Insanity Help

I have two questions. Does anyone know how I can improve my push ups. I can barely do 10 =[. Also I am doing Insanity I am actually going to start over tomorrow and wanted to know what time of day should I do it. When I wake up I I plan on doing my 30 day Shred. So should I do Insanity close to bedtime like a hour after dinner or in the afternoon. I feel it would be pointless to do it to early because I will burn calories but also eat more calories throughout the day.


  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    to improve pushups keep practicing
    as far as when , i used to do it when i had the time
  • OnCmommy
    OnCmommy Posts: 40
    I'd do Insanity before bed, then you'll sleep great!
  • Liz76522
    Doesn't matter when you do your exercises, even if you do them just before bed, your body continues to burn some calories even after your done.
    When you say your going to start over, are you starting over your died or exercise regime?
    Last time I dieted, I actually started my diet over about 5 times a week. When I realized I had "fallen off the wagon" I would start over right there and then, even in the middle of the night. I managed to lose about 100 pounds that diet.
    Unfortunately, I got to my goal weight and quit starting over! Sooooooo, I've managed to gain back most of it over the past 13-14 years, now I'm starting over for healths sake!
    Start over right now!
    Good Luck!:happy:
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    If you can workout first thing in the am, it is more beneficial because you body will burn the stored fat rather than the fat and calories you've had for the day. Also, as for Insanity, I'm in my second round of it. I've found that I have gradually increased in my upper body strength. I've always been a weakling in my upper body. Just keep it up, and don't quit. Even doing "girly" pushups when you fatigue from regular ones during Insanity will help. Good luck :o)
  • BlahBlahPounds
    Thankz everyone I guess I will do Insanity in the mornings since that made logical since. Also I meant that I was going to start the workout over making tomorrow my Day 1 since I am going to skip today because I have been pushing myself working through my soreness. I dont think I can do that today. Also I am not really dieting Im just eating healthier I got the little Michi Ladder thing from Power 90.Tier 1 and Tier 2 only for me. =]