trying the worse that could happen is that you end up finding something that will work for you. If you give up the worse that could happen is that you gain more weight and you continue living an unhealthy life. I kinda like the osund of that first option. ANyway good luck and feel free to add me if you want :-)
  • If you have only been on here since July 27th you need to be a bit more patient. Everyone who said you are "starving" yourself is correct. You give your body too few calories and it will hang onto every ounce of fat. At least try to eat 1,000 calories a week. If you are trying to get pregnant you need to be healthy. My daughter went through fertility treatments. They will test you for everything, including your vitamin and blood levels.
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