Hi, I'm new to this site.

Hello. My name is Linda and I'm new to myfitnesspal. I signed up yesterday but since it was late in the day I decided that today is my first official "I'm on track, crack down day. I have been working at my weight loss since December 31, 2010 and I have lost 25 pounds but still have more to go. My stepdaughter told me about this site so I figured I'd give it a whirl and I'm loving it so far. Hope everyone is doing good and have a good day...keep up the good work!!!:heart:


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Welcome! I'm also fairly new to the site. If you need someone to motivate you, feel free to message me! I could use the motivation as well :) Have a good one!
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Welcome to the site!
  • Hi! I started this the end of fJuly and need to lose 25 pounds to get my blood pressure down. I have never been on a diet that works and this is the only one that has ever worked for me! I love just watching how many calories I take in. I know when to stop and what I can eat at the end of the day - so much simpler than all the money I spent on books, programs, and dietitians. Glad you like it. Everytime I mention this site, someone grabs a pencil to write it down. Hope you have success! Mara

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Slayer66
    Slayer66 Posts: 265
    Welcome and good luck, grats on your loss so far!
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome and well done for joining the best diet & fitness site :0)
    I'm not on commission (sadly), but it's a good site with a really nice community.
    Hope you enjoy it and hit all your goals ...Sue
  • ppitre
    ppitre Posts: 5
    I,m new also looks like this is going to be good place to help us!
  • shannybell
    shannybell Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me!
  • jmuller815
    jmuller815 Posts: 7 Member
    welcome!!! Im new too & im so excited to have found this site, im lazy about logging on the computer, but I have found the android app to be awesome... from what ive read so far, the people on this forum are nice & encouraging. Plz feel free to chat w me anytime.
  • Hi, I had a tough week-end and didn't want to post my food intake, but when I did, I was under the amount of calories! It really helped me keep going. I was told for so many years to just count calories and now I know its the trick for sure! Just thought I would share this with you!
  • Hi, i am new to this site,today is my first day and so far i love it good luck every one you can do this also