350+ pounds Support for Men & Women



  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    Hi all!! I am so happy to find people that have alot of weight to lose like myself! I am 28 years old with a 5 year old daughter. I started in Sept. 2017 at 328lbs. After years of trying to lose weight on my own, never getting passed the first 10 lbs, and then gaining it all back plus more, I decided to start going to a weightless clinic. I follow a low carb diet (75g of carbs per day/25g each meal), get a B12 shot every 2 weeks, and take vitamins and an appetite suppressant.

    As of this morning, I weighed in at 296! My first big goal is to hit 50 lbs lost! And hopefully lose a pants size, since that still hasn't happened yet. My ultimate goal is a healthy him, so around 155. But I will reassess that when it gets closer!! Here's to 2018 being my last year morbidly obese!

    I think we're weight loss twins! Lol! I started in October at 330 and I'm now at 295!
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    I also haven't went down a pant size yet, but my pants are all baggy/saggy in the butt and tummy area. I have gone down a shirt size. And my wedding ring no longer fits. It is falling off ny finger. I will be so thrilled to go down a pant size, though.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    @fatoldladyonamission Of course please join us. I am so sorry to hear you have been through all that trauma. I am also sorry you heard your friends talking about you that way, which was uncalled for. We are all here for each other. You are already on the road to doing this again and we all have faith in you. Best of luck and we are all here for you.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi guys! I wanted to pop in and leave a link to the group that was started. I know sometimes if you use the app you don’t get invite notifications. You should have gotten an invite if you posted here.

  • Thanks Cassie and Melly fot the link. I've joined the group!

    Looking forward to a much brighter future. I swear my knees already feel better climbing stairs!
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks Cassie and Melly fot the link. I've joined the group!

    Looking forward to a much brighter future. I swear my knees already feel better climbing stairs!

    I know how you feel! I live in a second floor apartment and I used to dread climbing those stairs everyday! Now I run up like it’s nothing!

  • ChubbyMcChubface
    ChubbyMcChubface Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All. My name is Eric. I started at 471lbs and am currently 386lbs. I still have a loooooong way to go, but I'm happy with the progress I've made so far. Just saw the link and joined the group. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    @ChubbyMcChubface hi Eric! Welcome! You have my exact starting weight! I’ll send a friend request.
  • bdferguson1
    bdferguson1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all!! I am so happy to find people that have alot of weight to lose like myself! I am 28 years old with a 5 year old daughter. I started in Sept. 2017 at 328lbs. After years of trying to lose weight on my own, never getting passed the first 10 lbs, and then gaining it all back plus more, I decided to start going to a weightless clinic. I follow a low carb diet (75g of carbs per day/25g each meal), get a B12 shot every 2 weeks, and take vitamins and an appetite suppressant.

    As of this morning, I weighed in at 296! My first big goal is to hit 50 lbs lost! And hopefully lose a pants size, since that still hasn't happened yet. My ultimate goal is a healthy him, so around 155. But I will reassess that when it gets closer!! Here's to 2018 being my last year morbidly obese!

    I think we're weight loss twins! Lol! I started in October at 330 and I'm now at 295!

    That's awesome!! We can get this weight off together!! I was 295 this morning!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    That's awesome that you are under 300 now! Hopefully I will be able to say the same thing in time! I think I sent you a friend request (although I'm not positive, as I'm still learning how to navigate this website on my phone). Hopefully it comes through! :) Keep up the great work- maybe one of your goals can be confidently walking into that restaurant and having a celebratory meal with your sister!
  • @fatoldladyonamission
    That's awesome that you are under 300 now! Hopefully I will be able to say the same thing in time! I think I sent you a friend request (although I'm not positive, as I'm still learning how to navigate this website on my phone). Hopefully it comes through! :) Keep up the great work- maybe one of your goals can be confidently walking into that restaurant and having a celebratory meal with your sister!

    I got it and accepted thank you. Feeling slightly positive about being under 300 but desperate to get to about 190. Hopefully that won't take forever! Good to have you as a friend we can motivate each other!
  • fab_for_40
    fab_for_40 Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi everyone. My name is Mags. I’m going to be 40 this year. I’ve just stumbled upon this thread and I’m so pleased it exists! During Christmas 2013 someone took a photo of me and when I saw it, my jaw dropped... I looked old, tired and so big. It hit me then that I needed to do something. This was my heaviest - 350 pounds. So I signed up with MFP and in 2014 lost 75 pounds by counting and logging everything I ate and mainly walking. Then family bereavement happened and just like that I was back to where I started... My downfall is emotional binge eating... Then 18 months ago I met my soulmate who loves me for who I am and totally doesn’t mind how much I weigh. However after a year of trying for a baby and two miscarriages, I’ve decided enough is enough. I’m fully aware that pregnancy and obesity (in my case morbid obesity) don’t mix very well. So having a baby is my motivation this time. And my wedding day in July 2019 :) So I started again this year and so far I’m down to 323 pounds. My goal is to get down to a healthy range and a weight of around 150 pounds. I hope that together we can motivate and encourage one another and we will be one big success story :)
  • fab_for_40 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. My name is Mags. I’m going to be 40 this year. I’ve just stumbled upon this thread and I’m so pleased it exists! During Christmas 2013 someone took a photo of me and when I saw it, my jaw dropped... I looked old, tired and so big. It hit me then that I needed to do something. This was my heaviest - 350 pounds. So I signed up with MFP and in 2014 lost 75 pounds by counting and logging everything I ate and mainly walking. Then family bereavement happened and just like that I was back to where I started... My downfall is emotional binge eating... Then 18 months ago I met my soulmate who loves me for who I am and totally doesn’t mind how much I weigh. However after a year of trying for a baby and two miscarriages, I’ve decided enough is enough. I’m fully aware that pregnancy and obesity (in my case morbid obesity) don’t mix very well. So having a baby it’s my motivation this time. And my wedding day in July 2019 :) So I started again this year and so far I’m down to 323 pounds. My goal is to get down to a healthy range and a weight of around 150 pounds. I hope that together we can motivate and encourage one another and we will be a one big success story :)

    Hi Mags, I'm 41 just and started with a similar weight to you. I was 325 two weeks ago and am now, as of this morning 296 which I'm utterly thrilled about. I'd not been able to do anything about it for a long time but I'm finding a 5:2 fasting diet is working miracles for me. Good luck with your journey.
  • GothicsDarkAngel
    GothicsDarkAngel Posts: 78 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    My name is Holly, I'm a 34 yo female. At my heaviest I was 335lbs. I am currently around 286. I am eating 1200-1400 calories a day based on my physicians recommendations. I am 5'7".

    I have a serious carbohydrate addiction, and often find myself secretly binging. I've been doing it for years....I've also yo-yo'd since I was young. I've tried all the fad diets, and I've tried all the fad fast fixes. But I find that counting calories and watching my carbohydrate intake does me best.

    I'd ultimately like to be down to 150lbs. I swore to myself that I would take this go one day at a time, and not hate myself when I do misstep. I am an all or nothing binger/eater.....Sure I say I'll only have one slice of pizza; 45 minutes later...all the pizza is gone. No bueno.

    I need to realize I AM OKAY if I don't eat the damn candy bar...I will not explode into a fiery ball because I didn't get what ever it is that I wanted at the moment. ~sigh~
  • cassie9393
    cassie9393 Posts: 30 Member
    I got on here after giving in to a slice of cheesecake that I'd frozen from before this change that I started... and realize I should just come on here when it's still just a temptation, because you all are pretty freaking inspiring! Side note: one slice of Costco cheesecake is FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY calories. Another thing to check before indulging. Ugh! Today isn't over though so one slip doesn't mean I should keep slipping. Glad to have supportive words here to read.
  • cassie9393
    cassie9393 Posts: 30 Member
    @fatoldladyonamission thank you, that is a great suggestion and one that I utilize before going to restaurants so I know what to order before going, but you're right that I should have in this instance since my guess for calories on it was more like 300-350. I did go red yesterday, but am trying to take it in stride. While each day is important, it's the big picture, the string of days, that will show the results. I've been red twice since the beginning of the year; while my overall goal is to lose weight of course, I've found I can't control how my body reacts (I tend to lose 12 one week and gain 8 the next even with no eating or exercise changes) so I changed my planned goal to just tracking. No matter what, no matter how much I've eaten, I'm going to record it and be honest with myself. I don't know if it'll work, but I know my motivation hits a wall when I plateau.
  • @cassie9393 That sounds like a very good way to do it. I think I'm a little obsessed by the scales if I'm honest. Weighingbmysekf several times a day which is leading to obsessing and stressing if the numbers don't go down. It's not z good way to be but I can't seem to help myself somehow. Still I'm literally only two weeks in too so I have time to adjust.
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    cassie9393 wrote: »
    Today isn't over though so one slip doesn't mean I should keep slipping.

    This is SO important! I know in the past I've given in because "Oh, I already ate a candy bar, so the day is shot... might as well have a Big Mac and some cookies and some chips too..." I feel like that's why CICO works best though! You can still have a slice of cheesecake and lose weight if you keep count and stay under anyway!
  • cassie9393
    cassie9393 Posts: 30 Member
    @fatoldladyonamission yup, I can relate! I weigh myself a lot but my official weigh in day is today. Case in point, I was down another 3lbs yesterday since last week's weigh-in but this morning was up 0.4. After a week with my supposed calorie deficit at 7700 calories, and yesterday looking so good, the final number of the week is so frustrating. So, it is what it is, I know I'm eating better (cheesecake notwithstanding lol), and I'll keep tracking to see how it goes! Eventually the numbers will move again.

    @rabidhamster87 Oh yes I've been there too! Mine is usually at a restaurant when I'm like, I've gotta have some ________ whatever fill in the blank. Then it's like if I'm going to have that, I might as well have that other thing that I was thinking looked good, etc. Then it spirals and I'm feeling guilty and am in denial about it. It's a bad cycle so yes, I'm all about the CICO idea! Have it, get it out of your system then most important for me is recording it!
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    @GothicsDarkAngel I just saw on your blog that you're an RN who's worked on a bariatric floor! Maybe you could "weigh in" (ha) on @CassieBinTC 's question about whether or not to go through with WLS in March!

    So, my WL Journey started in WLS Class in July/August of 2017. I did the 12 weeks of classes required by Kaiser and lost 50 pounds by the time I was done and I had fulfilled all of my requirements. After you go for your consultation you get put on a wait list to schedule surgery......well I just got that call. First they offered me a cancellation for this Thursday and I declined. Then the offered me March 23rd, which I scheduled.

    I have been on the fence about having surgery for about a month now. As I got a call for a cancellation for December 1st but couldn't do it because I had medication in my system from Bronchitis. Perhaps I don't need it because I am doing OK on my own. I can always cancel if I continue to do well on my own. But the biggest thing I am afraid of is plateaus. The lowest I can remember being as an adult is 298. I tried for a very long time to get past that an ultimately gave up and gained 10 pounds back before getting pregnant. This gives me 2 months to really decide what to do. I am currently 311 as of this morning that means I have 13 pounds until I get to that point.

    I am asking for everyone's input on this. What are your thoughts on WLS?

  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    @BigRR That book sounds really interesting. It must've been good to make such a difference in your life! I'm definitely going to check it out.
  • PQ4321
    PQ4321 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi - My name is JoAnn and I was 356 in October. Started working on my own and got down to 345 when I saw a weight loss doctor about a week ago and am following a really low carb diet. Down to 341 and praying to get down to 250 at least. I have high blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. The really wonderful thing is I have started to reduce the amount of insulin I take every day! It is encouraging to see others working to lose an appreciable amount of weight. It is a long road, but as they say - it starts with the first steps.
  • alevans4 wrote: »
    My name is Bert, I've been on MFP since last September. I started out at 603 and just weighed in at 498 this morning. I'm just doing CICO and increasing exercise by walking mainly at the moment. Have a long way yet to go, but I'm highly optimistic and looking forward to 2018!

    That's an amazing loss Bert! Wow. I can't even imagine how hard it was to start at 603. Fantastic job.