need to lose 74 lbs, looking for an accountability partner!



  • Morrigan_Momma
    Morrigan_Momma Posts: 6 Member
    I'll add you! My highest weight is a little bit heavier than yours but I am totally up for being accountability partners! I am so sick and tired of being the fat one in my group of friends, the fat one in my family. And just overall sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    SW: 250
    CW: 237
    GW: 175
  • TrishaV2018
    TrishaV2018 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me!! I need all the support I can get!! I need to lose 60#!!
  • carterbrent
    carterbrent Posts: 91 Member
    add me. I also need to lose 60 lbs.
    Start weight 1/1/18 228
    current weight 1/21/18 226
  • wishlady2
    wishlady2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya you can add me if you would like. I was off of here for so long but, I am back and I have my entire household working together. It is very hard with my older roommate (53 Female), My fiance (30 Male) my roommate's ward (3 Female and me (38 Female). We all have different needs and it is so hard to watch the kid eat anything, watch my honey eat so much more, even my roommate can eat more than I can but with all of the goals, activity levels and calories all I can say is keep going. You can do this, talk to people even if it is only online.
  • rickyoliveras77
    rickyoliveras77 Posts: 10 Member
    Looking for friends I’m kinda new to this app
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm in the same situation! I'm the fattest I've ever been and it's completely out of control! I will send you a request!

    SW 205
    CW 191
    GW 120
  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 184 Member
    Same here. Add me!