Booo ... another week and didn't lose

SDV219 Posts: 106
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
I just simply don't get it. I went from not doing anything but sitting on my tush reading FB all day, to getting up, eating right, and exercising everyday for at least 30 minutes!! And Last week I gained 2 pounds, and this week I stayed the same. It's too early for measurements just yet since I just took them the 1st. I know it might be from sodium, or retaining water in my muscles ... but you all know how it is when you work so hard and you don't see the scale move. For me, that's just a little bit of incentive to say, "hey, you're doing something right". I won't let this ruin all the hard work I've put into it so far, I'll just keep at it. I just felt like whining I guess ... I figure you can all understand. Thanks for listening~


  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I feel your pain. I'm up a pound this week and it's not because of AF. It is so frustrating. Hang in there...
  • takm0527
    takm0527 Posts: 52 Member
    In your same boat! I have lost 4 lbs overall...but it has taken awhile. I kicked butt the last two weeks and I will not show a loss. I went to work out this morning and my head just wasn't in it...I know I need to push through this and then I will see results.

    Hoping after a light breakfast and some inspiration from MFP I can go kill it later.

    I will have to say that I am feeling a difference. I can feel the muscles in my arms and legs getting stronger...just need the fat around them to go away!

    Good luck - hang in there!
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    It can be very frustrating - I have to avoid the scale it's just doesn't move fast enough. Just stay with it - I've gone from a size 12 to a size 6 in 90 days - so it's working - but only 12 lbs lost about a pound a week. I have huge fluctuations on the scale as well go for two weeks a lot and only lose 1 lb - but my clothes tell the real story - so I am learning patience and focusing more on eating healthy and working out than the numbers on the scale - this is a lifestyle change for me - so that's where I am focusing my attention and energy! Good luck to you - I feel your pain - don't worry about your gain - cause loss is waiting in the wings to find you! :bigsmile:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Give it time. You have just shocked your body and it needs time to figure out how to respond. Give it another couple of weeks. Stress is not good for weight loss
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I had the same thing happen to me when I first started, except I went up 5 pounds! Almost a month later and the weight is finally starting to come off, but very slowly. I'm just glad its going down and not up again :)
  • dhdz13
    dhdz13 Posts: 1
    I know how you feel thats how it was the first month I started "getting healthy" just now the ball is startin to roll. Something that might help if you haven't been doing it already is eating more times a day but smaller portions. (fewer carbs) i eat six times a day. some are snacks some are small meals and after the meals i make sure i stay on my feet so it digest better. i also never eat past 8.
    hope this helps
  • sharbie
    sharbie Posts: 1
    Also, keep in mind muscle weighs more than fat. :happy: It takes time and it is not healthy to loose too much too fast.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    yep..this past week was like that for me..i worked out, and ate well, and i still had a gain AND my measurements went up..very is better, and i had a loss, so don't worry, the first little bit is the will get easier, but some weeks will be like that..keep focused, and don't give of luck to you :drinker:
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    i feel your pain, I have been fluctuating between the same 3 lbs for almost a month now, so I am hoping now that I am upping my calories a little and AF is almost done that i will start loosing again since I am only 18 lbs from my goal
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I have gained the last couple weeks or stayed the same, so I decided to indulge this weekend out of frustration! I'm sure it hasn't helped, but oh so frustrating!
  • Your post reminded me of what I heard on the weather report the other day, referring to tracking a storm it said; moving N,NW at 0 miles an hour...duh... I thought how can that be.. but then I got to thinking it was talking about a" projected path" That was the plan even if it was not moving at the moment, So I say stay focused on the planned path and don't worry if you "pause" now and again, we all do it.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    Taking a look at your diary again will show you why you havent been losing any or much weight. Most days you are over on your sodium.. Your calories are basically fine but your choices of foods will have to change to lose weight. You have a lot of fat free items which will be super high in sodium to make up for the lack of fat. Try the low fat versions for less sodium.. Also not long ago I read where 1 bagel is equal to 5 pieces of bread which I'm sure you would never eat at one time.
    remember that processed foods have a ton of sodium. Soups are terrible. Eat more fruits and veggies.
    Just staying under in calories will eventually bring your weight down but most people will give up with the slowness of it.
    Try to change things a little bit at a time. Stay away from Pizza or try eating pizza with whole wheat crust and veggies on it instead of other items that are high in fat and sodium. Use Mrs Dash for spices on items that you normally would use salt. I have been here amost 6 months and have lost 80lbs. I didnt change everything overnight. Each week I changed one or two things. Now I do not eat processed foods at all and I keep my sodium below 1500 and try to keep it below 1200/day. Its not easy but the rewards int he end are well worth it;

    You are welcome to look at my diary if you would like ideas and if you want add me as a friend.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • kamula
    kamula Posts: 49 Member
    dont give up. i feel the same almost threw my scale out the window today. i have tried to cut down but the scale is not budging
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    Usually when you go from no exercise to working out each day, your muscles retain water to repair the new damage.

    It is explained here by my favorite trainer:

    It might take two or three weeks to start seeing a loss. The same thing happened to me and I was about ready to throw the scale out of the window because every day I weighed the same but then it slowly began moving, and now about six months later I reached my goal weight. Stick with it and know you will be dealing with fluctuations on the scale. (I am actually up three pounds despite working out and eating well this weekend. It is frustrating but you just have to keep doing your best!)
  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71
    Oh God, I can so relate to this aswell...I posted about this topic yesterday, and it seems to me a fair few of us are in the same boat!!
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement! I plan on going slow and taking a look at the foods I eat ... and doing my best to change a little at a time. I really appreciate all your kind words. That's why I posted ... I knew that there would be others in my situation, or who have been with words of advice. For those of you in my boat, feel free to add me as a friend ... we can motivate each other!!
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