Popcorn snack messing me up?

I am watching my calories and exercising by walking 1-2 hours a night. The weight is coming off slowly. My clothes are a little loser, but not much. I am wondering if its because of the popcorn? When i get back from my walk, I will put 2 tablespoons of oil in the pan and enough popcorn to make about 6-8 cups. I was told that it is good for you and full of fiber. I am not sure of this now. Any thoughts on the subject?


  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    5 cups of light popcorn is about 100 calories. what type of oil are you using?
  • gettinghealthy777
    5 cups of light popcorn is about 100 calories. what type of oil are you using?

    Olive oil
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    So that 100 popcorn and 120 olive oil, I think that can mess you up each night.
  • Brooke1585
    Brooke1585 Posts: 80 Member
    I love the little 100cal packs of popcorn you can buy at your local grocery store. They're individual packs so you know you aren't going over 100cals.
  • StevenCabral
    StevenCabral Posts: 22 Member
    You may just be plateauing temporarily. I have microwave popcorn all the time and it's only about 100 calories per bag.
    It's not the popcorn preventing you from losing weight. Actually, I eat about 4 bags of it a week since using MFP and have dropped thirty pounds since January :-)

    I love me some popcorn :-)
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    And who ever said popcorn is good for you, unless it organic it most likely gmo in this country.
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    If you are counting it, there should be no problem. I have popcorn whenever I want as long as I plan for it. I bought a West Bend Stir Crazy popcorn popper and it works great! You only use 1 tbsp of oil to get 2 quarts of popcorn.
  • mrssday
    mrssday Posts: 3
    you should try to air pop it. i have an old air popper you don't add any oil at all. also if you at using olive oil for the health benefits. once you heat it up it loses all its nutritional value.
  • gettinghealthy777
    So that 100 popcorn and 120 olive oil, I think that can mess you up each night.

    I am totally confused, they say to eat back your exercise calories...
  • squacken01
    I am making popcorn without oil. I put a quarter of a cup of popcorn in a paper back, fold the top over and microwave on high for about 4 minutes. Makes great popcorn then you can buy spray no-cal butter, I think, if you need it.
  • gettinghealthy777
    you should try to air pop it. i have an old air popper you don't add any oil at all. also if you at using olive oil for the health benefits. once you heat it up it loses all its nutritional value.

    Wow, I didn't know that, thanks for that info.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    As long as it isn't putting you over your calories, I don't think that popcorn by itself will mess you up. (I used to have a treat each night if I was enough under calories to allow it - it was one way I combatted the mid-afternoon snack urge: I'd rather save the calories for that evening treat).

    How slowly is the weight coming off? If you are losing 1/2 - 1 lb a week, that is fine, even a healthy rate of weight loss.

    I would add some resistance training to your exercise routine. It doesn't have to be fancy weights; even pliates and yoga are good at building muscle. When you have more muscle, your metabolism increases, and the weight can come off more easily.
    Also, if we could see your food diary, it might help in giving advice :)
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I dont think popcorn will do you any harm,I think you are doing great and you are loosing,so dont worry!
  • avalacrosse
    Probably because you need to be eating protein after you exercise. Snacking on popcorn is not helping if you don't add a protein shake or some lean meats. Without protein after a workout, your body is storing the popcorn as fat because it's feeling as if you are starving it.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    I am totally confused, they say to eat back your exercise calories...

    I don't eat back all of my exercise calories...I can understand this if you are trying to maintain, however, if you are trying to lose weight, it pretty much defeats the purpose to eat up the calories you just burned off...

    As for the popcorn, it is a simple carbohydrate which your body quickly converts to sugar...It may be a great fiber source, however, it is terrible if you are trying to control blood sugar....
  • gettinghealthy777
    Probably because you need to be eating protein after you exercise. Snacking on popcorn is not helping if you don't add a protein shake or some lean meats. Without protein after a workout, your body is storing the popcorn as fat because it's feeling as if you are starving it.

    Wow, what you said was soooo interesting..., thanks!!!!!
  • avalacrosse
    Probably because you need to be eating protein after you exercise. Snacking on popcorn is not helping if you don't add a protein shake or some lean meats. Without protein after a workout, your body is storing the popcorn as fat because it's feeling as if you are starving it.

    Wow, what you said was soooo interesting..., thanks!!!!!

    You're welcome! Good luck!
  • ssstefanieee
    ssstefanieee Posts: 80 Member
    Popcorn is my weakness too! It is a healthy snack, but the point made about increase your protien after walking is a great suggestion.

    I use make air-popped popcorn 1-2 days a week as a treat..no need to deprive yourself :)
  • tsmith6569
    for me, popcorn is one of those "good" snacks. I buy the multigrain microwave packs and it is satisying and yummy. Even the full fat and gushy SUPER yummy stuff at the movie theaters has never caused me any problems. French fries, however, are another story entirely!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I think it's all about moderation. If you really think it's a problem that you have this every night, then maybe consider only having it 1 or 2 or 3 nights per week and see how it goes. What one person said on here is true... it may have a lot of fiber, but most of the carbohydrates can raise your sugar, so if you have a problem with your blood sugar levels, maybe this isn't a snack you want to have often.

    Having said all that, though... you have posted several topics indicating that you're worried about not losing enough weight, but from everything I have seen in your statuses and activity feeds, you appear to be losing very consistently and at a healthy rate. Personally, I think you are expecting more of yourself than you should, and I think you should just be proud of the progress you have made and are still making and accept it as it comes. When you lose too fast, it makes it that much easier for it to all come back on, so just keep doing what you're doing and give it some time. You're doing fine!!