Insulin Resistance, anyone else out there?

Hello, I'm currently using diet and exercise to manage insulin resistance, anyone else here doing the same?

It would be great to have some motivation and support.


  • tpatter
    tpatter Posts: 17 Member
    Yes. I use diet, exercise and supplements to manage mine.
  • RitaRyvita
    RitaRyvita Posts: 52 Member
    Have been following the blood sugar diet for almost three months, it's working
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Yep! I've been "pre" diabetic for about 20 years.

    A lower carb diet and lots of exercise really work. My A1C is usually around 5.0.
  • jasmine1521
    jasmine1521 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes. I am insulin resistant, have PCOS and trying to conceive.
  • SsissD
    SsissD Posts: 1 Member
    I hv pcos. So a healthy diet n exercise is key in managing it. Stay positive and keep at it coz it can get slow at times.
  • RealRelicVa
    RealRelicVa Posts: 34 Member
    Yes been in an ugly fight with Insulin Resistance over the past 4 years. I am determined to keep trying in spite of slow results.
  • donthegeek
    donthegeek Posts: 58 Member
    I was inducted into the insulin resistant club last month (9/11 of all days) with an A1C of 8.6. I've told myself for years that I was not an addict and I could quit at any time. On 9/12, I started taking it seriously. It's less the risk of death and more that I am terrified of needles. Can't say that I'm a great motivator but I'm willing to help anyone who needs motivation. I'm keeping an injector on the shelf next to my desk as my immediate motivation.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    donthegeek wrote: »
    I was inducted into the insulin resistant club last month (9/11 of all days) with an A1C of 8.6. I've told myself for years that I was not an addict and I could quit at any time. On 9/12, I started taking it seriously. It's less the risk of death and more that I am terrified of needles. Can't say that I'm a great motivator but I'm willing to help anyone who needs motivation. I'm keeping an injector on the shelf next to my desk as my immediate motivation.

    You know what really motivated me? My father gave my mother a kidney a couple of years ago. My mom's kidney disease is idiopathic, but almost everyone else on the transplant ward was diabetic and in need of a new kidney or liver due to diabetes. This goes WAY beyond needles to things like losing eyesight, losing limbs and needing transplants. It's not a fun road to go down AT ALL.
  • donthegeek
    donthegeek Posts: 58 Member
    The best thing about working with a group like this is there are so many experiences which can help folks keep things in perspective. It is difficult for me to contemplate the effects of our disease past the needles, but as azulvioeta said, they are there.

    I'm a horrible penpal, I even forget to text my wife, but if anyone feels themselves sliding - drop me a note and we can chat about life, computers, Pokemon Go, geocaching, or anything that helps keep you from eating that sugar bomb.

    Focus on the positive, diminish the negative, and always remember that even at your lowest - someone is hoping the best for you.
  • HoldBackTheDawn
    HoldBackTheDawn Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the same boat. Having major difficulty losing weight and dx with insulin resistance. I finally found good doctors after being told by many that i just needed to be stricter-- I never ate poorly and gained 40lbs in 4 years. From 140s-180s. I also can not function on a ketogenic diet nor do I lose weight on it, and yes, I have been in full ketosis cooking my own meals for over 30days and did not lose 1 oz and felt very dizzy- does anyone else have that problem on keto? Last checked my A1C was 4.2, however that was 2.5 years ago and I just did a battery of blood tests today. Currently I do 16-20 hour fasts daily. I eat gluten free and dairy free. I eat high fat. I do eat grains and meat. I stay under 1500 calories/day. Unfortunately I havent made much headway even adding intense cardio. I seem to lose more eating carbs than not eating carbs which is confusing.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    I was insulin resistant for years and right after I started my weight loss journey I was dx with diabetes. I completely reversed it in 3 months with weight loss and exercise.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    May 6 2016 dr's said insulin res. I have pcos. May 7th cut out sugar and wheat and went low carb on Dr recxomendarion. I am no longer insulin res. in the year following I lost 68 pounds. then I let the carbs sneak back in and gained 35 back :( ac1 will great got back to it and continue on my weight loss journey.
  • Chelly0126
    Chelly0126 Posts: 14 Member
    Same, due to PCOS.
    In 2014 I successfully lost 60+ lbs after a year and a half.
    Two babies later within 2 years and I am back at it again.
  • nat979
    nat979 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just been "diagnosed" as insulin resistant. After nearly a year of eating clean and exercising I actually put on 10 kilos. I've always been healthy and quite active so this came as quite a shock. I've been told to up my carbs to 30g a day and match with protein as I was too low in carbs.
    Hoping that I can reverse this - I'm not big on sugar but genetically diabetes runs in the family
  • I’m 35 y/o and up until the last 3 years after having my son, was physically active and eating pretty healthy. I gained 40 lbs in the last yr which was confusing and I chalked it up to “I guess my metabolism is slowing”. Then was diagnosed with insulin resistance WTF! I really didn’t think I was living an unhealthy lifestyle....everything I read about it says that it’s mostly due to lifestyle factors. Was anyone else on here completely surprised and confused by their diagnosis?
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Diagnosed T2 earlier this year. Use a Libre sensor to monitor my BG, and working hard via diet and exercise, plus all the challenges a job working away from home will bring.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    You can beat it, many on here have done so, including me. 25-30 lb weight loss and exercise. 2-6 months. Done.
  • Arwen944
    Arwen944 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, the journey of Insulin resistance. I understand! It took YEARS before I was diagnosed with PCOS and finally realized myself that I was insulin resistant before my doctor realized it. I finally had to take my health into my own hands because finding a Dr. who seemed to understand what was going on with my body was nearly impossible. I've seen specialists all over the country. I was able to conceive 2 precious children after being told we would never have children. It took serious diet and exercise, but I conceived both times without medication. I became interested in the Keto diet recently as a way to help control my blood sugars. I'm 2 weeks in and not fully Keto, but have drastically cut my carb intake. I've been on Metformin for over 10 years, and take Glypizide as well, but neither work as well for me as diet and exercise combined. Fasting blood sugars have always been extremely high (250+ every morning), even when I was on multiple doses of insulin per day. Doctors could not figure it out, but after much medical research I finally discovered what the cause was. I now know that this will be a long road, but the priority will be to get rid of my NAFLD (Fatty Liver Disease that is not caused by alcohol, but rather by insulin resistance).