Best food for ulcerative colitis

Hey guys just want to know what are the best foods for people with ulcerative colitis ? Thank you :)


  • grahamlittle1
    grahamlittle1 Posts: 7 Member
    i have suffered from this my self in the past and actually what the others have said is correct in that it is different for every person. There is no one set of things, the bacteria in our stomachs and in our intestines etc is different in every person so there are certain foods that will affect everyone differently. There are common things a nutritionist or doctor might tell you but you need to figure this out yourself. The best thing i can suggest if you insist on doing it on your own is to bring your diet right back to the basics and then try adding different foods, checking your bodies response and then moving on. That way you can come up with a list that is good for you. But most of all, go and see a specialist who can advise you on this properly.
  • grahamlittle1
    grahamlittle1 Posts: 7 Member
    i should also say that when i had flare ups it was medication that resolved the issue for me not dietary changes.
  • RayFitnessApp
    RayFitnessApp Posts: 14 Member
    I think there must be an misunderstanding, im just asking about any foods you guys eat if you have UC? So I can give it a try aswell. I know that it is a trail and error because our body is different, which is why I'm asking for any suggestions.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I think you are approaching this wrong. This is not a matter of trying to find foods that help you feel better. It’s about avoiding foods that make you feel worse. Trying foods that worked for someone else might be very wrong for you. Because of the nature of your condition you are going to have a very personal very short list of safe foods.
  • RayFitnessApp
    RayFitnessApp Posts: 14 Member
    I already have a short list of foods , I'm only asking if you would like to share any suggestion , if you can't then it's fine.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    What is your short list? I might have some novel ideas on how you can prepare them.
  • RayFitnessApp
    RayFitnessApp Posts: 14 Member
    Foods I currently have : egg whites , peanut butter , qinuoa , chicken , fish/tuna , avocado , walnuts, sweet potatoes
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If you can tolerate quinoa you might also try buckwheat. How about couscous?

    There are thousands of combinations you can make with egg whites.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If you can eat sweet potatoes try also butternut squash, acorn squash, and pumpkin.

    Try baking half an acorn squash with a filling of chopped walnuts and quinoa.
  • huibrelm
    huibrelm Posts: 1 Member
    Research the specific carbohydrate diet. I have two kids with IBD. They both are dairy free but scd does allow dairy. Have to personalize what works for you.
  • RayFitnessApp
    RayFitnessApp Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks guys appreciate the advice :)
  • pzarnosky
    pzarnosky Posts: 256 Member
    Check out and search for Ulcerative Colitis :)
  • WilmaValley
    WilmaValley Posts: 1,092 Member
    Great advice, helpful for a friend of mine so thanks!
  • katijjaa
    katijjaa Posts: 34 Member
    I'm not sure about best food but from personal family experience, avoid coffee and spicy food. Also monitor how your body feels about milk, yoghurt, cauliflower and cabbage. Good luck!
  • RayFitnessApp
    RayFitnessApp Posts: 14 Member
    I'm trying to reach 2650 calories per day , so far I'm only reaching 1500 .
  • mor72
    mor72 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Ray, not sure if you will see this, but i will give you my input. I have been in remission for nearly 5 years now. I follow a diet called SCD. Is mainly low carb food. If you check this site out it might help you.
    I do know flour, wheat , milk, pasta, rice, artificial sugar and normal sugar ect affect me. I found eating low carb i am alright. Normal day Scramble egge with full fat cream for breakfast ,meat with mix salad and full fat mayo for lunch. And in the evening meat and vegetables with full fat t mayo. I found when i was eating low fat products i got bad flare ups, hence full fat. Anyway hooe this will help you.
  • skootfairy
    skootfairy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ray. I saw your message about only getting to 1500 cal and not reaching your 2000 some goal. I found when I was on an illumination diet to try to find the foods that triggered me I only got half of my recommended daily calories as well. However I didn’t feel hungry and I didn’t feel deprived because I was eating lots of nutrient dense foods. I think as long as you’re getting the 1000 to 1500 and reaching all of your nutrient goals than the actual calorie count doesn’t matter. What matters is do you feel better? are you in pain? Do you sleep through the night? Do you think about how little energy you have an a day or not? My personal goal is to not have to think about my health for once. If I get through half a day and I realize hey I haven’t thought about how much in pain I am or how little energy I have, or how *kitten* it is to have ulcerative colitis, then I consider that a good day, and I eat more of what ever what I had that made me feel like that. The numbers are just guidelines…
  • allieeveryday
    allieeveryday Posts: 85 Member
    I also have UC, and the only thing I specifically don't eat is meat. I personally found that, along with medication, eating vegetarian (plus fish/seafood on occasion) made me feel significantly better overall. But YMMV. I know that some foods make me feel gross, including most takeout pizza, donuts, and anything that's too oily.