Hello from Oregon! Diabetes & Lifestyle Changes!

AndreaRM0917 Posts: 26 Member
edited January 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone my name is Andrea and I am a 39 year old mother of two. I am also a graduate student so school has been a big focus for the last 10 years. I was referred to this fitness website by my counselor who is helping me cope with my newly diagnosed diabetes. I am glad my counselor told me about it as it seems very helpful! I was overweight at 227lbs for the last 2 years but, I thought I was already starting to eat better. I guess I was wrong and I didn't have as much under control as I thought. After getting my blood drawn at a yearly check-up My A1C (sugar level) and blood pressure was a lot higher than normal. First, My blood pressure high? Me?! More than anything I was shocked about my blood pressure since most of my life it was low. Then hearing I got diabetes too was also complete shock to me! Either way hearing the bad news 12/13/17 I cried and it's the day my life changed.....rather needed to change if I wanted to live without any severe complications from diabetes. Besides I have told myself for the last 2 years I have been wanting to lose weight anyway so, with this news it just kicked me in the butt to start right away! I am still overweight and really disliking how I have felt for a long time anyway. Tired of being tired and unable to do much due to getting worn out so quickly. Tired of not fitting into good cloths. My new diagnosis was my final wake up call to change for the better! So, a lifestyle change is what I needed and fooled myself into thinking I was doing ok before that fateful day last month.

Now I am on 2 different medications (1 for the diabetes) that I must take daily. I will admit it bothers me a lot that I am dependent on medication but, I have to also think it's helping me get my health under control. I hate medication but, each day I tell myself I must take them if I want to be ok. I can't let this diabetes win so besides needing meds I will be the one to take my life back! So, I have changed my eating habits with more protein and less carbs. The portion sizes per meal have decreased too. I also began to go for occasional walks for about 20 mins. Just by doing that I have lost 19.5lbs in 4 weeks! Then I finally signed up to a gym and started a workout routine 3-4 times a week. I only began last week so still new to it lol. I really need to stick with all this as a permanent lifestyle change/routine. Yes, I want to loose weight and look good again but, more importantly this is for my health so I can live a long life. I want to be there for my kids and be there for the man I love as long as I can. My boyfriend and I actually want to have a child of our own together. We'll see! The diabetes and being overweight has been blocking that dream. So, the hope is to keep my A1C levels low and be one of those with their diabetes under control. Also, the hope is to also get fit, remain fit, loss weight, and maintain the weight loss. :smile:


  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,744 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP. :)
  • jfriona6204
    jfriona6204 Posts: 5 Member

    I am a newly diagnosed Type II with a Ac1 of 11.4. I am at 201 lbs and I am 5'6".
    For now my goal is to reach 190 1ls by March 1 and to discipline my habits e.g.
    1) enter all food and drink to MFP every day
    2) find the ideal meter which could sync with MFP and use it:
    a) before each meal,
    b) one hour after each meal,
    c) two hours after each meal

    Do you know if MFP “syncs” with any blood meters automatically?

    I would love to learn more about your journey to better health and learn from you.

    Stay positive and keep striving for your goals!

    Best, Joe
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    Hi, Andrea, and welcome to your new life. Congrats on all the changes you've made! I was exactly where you are about 18 months ago. A high A1C woke me up and scared the *kitten* out of me, where nothing had before. At a checkup one year later, my A1C was normal, triglycerides normal, glucose normal - lots of other stuff normal, and I now have lost 75 lbs. Both my doctor and I were thrilled and it was one of the best feelings I've ever had -- knowing I have the power to change my life. I'm a lot older than you are (68) so you're lucky to be waking up and changing your life as young as you are. I vowed to just keep checking in on MFP and to keep logging no matter what, even when there were literally months of no progress. You definitely can and will turn this around.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited January 2018
    Here's a T2 group that has really helpful, informative and friendly members working on getting and keeping healthy!
    Such a good feeling to know you're not the only one out there! :smiley:<3


  • AndreaRM0917
    AndreaRM0917 Posts: 26 Member
    @kittybenn Thanks so much for your kind and inspiring words. It gives me hope that I can beat this diabetes! I hope to have lost all the weight I need to within one year and have my A1C levels normal too! :)
  • AndreaRM0917
    AndreaRM0917 Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello @jfriona6204 I am 5'4 and currently at 205lbs so we are very close in our progress! That's cool! I am new to the MFP app and hadn't heard of it before two weeks ago so I sadly don't know if it will sync to the blood meters automatically. So far, I just noticed that it syncs with fitbit and walking meters. You can message me anytime and I would love to share my journey with you in any way I can. Just recently in the past 10 days I have lost 6 more pounds. :)
  • onward1
    onward1 Posts: 386 Member
    Welcome, you got this! I have a close friend who was diagnosed with diabetes and it's been amazing to watch her tackle the issue. Slow and steady wins the race. :smile:
  • AndreaRM0917
    AndreaRM0917 Posts: 26 Member
    @onward1 Thanks so much! You are right I need to go steady for sure. This is for a lifestyle change and not just to diet so I want to lose the weight correctly and maintain it the rest of my life. :)